HTC EVO 4G: Are You Having micro-USB port Problems?
We would love to know if any HTC EVO 4G users are having problems with the micro-USB port.
According to a few forums like HTC and Sprint there seems to be a defect that is happening on a few of these smartphones, if you are having issues we would love to hear from you.
The main issues accuring with the port is that problems are preventing the HTC EVO 4G from charging basically leaving it with low battery life, according to Engadget a few customers have returned their handsets to Sprint and getting a mixed response from reps that the phone should be replaced.
An HTC spokesperson has apparently said the problem will be covered under the one-year warranty, but only if the customer did not misuse the handsets.
If you own the HTC EVO 4G could you please pop down this page a little and post your comments, we would love to hear from you, we would also love to know if you are having case cracking problems.
166 thoughts on “HTC EVO 4G: Are You Having micro-USB port Problems?”
When I plug in the AC charger to the usb port on my HTC Evo, the phone starts going crazy and different things will start popping up or the phone will freeze and I have to push top button and unlock screen and sometimes this fixes the problem or just pulling out charger fixes problem.
I did have a problem with my EVO charging light cutting off and on but realized it was the usb wire that was defective and not the charging port itself. I switched it with the usb wire from my palm pre and everything is fine again. Don’t know if it’s just my usb wire or if there is a widespread problem.
I had a problem with my EVO charging and thought it might be a battery problem, not suspecting the USB connector. I tried my iGo charger, as well as the HTC supplied charger, however the charging problem persisted. I took my phone to the local Sprint store, described the problem to the tech person, who could not replicate it. I took five minutes, he ordered me a new phone, got it via USPS a few days later. No muss. No fuss. Totally Easy.
If I use a USB cord to charge my EVO from a dedicated port on either my desktop or laptop computer, the cord must be shorter than two feet to work. With a cord any longer in length, either no connection is recognized on either the computer or the EVO or the EVO is recognized for less than one second, not nearly enough time to select what type of connection I wish to make (charge-only, disc drive, etc.). Then the connection disappears entirely.
I've tried using multiple cords and of different lengths, so it's not the fault of the cord.
This was exactly right!!! I was using a longer (10 ft) aftermarket cable and it would recognize it for a second then shut off. When I used a short 1 foot cable it worked fine! Thanks for the great advice Floyd!
having no problems at all so far. . . I've had the EVO since 6/4. The only short battery days I've had were when on vacation in late June. I was using the GPS navigation repeatedly and for long periods. I ended up buying an extra battery and battery charger, but have hardly had to use them since I've gotten home.
Other than on the trip, I've had no issues with it.
Do you have the white or black EVO?
I pre-order 2 evo s besides the batteries dying fast i like the phone the phones are well taking care of . I started having a problem with one of the phones charging sometimes it wouldn’t charge then one day it stoped charging completely. So i called sprint they told me to take it to the service center so i did they said the USB port was bad and they can fit it for about 100$ but it mite not be able to plug into the computer through the USB plug and Connect. I told them no so i call HTC they said send it in so i did. Now they call me to tell me i have to pay 240$ to replace the mothers board with a use one because the USB port was damage … the phone was never dropped or wet and the only charger used was the one sent with the phone. I didn’t damage the phone in any way so i told them no because it was a phone that was sold damage. Many others customers. Had that same problem. A bad USB port. They told me that they will send it back with a 40$ service charge and i already paid 20$ to ship it express To them … wow.
That’s how HTC treats there customers. Anyone have any ideas to help me out here .. Hector (fdny) email me @
My Evo stopped charging recently. I seems that the mini usb port went bad. After a couple of calls to Sprint, they are sending me out a replacement phone. It looks like this is the great phones Achilles Heel unfortunately.
This problem just started for me a few days ago. I have tried multiple chargers. None will work.
mine charges only via iGO car charger, and via wall charger. It is not recognized by my computer via USB port. it's driving me crazy…I need to charge the phone as I work on computer, because the battery life its horrible! I love the EVO, but this issue has to be fixed!
I have had 2 HTC EVO's in the past month and I have had a problem with the charging port on both devices.
my phone as well will not charge but i found a solution i have to push the cable back or down to get the orange light to come on works for me for right now , i am a very technical guy this looks like a design problem if it does not get any worse i am going to wait for the evo 2 or a recall , you dont want some tech using your phone as an experiment
Trust me.. It will get worse. Mine is on its last leg, from having to apply pressure to even get a charge. This is absolutely a defect from the manufacturer….
