iPhone 4 Free Bumpers, Return & Refund Too Late
The Apple iPhone 4 has been hit with one of the most substantial problems that has annoyed many users, no recall has been announced but Steve Jobs did mention a few things about the problem and what will happen at the Apple Conference held today.
The major antenna problems has been one of the major topics since the iPhone 4 was first released and is still being talked about now, if you purchased the iPhone before September 30th you will receive a free bumper case, Apple will not be able to build the bumpers fast enough and this is why they will send it to you.
If the above is not good enough for you Engadget mention that if you have already purchased the bumper Apple will give you a full refund within 30 days, you can also return your iPhone 4 as long as it has not been harmed.
Please let us know how you get on going to a store with your Bumper case receipt, use the comments area below to let us know if you got your refund without any commotion.
32 thoughts on “iPhone 4 Free Bumpers, Return & Refund Too Late”
Apple store employee told me it was an online thing and happening next week. I told him again that i didn’t want a new bumper, I already bought it and wanted my refund. He said online and next week… Which is after 30 days of purchase. So I was rejected
it doesnt matter if its after 30 days, youve got till september 30th
I was told today that I couldn't get a refund until it was posted on the web. I pulled up the keynote for the Mac"genius" in the store showing the keynote clear as day with steve in the photo and then was told they didn't know how to process the refund.
Give a break. When I got my 3GS, it slipped from my grip several times. I am so glad I bought a case made of a sort of less slippery material. It has protected it in a few drops since.
When I buy an iPhone 4, I WILL have a case of some sort. First it was countours, but now I have incase.
I think it's shocking as I'm told that I'll have to await the chunk of plastic to make my i-phone work properly……….whatever happened to fit-for-purpose.
Rob, You need to stop bitching. If you are so annoyed as you would wnat people to beleive, just return the iphone, get your money back and bitch about somethnig else. You airhead are acting as though Steve Jobs held a gun to your brainless head and made you buy an iphone.
I am so sick of you people. Return the phone and that will solve all of your problems with the iphone.
I returned my iphone, even though there was nothing wrong with it, but will be getting the white version when it becomes available at the end of the month.
THe only problem that I had was when I got to the Apple store the guy asked me if Ihad made and appointment? I said no and that I shouldn't have to make an appointment to return my purchase. What if I wanted to rerturn headphones that I had bought from the Apple store? Would I have to make and appointment for that?
The title of this post is so MISLEADING. Apple cleary stated that for anyone who has already bought the bumper, they will get a full refund and that everyone who bought the iphone will be getting a free case of their choice and that this covers ALL iphone purchases from the release date of the iphone to September 30th and that information will be posted on the Apple website late next week.
I would suggest that you watch the entire press conference before you post misleading information as usual.
idk about you but i love my uphone 4 !!!
I think I am the only one in America…hell, in the world, who is not having this problem with the iPhone. I received my iPhone 4 last week, and I don't have any of these issues. I have had problems with every other phone I have owned, including the two of the 4 iPhones I have owned. How can this be?
I agree… I've had my iphone since the release date and have not had any problems with it's reception. And people being so upset about having to put a bumper on it to help is just another excuse to complain about something. The phone is great.
What area do you live in?
idk about u but i love my iphone 4..
thats it
I love my iPhone 4. It has not been trouble free, but it has had fewer troubles than my iPhone 3GS did, and this death grip issue has not affected me at all.
cmdangelo: you and I are not unique – we are in the majority. The percentage of iPhone 4 users who actually have any problem with this alleged "signal strength attenuation issue" is miniscule.
actually the signal issue is not "alleged" i have an iphone 4 and there is a simple test you can do and see for yourself, not the bar dropping test. Try turning off your 3g, so it switches to edge, remove from case…and hold by a speaker that makes that annoying sound when phone is on edge near it….cover bottom band with your finger…speaker noise literally comes and goes with the touch of your finger to the band. Your call may not drop or bars drop, but the attenuation is definitely present in ALL iphones……BTW i love mine and am fine with it, just thought this is a nifty little "proof" experiment…lol
I had my iPhone 2G for about 3 years and then it just didn't turn on. I was
having iPhone withdrawls so I took a leap and bought the iPhone 4, even
after hearing the rumored antenna issue. Well, as much as I want to love it, I can't
get passed the fact that I paid $300 for a phone that needs a case to function
properly. So, I was thinking about returning it and attempted to ressurect
my original iPhone when miraclously it turned on!