I agree I'm having the same issue. I have to pull the cable tight as possible and wrap around the phone. Not sure what to do just yet prob get a 3500ah battery and external charger for now.
works with short microusb cables, but does not charge with a long belkin cable I bought…
phone was charged this morning, went to work and saw battery life was getting low, tried to charge my phone at work and when I got home… no go!! only when I "wiggled" the USB a little and held it did it actually start charging… totally wishing I had stayed with my blackberry now! NEVER had a problem with it!!
I just started having the usb non-charging problem. I usually have to put a weight down in order for it to charge which I do not want to do all the time. HTC needs to fix this problem.
I recently have started to have issues with charging my EVO from my PC and Laptop. ( I have made sure to check the setting that allows for charge from PC always) In my case the phone used to charge fine this way using the same cord as I always have but now I can only add music files and sync with the USB cord. It will charge just fine by using the regular AC power outlet as well as charge from my DC power cord in my vehicle but it is getting really annoying that I cant charge from my PC any more. I think I will contact Sprint and see if they can replace the phone before the year warranty is up.
I've had two HTC Evo's since I signed up with Sprint a few months ago. The first Evo I received would not upgrade no matter what we (customer service, technical support and I) tried. Sprint sent me a replacement phone. This one upgraded fine. No problems. Then, about a month later, I'm having issues with the phone not charging at times. Like some of the people who already posted, I have to hold or push the cable a certain way for the phone to charge and or connect to a computer. I CAN ACTUALLY TELL that the connection is loose. So, I'm calling Sprint and having them send me a new one. This phone isn't even that old.
I have a charger port problem it will not charge. I took it to the Sprint store they said its a charger port has phyisical damage. Want me to file a claim with aserion and pay 100 dollers I looked at the port there is no damage on it. I am one unhappy Sprint customer I really regret switching from Verizon.
I'm having the charging port problem as well. It only charges when I hold the cable towards the back of the phone. I took it to a Sprint store and the rep there said they had a 3 hour meeting about the EVO charging port and were instructed to be as stingy as possible about replacing it. Part of their strategy is claiming that if a non-Sprint approved charger has ever been used with the phone, they will not repair it. Their justification is that a non-Sprint charger could have a wrong voltage level (As if an electrical difference can cause physical damage to the port!?).
Yes, we waited in line to buy our Evo 4G the day they came out back in June 2010. Out of nowhere 2 weeks ago the phone only charges if the usb cable is angled just so. Extremely annoying. I really regret buying the phone. As others have said, Sprint wants to charge $100 for a replacement, and HTC wants to charge $40 to look at it + ~$200 to repair it. This is a problem with the design and build of the phone. This is disruptive to my life to lose my phone in repair or replacement – that is enough for me to pay for HTC's mistake, why do I need to pay additional $?
I think this is just a standard problem with micro USB, not built sturdy enough for those of us who charge our phones 2ce a day, or ever just every night. My dad had the same thing wrong with his EVO, and I have the same problem with my Moment
We are having trouble with the USB charger on our EVO. Charge connection started getting flakey a few days ago, then got worse and worse. Had to force the plug at an angle to get contact. Now it will not charge at all. Taking into a Sprint store tomorrow.
My phone has DIED when i plug it in to my pc..I'm thinking its charging , but the battery is still draining.. the A/C charger gives it good juice with no issues.. What I'm confused about is MY PC used to charge it just fine!
I have the same problem. I took it to a sprint store and was told that I have to pay $100.00 and that isn't fair I only have the telephone since 7/2/10. One unhappy camper
The EVO's usb port can completely come of the motherboard and the dumb bastards at Sprint will call it user damage. How is it user damage to charge your phone and take the cord back out.
Im pissed I only had the Evo 4g for a month now and its having charging problems I paid 300 dollars for this phone and it can’t even charge correctly!! I mean the phone has great features but the fact it has a simple problem that makes my phone useless because now I can’t even use my phone and I’m paying for a phone that won’t charge that’s ridiculous poor customer service its very upsetting!!
I have the HTC evo and it won’t chargw. I downloaded an app called battery improve and it tells me that the wall port or charger is defective and I need to switch it. so I did jut that and then it still would not work on another charger. the little orange light is on and it still won’t charge. I just got this phone about two months ago and its causing me problems. I thought this phone was supposed to be high tech?
I am having problems, I paid full price for this. The woman from sprint acted like there is no way there is a problem with the phone. She was extremely rude…(38th Tacoma branch) normally I have had wonderful help from employees but this one chic was snotty.
I am on my 2nd USB charger cord. What happens to mine is that the 2 very little prongs on the usb get pushed in!!! then it wont charge unless your very careful and wiggle it around enought to see the charging symbol!!! This is really annoying, because the first time this happend, NO one had any cords to buy…I went to a differnt store and they just gave it to me. All I'm doing is charging my phone and syncing with my laptop and the constant in and out..seems to be causing the problem…going on like to see if I can find my 3rd one!!!
I can reiterate enough that when you have your phone connected to the micro usb port on your phone, charger or computer, you should do the best you can not to move the phone around and cause stress the the port itself. The port is just a thin metal housing and can easily be bent open just wide enough to cause most of the problems I am hearing. Be EXTREMELY CAREFUL when plugging it in.
My EVO Quit Charging with Car Charger First,tried another Car Charger both Sprint Car Chargers but my Palm Pre Chaged OK,my House Charger worked about 4 days after Car Charger Quit then My House Charger Quit,brought it into Sprint Store and they said Prongs were Bent in PHONE USB Port on Phone,but said they would Replace it Free of Charge waiting to go Pick Up Phone on Monday.
My EVO is charging fine but I can't connect it to any computer. And I need to get stuff off and onto my SD card and I have no way to access it. When I connect it to a computer my phone charges but in the drop down menu I don't get the USB icon at all, and I've tried all the little tips and tricks with the settings and debugging mode and nothing seems to work, my friend's EVO connected to my mac notebook just fine…
I have an Incredible running Cyanogen’s latest. I bought it the day it came out. Now I have to wiggle my USB for charging. It’s a lame situation that frustrates me when I though it was charging all night only to find my phone dead in the morning. Come on HTC give us a solid charging solution.
Ugh so upset. Evo battery sucks to begin with but now I’m having charging problems!! Bf also has evo and experiencing the same. Never had a cell phone that sucked this much and I’ve only had this a few months. Could understand if it was cheap but of course it wasn’t. As people who paid a lot we sure aren’t getting what we paid for. Idk Wat to do
HTC has a awful warranty. They wont cover this and they will charge you around $40 just to tell you that and take you're phone for a wile. They also have a rear speaker defect that is also not worth your time to send it in. I am buying the parts and fixing it myself. Wish the company would stand behind the product!
My micro USB stopped working today and I went into the local Sprint store and was told I could pay $35 service fee to see if they could fix it or I would need to contact HTC and file it under a warrant defect. I just sent them an email as surprise, surprise I cannot call customer service. If you are going to place your reputation (Sprint) and market a phone as the only piece of tech device needed (HTC) you have to build it so it can last beyond 2 months. Very frustrated right now.
Bought the Evo yesterday, charged just fine overnight, connected it to my computer just fine last night. no longer charges with the car charger Best Buy gave me. Took it to the Sprint store and they couldn't charge it. They said to return it to Best Buy which I plan to do after work. Now I'm having serious 2nd thoughts about this phone. Does anyone know if the Sprint insurance or Best Buy insurance covers this? I'm thinking of buying the Square Trade Warranty for $99 bucks, does anyone know if that covers this issue? My last thought was that AMEX tends to double the manufacturer's warranty (up to 1 year), and if the Evo has 1 yr, using an AMEX card effectively doubles it to two, anyone have experience with that? thanks!
My evo just started to not charge the other day, loose port, going to take it into sprint today.
Yea mine has been pushed inside by the charger. I have not misused the phone. I took it to the sprint repair store and they told me they didn't deal with that stuff. They told me I had to call Asurion and they straight up told me I would have to pay $100. I tried telling them that the phone was defective but they still charged me. Now some one in Best Buy told me I shouldn't have to pay because it is a know issue with the Evo. I don't what to do anymore I already have the phone from Asurion and payed. Can some one give me some suggestions like can Sprint give me credit for making me pay for a defective phone, I still have my old phone.
call asurion! ur still under a one year warranty same porblem happened to me
My phone now only charges at awkward angles, it appears to have the same issue as other users where the charger becomes disconnected from the board. I will try and see if the powermat helps or not.
My EVO also has this issue. I’ve had it for about two months, and this suddenly just popped up a few days ago. I’ve found that if I charge it on the table next to my bed, with the charger plugged in close to the ground & almost the length of the cord away, it charges just fine. It’s only when I charge it at the same level as the charger or lower, or hold it upright in my hand while charging, that I have this issue. I guess the table keeps it steady & at a good angle for the problem. My 4g also stopped working, I don’t have the option to even turn it on, but I blame that on an app called Quick Settings. Upon install my 4g started acting up, and kept acting up until it finally just died.