To those who feel the same, I say return it and wait until they fix the
problem because knowing apple, they will fix it and sooner than later.
I LOVE my phone and have NO problem with it at all. I agree with the above, if you don’t like it return it and move on.
Its fine that Apple is finally stepping up and attempting to put a band-aid on the iPhone 4 ….. but after how long and after how many people had to go out and purchase their "fix"? They should have stepped up sooner and not even charged for the bumper or case in the first place! Or they should have built the iphone correctly the first time….
I just returned my 4 today and ATT was very helpful and it went without a hitch. Having both the iPhone 4 and the Droid X in my hands for testing, I opted to keep the Droid X….. they were both very close in all aspects, but in the long run i appreciated the larger screen size of the X, and the much better reception. I cant complain about the Verizon network at my location. I utilized both phones in a building where i conduct frequent business meetings …. the Droid X had 4 bars and the iPhone 4…. none at all. Both were sitting on the desk.
Droid X wins.
Are they going to give case till life of phone. Because if my case breaks then I have to pay for case.
I returned my iPhone 4 and was charged 70 dollars restocking fee…has anyone not had to pay that fee? Is there a refund for that?
the antenna issue doesn't effect me much for my use of iphone 4. i can't find any smart phone that is better than iphone 4 and i tried hard. htc evo and droid x are too big and bulky and their battery life stinks when you use them other than the phone use. my co workers have them(evo and droid x) and they complain everyday. if verizon offered the iphone, droid x buyers will choose the iphone 4 all day…majority of them anyway. all these articles seems have special interest to sell other phones?? hmmm… if you can suggest a better phone than iphone 4 that isn't so big with a rspecable battery life, let me know……please!
I am trying to return my iPhone 4 and apple is saying yes we will give you your full refund but o2 will not cancel their contract and they are saying they will stick to their term and condition and they will not cancel the contract. Apple is saying you can get full refund? Could they explain how? If you return your phone why do you have to pay line rental for. ALL Rubbish from apple and worse o2
Went in to the apple store in Glasgow and was told yes I can have a refund on the bumper I bought on launch day but we need to take the bumper off you too and then we will send you a new one.
When are apple going to start putting customer service before their own arrogance?
I managed to get a hold of an iPhone yesterday. I had been waiting nearly 4 weeks which is really bad. Anyways I am on the same network as my old phone(3GS) and I have full bars of reception but on the iPhone 4 I have 3 most of the time(4 if I am lucky) then when I pick it up not even bridging the gap at the bottom left and the bars drop down to 2. If I bridge the gap it goes down to 1 but I have yet to have no service. Its really funny being on the same network, having the two phones next to each other and having one with 5 and another with 3. I really hope apple manages to do something about this. It's not enough for me to take my phone back but it's still a pain to have paid £500 for an phone and not being able to use it for what its intended to do. O2 is the network that I am on just incase you are wondering.
I just got the following email from Apple:Apple recently announced that iPhone 4 customers who purchased an iPhone 4 Bumper are
eligible for a full refund.
As of today, we have automatically processed your refund. You have also been refunded for any
Shipping or VAT charges which may have been applied to your order.
If you paid via credit card, please allow 3-5 business days for the refund to reach your account.
Thank you for choosing Apple.
Apple Online Store Support
I bought my Bumper the 2nd day the Iphone4 came out online from the Apple Store. I must say I am impressed by their customer service!