Anyway, I took my phone into Sprint ready to wage war. I explained my issue & told the tech that we could try charging it on a different charger, I hadn’t tried that yet. But he said it was the phone without even investigating further, and put in an order for a new phone. This was yesterday on Friday, I can pick up my new phone free of charge on Monday. I was in and out in around five minutes, quick and painless. I do pay for insurance and that’s apparently what I’m using instead of the warranty. Since there was no user damage I don’t have to pay the deductible.
I hate that everyone else has had problems with customer service but I’m a new customer and the guys at the Sprint store have always been really cool about helping me out.
I am glad I found this website for discussion of the same problem.
I have the same loose USB charge port problem after 4months usage of EVO 4G. I can barely charge it (on and off depending upon charge position). I replaced the phone by paying $35 fee at Sprint. I tried to put this issue as EVO 4G review at Sprint web site but the sprint does not list my opinion. I think there is a durability problem on micro USB charge port. I am not sure how long the replaced phone will last without the same port problem.
Yip same problem. My USB came loose and now it won't charge. Do all Evos have an automatic 1 year warranty? hopefully radio shack will replace (thats where I bought it)
Charging port problems, had to pay $100 to replace the phone, this is getting sick
Mine only charges with the supplied HTC micro cable, all other cables will not charge. Wouldn’t be a problem if I could get a couple more HTC cables, but Sprint sent generic OEMs which don’t work.
I'm on my fourth cord in 4 months.
Honesty disapointed cause its not charging right now.
I think that Sprint and HTC will get hit with a HUGE lawsuit from me.
This is a Recallable issue!
i never had a problem charging my evo with the htc supplied charger but when i lost it an had to buy a charger from sprint i been having all sorts of problems charging , takes all nite to charge sometimes battery not even charging light goes off showing no charge ,
for all who are having problems charging phone with after market cords or from bestbuy etc , i tried them all an had no success they work for a few days then no charge, heres the solution, buy online from sprint website the all in one charger it cost 40.00 but its made specificly for evo charges everytime i havent had a problem since i bought it , plus its an a.c jack an car charger toghether so for those that use the phonean we all know battery life aint good , take the charger with u an charge in ur car like i do , problem solved
I'm not having freezeing issues with the screen, but just having issues chargeing the thing..i think i need a new cord.
My evo died for this mini-usb problem. Took it Sprint, after 2 stores said it was misuse. Clearly it was not misused, phone is perfect otherwise and only owned it for 4 months. When will someone file a class action to get them to fix this known defective manufacturing problem?
Yes… just started today – got the phone in june.
My Evo just started the charging problem. Plugged in al night long Battery drained in less than 2 hours. I am careful at what I have running so I know that it is not the issue. I have no problem charging usually on the House charger it fits real snug but the car adapter it recently started feeling loose and I noticed if you push the cord a certain way it will come on and charge but hit a bump and it quits charging. I paid full price and love the phone but this is getting to be a real nuisance.. Have not sustained any cracks in my case that I can see.
I have had my EVO for about 2 months and I am having the same problem with the port. The corporate store in Norwalk CT knows nothing about customer service and is trying to deem it as physical damage. I am currently waiting for a superviser from Sprint to call me back as I dont want a refurbished phone. I brought it brand new and it shouldn’t be having this problem. Sprint has the WORSE customer service in history, I have been with them 7plus years and im thinking seriously about moving over to Verizen, at least they give their customers new phones on the spot!!! Now thats customer service!!!!
My parents bought me my EVO for my birthday in Oct 2010 and now it died. They've gone to 4 sprint stores and they say the same thing, user damage, scratches etc. All lies as the phone was well taken care of, no scratches etc. Ashley and Joe are the managers towing the corporate line here in North Austin. Both of them are liars! I want my phone fixed!
My brothers EVO has this problem. Mine is fine. both HTC and Sprint are charging $35 to replace the phone….WTF?!?