Seriously ppl are complaining cuz they have to use a case… Anyone with any common sense puts their iphone in a case anyway or it’s gonna be
Scratched and dinged all the he**!!! I ain’t complaining what other phone can you buy and sell it 2 years later for the same price you paid for it 2 years earlier!!
whos going to give the bumper??????????????????? too many false promises from the apple store in pasadena californis. please need the bumper now before i get charge for it.
I don't have any problem with my iphone 4. i have more drop calls on my iphone 3gs. the antenna band is a cool engineering. i don't need copy/paste and multitasking until i got my iphone 4. now i need copy.paste and multitasking. now with facetime on my iphone 4, i can video chat with other fanboys. this is the first time that can video chat on phone.
i don't put case on my old iphone 3gs coz it look bulky.
now iphone 4, i need a bumper. it's cool with bumber on it.
i have mac book pro, i use magic mouse on it.coz it's hard to use the touchpad. now apple launch a new touchpad for mac pro. i will buy one for my pro, tired of using magic mouse.
why? coz i am a fanboy. i trust steve jobs whatever he says.
if he tells me that my mom looks like a whore, i will agree to that.
i bought and will buy anything he's selling. coz i'm a mac and that's what steve jobs said to me.
I don't have any problem with my iphone 4. i have more drop calls on my iphone 3gs. the antenna band is a cool engineering. i don't need copy/paste and multitasking until i got my iphone 4. now i need copy.paste and multitasking. now with facetime on my iphone 4, i can video chat with other fanboys. this is the first time that can video chat on phone.
i don't put case on my old iphone 3gs coz it look bulky.
now iphone 4, i need a bumper. it's cool with bumper on it.
i have mac book pro, i use magic mouse on it.coz it's hard to use the touchpad. now apple launch a new touchpad for mac pro. i will buy one for my pro, tired of using magic mouse.
why? coz i am a fanboy. i trust steve jobs whatever he says.
if he tells me that my mom looks like a whore, i will agree to that.
i bought and will buy anything he's selling. coz i'm a mac and that's what steve jobs said to me.
There are two problems with Apple – their dodgy products and their arrogant attitude towards customers. My iphone 4 looked fantastic out of the box. Multiple signal problem and missed calls later it is a beautifully designed waste of time and money.
Taking it into my local Apple store in Milton Keynes UK to ask for help with the i Phone 4 presents plenty of opportunities to rebuild my frustration with Apple whose arrogance is beyond belief. I quote the sales assistant 'you have the bumper so put it on and it should work [I had removed the bumper to show that having it on or off made no difference].
I then asked for help to put a screen protector on the iPhone 4. The assistant informed me that because Apple no longer sell screen protectors [he said they interfere with screen sensitivity} they will not assist customers to put screen protectors on to the iPhone 4. Strange because only a few months ago every Apple store was recommending and selling screen protectors.
Apple are not a reputable company in my experience and will do and say anything to get your money. Their product i.e. the iphone 4, is not fit for purpose and should be withdrawn with refunds to all customers immediately.
Att is NOT charging a restocking fee for defective iphone 4's. I returned mine today, the last day of my 30 day policy, and got a TON of attitude from Best Buy. They told me I had to go back to ATT to get my 3GS activated. When I went to ATT they were upset that Best Buy told me to go to them because all they were trying to do was keep the original commission. My iphone was freezing all the time, had numerous reception issues, and worst of all the proximity sensor was not working properly.
In the past month I can not tell you how many times my cheek has ended calls, called someone else, sent text messages, etc. I was done with the stupid phone and went back to my 3GS to wait another year to see what Apple does. I was tempted to go to the droid x or evo 4g, but I just like the apple smoothness and interface too much to switch
Oh, apple did offer to replace the phone but did tell me that they could not promise that I would not have some of the same issues considering nothing is different currently in their manufacturing process. They said majority of people are not having problems, but I and most of the people I know with the phone are. And by the time I would receive the replacement I would have been locked in with ATT for another 2 years with a $325 cancellation fee. My 3GS contract has a year left and a $150 cancellation fee. So I decided not to have the phone replaced and just live with the 3GS's sub par screen clarity.