yup… issues here also with charging. Battery dies out fast and u ususally charge with the usb cable at work but it takes half hour for the battery charge go from 10% to 13%. even when it reaches half capacity, i unplug it and within 5 min its almost dead… need to go to sprint this week
my phone just an hour ago stopped charging.. i plugged it in this morning at 9% battery, and it shut off while I thought it was charging. I looked at it and it had the charge icon on the battery in the top right of my screen and the orange light was on, and then it said there was insufficient charge… i got my phone only 2 months ago, never dropped it, now it’s turned off and won’t charge at all (no orange light or anything)…
I owned my Evo for about 5 months, and ive exchange it twice(2) already, the first time was because the front camera had a black spot and it wasn't charging right. The second time, it was just the charger. It wasn"t charging right. I have insurance on my phone so I got a free replacement. But this sucks'
It gradually start failing to charge. At first, I noticed it did not charge because I woke up and it stopped charging. Then I noticed it stopped charging for no apparent reason and very little movements on the cable were affecting the charging process. The next phase was to start trying other microUSB chargers. Some of them were working great, some others were giving me trouble (no matter if it was the original or a generic or from another manufacturer's phone). Last phase, it does not charge at all. Does not matter which charger I use. Just bought on ebay an external charger + 3 extra generic batteries as a workaround. Would love to know how to fix/repair the issue (cannot exchange the phone since I bought second hand and do not have the box nor warranty).
When I plug my Evo into the car charger, it goes crazy and starts clicking the screen. Very annoying
Up until today I was having sporadic charging issues. At times, the phone would not charge at all or very slowly. For instance, I would plug it in with a 12% charge. Then after 12 hours the charge would only be around 35%. The frustrating part was that the problem was so sporadic that if I unplugged it and used it for a while, plugged it back in, it would charge regularly again. Or so I thought. I recently noticed that if I charged it in the car and then charged it on the wall the problem seem to be exacerbated. This morning, I pulled my phone from the wall after nearly charging for 12 hours. The phone died while it was charging. This has been happening for the last three nights. I could only charge it in the car. Finally, today, I tried charging it on the wall, on the computer, and on the car using three different cables, all of which are known to work fine. The phone no longer charges and is completely dead. I'm going to be contacting sprint tomorrow to see if I get this looked at. Very disappointed. Besides this, however, I have had no problems with my phone. I absolutely love it.
My EVO phone also died today. It is not charging any more. I did firmware upgrade on 12/30/10. Anything related to to this upgrade? I love my phone.
I have the usb chargers that came with two EVO phones that we purchased. Both are very loose in the phone ports. It seems the usbs are too small for the phone port. One of the charger ends completely broke off. We have a sprint charger that we purchased seperately which is way more secure in the port. It is the combo wall charger and car charger. It seems the chargers they are selling with the phones are crap.
I currently have this problem with my Evo but have experienced the same problem with like 5 different blackberrys. I think its a problem with all mini and micro usb. They should make the usb port easily detachable and sell replacements like they used to do with the old cell phone antennas.
I have had my evo 4 for 42 days and the wires to the charging port have become unsautered from the mother board and HTC wants me to pay $245 to get it fixed. I paid 299 for the phone, never received my $100 rebate and now I have to pay another $245 to use the phone. I should have bought an I-phone… Cody Landry from Lafayette Louisiana
I bought 2 evos in July and both already have the same problem!!!!! One of the, is still making a slight connection if I tilt the phone at the right angle, at the right time of the day, without breathing. This is a problem for us though and would like sprint and HTC to offer a solution real soon.
having to wiggle the cord for it to charge every time
I've hat my EVO less than 45 days and I can only charge it through the USB port on my computer positioned strategically on the coffee table and on my car charger for my bluetooth headset.
we bought two evos in september. my fiancee's evo blew the rear speaker within two months. my evo's battery just went stone cold dead two weeks ago. I called HTC and they told me they didnt have a battery to replace mine with. HUH? and then I discussed his evo and the speaker problem and i spent over an hour on the phone going over all the info to get his sent out to be fixed and i had to give them my credit card info just in case I was charged even though the problem would be covered the guy said it was a just in case measure on the company's part and then i am told that their system is very picky and that it couldnt match up my name and address correctly with my credit card info from my financial institution even though I read everything off exactly like it is on my statement. i think they are just trying to weasel out of having to fix these phones! so aggravated we have spent two weeks sharing a battery back and forth to make sure we dont miss important phone calls and im very tempted to have a discussion with sprint about the fact that im paying a ridiculous monthly for services on these ridiculous priced phones that arent working worth a crap.
I'm having problems with what looks like a loose microUSB port. Haven't had time to mess with Sprint yet but will try the store I bought it at first.
my evo has this problem now, and it has gotten worse over the last weeks. The cable has to be at a certain angle for it to charge, and if I barely touch it, or I get a call or message, it stops charging. And it charges so frigging slow to begin with…. very annoying problems! I'm dumping the evo asap!
I am on my second HTC EVO phone because it had to be replaced by sprint because of the USB port wasn't working properly. Sprint placed the blame on me. Apparently there is a small piece of plastic which separates the metal pins used for charging and information exchange when plugged into a pc. That plastic piece was missing and Sprint claims probably happened because I was not careful in how I plugged and unplugged the charger. They initially wanted to charge me $150 and then I lost my mind on them. They ended up replacing the phone for free.
Now that I know the usb port is extremely delicate and prone to this problem, I am very careful when I plug or unplug charging cords or USB cables.
I do have a problem with the charging cable staying seated. I think it is a bad design flaw on this part of the phone. I also have a problem with my PC recognizing the phone when it is plugged into the PC even though I have the settings correct.
My email is should you have any questions.
My six month old phone just stopped charging. I have not contacted sprint yet. We purchased extra batteries and a wall charger for them because of the poor battery life. Just using that for now.
We've had our two evo4'S for just a week. The charging problems seem to be more related to the HTC AC/USB charger and cable, not the micro USB port (yet). Using the HTC components, it takes 6+ hours to charge from 53% to 63%. The phones charge faster when hooked-up to the USB port of our PC's and that's only a trickle charge.
If I use the charger and cable from our Motorola Droids, the phones charge from 20% to 100% in under 3 hours.
I emailed Sprint and called the local store…They never heard of any problems with this…
Then I looked online.
I guess I'm canceling with Sprint. Get ready AT&T here we come.
Oh, I refuse to use Verizon, they were worse… for 8 years. lol
I have had my EVO since September, and last night it started to the not charging issue. when I went into a Sprint store the tech opened the phone and the port had completely come off the mother board. They declared it "Physical Damage" and there by voiding the warranty. BUL#!$#$% if you ask me. This is clearly a defective part…..
I bought a retractable cable with multiple tips (brand = The Smarter Image). When I plugged the micro usb adapter into my EVO, it blew the USB port. As I bought this phone on eBay from someone who won it – 9 months ago – I cannot claim any warranty, so I have to replace the phone.
My microusb port actually became physcially dislodged from the phone. Will not charge at all. I have the warranty, so I'm going to bring it in to a local dealer, but I'm really annoyed. I did not misuse the phone, and it was not dropped or bumped before the dislodge.
I've had the same problem, sadly i'm on my 3rd EVO…. kinda wish I could just get another phone instead of constantly having this problem
THis is my Second HTC EVO. I just got it Replaced 3 weeks ago and I'm having Charging Problems on this one already!!! I don't know if its a USB PORT problem OR a Battery Problem. It seems if I put my friends battery in it will charge. I'm Calling Sprint AGAIN!! Could be a GREAT phone if they didnt have this consistent charging problem.
Started having this same charging problem last week. Made an appointment at the repair center for tomorrow. Honestly, this is a simple repairable issue, I don't see why they dont issue a recall fix for all owners. After reading these comments, decided to try my daughter LG charger and I'm now charging with no problem. Didn't even have to wiggle it around. So is the problem the chargers or the port?
My recent discovery has been when I plug the HTC EVO into my laptop USB port and the computer pop up reads that the device is not recognized even though the phone is showing that is charging. But this is the only function that is working. The other tethering functions on the phone do not work now.
Now today I went to plug my printer into my laptop USB ports and now the printer is not being recognized at all….What is it with the smart phones that are killing the USB ports?
Just started having charging issues. Worse is, if I plug the cable into my pc, it'll go in and out of connection. A few times, after disconnecting, I've had to power the phone down because it still shows as connected, not allowing me to view pic or listen to audio. I always 'safe eject' and, for the most part, wll select the 'charge only' option on the phone before disconnecting. I'm taking it to the store today to see if I have any problem exchanging.
yes my wife and i both have a HTC Evo and we r both having same problem we even both bought back up batteries and multiple USB's very frusrating
My Evo will stop charging randomly. It's almost as though there is a short or a loose connection. I bought the phone two weeks ago and have been in contact with a buddy who is a sprint rep/retailer.
I am also having screen issues. Apps will open by themselves or the brightness will increases/decrease at random.
i am having similar problems with my evo. i have to push the cord down and wrap around the phone and sit just so … to charge. any ideas on what to do? the phone is still in brand new condiion but the 30days are up and i refuse to pay for a faulty phone.
Just got my HTC EVO on 2/5, less than a week ago… And last night while I had connected to the computer to download music, the battery died! It died while still connected as a disk drive, now I can't get the phone to charge (on any charger), it won't turn back on, and no LED lights of any color. Just waiting for Sprint to open this morning in hopes to get this resolved. Not a good way to start a 2-yr contract….starting to miss my iPhone…maybe. Any suggestions?
I took mine to a Sprint store, they tried many cables and the only one that works is a Palm cable. I purchase few more cables from Fry's that worked for few weeks only. This is outrageous, Sprint will not replace my phone and htc will take 3 weeks to fix it. This is the last htc product I will purchase and I am cancelling Sprint at the end of my contract.
ive only had my htc evo for about 3 months. im taking extremely good care of it…its been in an otterbox for most of its life. for some reason my battery life ended up getting worse and worse even though i know how to get the most juice outta of this phone. long story short my charger had to start being wiggled around. when i tried a new charger it worked for about a day then i had to wiggle that one. my girlfriends htc my touch uses these same chargers and her phone charges perfectly. this is a huuuuge incovienence considering the phone cost so much already and it already has a bad battery life with a GOOD charge. other than that i absolutely LOVE this phone.
I upgraded my hero to an evo about 3 months ago. The hero was working fine but I really liked the evos screen. I was really impressed with the evo until about 2 weeks ago when I started having charging problems. Like so many others here, I would have to plug it in just right and put a little weight on the cord to hold it in place and it would charge. Now it doesnt work at all. The odd thing is that the hero (which I gave to my daughter) no longer charges as well. Different cables, different charging sources dont make a difference. Sprint was no help and htc wanted to charge me to send it in to them so they could assess the problem. I was told there would b a 35 dollar charge. If they felt it was a user error they would charge me for the repair. I sooooo regret switching to sprint and I am so incredibly disappointed in htc. I would not recommend their product. If there is a class action lawsuit against htc I want to be a part of it.
My 2 week old EVO stopped charging yesterday and the touch pad was loosing its reponsiveness and I am on my way to the Sprint store with all the reports on this phone for them to read after they play stupid. I am going to a different phone and maybe a new carrier if they give me a hard time…I am a new customer and am still under my 30 day guaretee to end my contract without penelty. I will post what happened.
My evo has been acting up for a month or so and it started when I plug it into my car charger. Sometimes it blinks on and off, and sometimes it just goes off and It never holds a charge. Today when I plugged it into the car charger, it went off and now it wont come back on at all!!!!!
i have the htc evo for sprint and ive been having trouble charging my phone. When i connect it to the wall charger and even when i connect it to my laptop it doesnt read my phone. i have innsurance on my phone but i threw away the box so idk if sprint will want to take the phone back, if doesnt have the box….
I purchased 5 EVO's all at the same time for my family about 4 months ago. As of today none of us have had any problems at all. All five of the phones are being charged at the very least once per day, as for myself I plug mine into my work computer minimum of 4 times per day as I use it for transporting files, syncing with Tunesync and HTC sync. Also when I am away from my office I use it to tether to my laptop. After reading all these posts about problems I felt it my duty to report that there are some people whom are not experiencing this issue at all. It might be of some help to note that none of us use anything but the chargers/cords that came with the phones.
I got my EVO in August, replaced it in January due to software issue. Todays issue is charging port. It pulls out when l unplugged it. This device has never been dropped or in awkward position while plugged in/ charging. Sprint and Htc are falling back on the physical damage issue that it is my fault. This response the carriers used in the past about water damage in high humidity areas. Total equipment covage , I still have to pay $100.oo sprint or $250.oo Htc.
I purchased my Evo the day the phone came out and it has been working great. However today my phone stop taking a charge completely, the indicator light would not come on period. Tried different cables, USB charging, wall charging, even a car charger. No joy. Took my phone to Sprint and they said the USB port was essentially dead. Of course this part is on "back order", not sure when it's coming in. I could be without a phone for a week. Also, I was charged $35.00 for the part as I do not have insurance.
Bought my EVO July 2010, has worked pretty well. USB micro port started to get loose. Have had unit less than one year. Agree with the guys / gals above, inserting a USB micro plug into the port is normal operation. I don't buy the Physical damage claim. I'll respond after my trip to Sprint.
Having the same problems as everyone else- plugged into wall charger and never charged phone 2 weeks ago- they gave me a new battery at sptrint store- happening again-pluugeed into the pc started charging then quit- switched to another charging cable from another sprint phone and so far charging but not sure for how long- Something must be wrong if all these people are having problems
I have an HTC Desire, and have gone through several cables. I think it is more the cable than the phone, becasue a new one works pretty good for a while, then gets loose, and eventually useless.
i changed 3-4 cables. each worked fine for a couple of weeks, then became problematic. i have to bend the cables upward to get them worked. i think the reason is that the cables were too heavy, and their own weight bended the cables downward and broke some welding spots inside the cable connector.
After having my Evo since June 30, 2010, the mini usb just stopped working a week ago. I could not charge the phone or sync to my pc. Long story short I called sprint that was a bust, was sent to three different locations totalling about 50 miles. Last store ordered another phone came today, spent 3 hours trying to pair my bluetooth with this one nothing it won't work doesn't even recognize it. I know this bluetooh worked I just was using it with the other Evo last week, and yes it was fully charged for those who may be questioning my capabilities to use electronics. I'm taking this one back tomorrow, so this chapter isn't closed not by a long shot. Where do you think they will send me next, the moon?
This forum has helped out, I've gone through 3 chargers thinking that was the problem. Besides the charging problem…also having problems syncing to my pc. I called Sprint to ask if I was still under warrenty, they stated I wasn't and it would cast me $35.00 to have them look at it. If it's determined that I wasn't at fault they will replace it for free. By the sounds of this forum…I'm getting #*&#ed
I have an EVO about 4mos old. It has had problems with the usb port from almost day one. First it would not do htc sync and shortly it spread to not charging. I have several USB cords none of them work at this point. I agree with one post that the longer cables seem to have problems charging first. It would seem the conector on the evo has some design flaw. I have freinds with other devices using the micro usb that do not mention this as a problem. Sprint is replacing my device but it is backordered so I will be without a PHONE FOR TWO WEEKS. As a workaroung I got a battery charger but have to take the battery out to charge it.
I bought my Evo on launch day and after 4 months the charging port came loose and eventually stopped working altogether. I never dropped or abused my phone, two Sprint repair centers and customer service told me it was physical damage and I had to file insurance claim. Why should I have to pay $100 for functioning phone when you sold me defective hardware? At the end of my contract, I'm leaving Sprint and never buying HTC products again. They don't stand behind their product.
When the screen times out the EVO will freeze. In this state I'm unable to unlock the phone. To unlock requires plugging it into the adapter or usb port. The phone will work until the screen times out again. To unlock again requires unplugging it. No problems charging it though. Strange. This is a sprint evo, less than a lear old
I had the same issue, the terminology used was "charging port failure". It fell under one year warranty and they had to give me a loaner phone intermittently. I was more than frustrated to find out that they would not exchange the phone for a new one as it was under the one year warranty…Well after much debate with Best Buy who doesn't back up phone manufacturer warranty for nothing since sprint subsidizes the cost of equipment. I received my "refurbished" phone from whoever does that probably a company HTC deals with It is having the same issues. I am going to contact the BBB.
I am very frustrated with this phone. Lately, it will not charge from the USB port and either stays at the same level, or continues to lose charge, although more slowly than when it isn’t plugged in. I realize the USB port may be a lower power but I never had trouble before getting it to full charge. Same for the AC/DC charger that came with it only not as bad. I may get it up to 70% overnight. The only way I can charge it 100% is with the car charger plugged into a battery overnight. When I unplug it in the morning, it will go from 100% to 90% in just minutes and keeps losing charge rapidly. I am well aware of everything that draws power, and have it all off including the screen dimmed, no auto updates, no syncing, and all non-essential applications halted. In fact, it is difficult to own this phone if you aren’t willing to become an expert on conserving power. I love this phone for all it does but this battery issue would have been a deal breaker for me, had I known.
This Cel phone one simply is a sweepings, this I only work by two days. All perfect paresis, a very good Cel phone one, but Sprint and Evo are offering articles with tempting supplies but in the end these finish dead in very just a short time. I only have left to look for the form that of which changes to me with the guarantee or that to me my money returns because if these models will follow with this problem the unique thing that will gain sera enormous a lost one of money.
My HTC EVO phone was PERFECT!!!! I spent 6 hours making it just right adding the perfect apps for me my day to day, month to month life… I am in marketing my title is Director of Online Operations, ONLINE which includes social networks… I had every client set up over the past 9 years… connected through Google and FB and twitter… I was prepared for conventions so I could take pics upload to FB and twitter to show others who were not attending… MARKET MARKET MARKET!!! I was on fire… I was sooo happy… Saved my final scene, with Beautiful widget clocks, Go SMS, quick recorder, last call widget, TeleNav GPS which I NEED in with my job and traveling, bought the extended battery for that app LOL…
The last day of playing with the phone, which was hard to stop, I saved my saving my final scenes… and was dancing around the living room with a phone in hand thinking how amazing it was to have a phone that was SOOO beyond anything I could imagine as a child or teenager, or young adult, 38 now… The next day I see this update arrive, and thinking it’s from Sprint it’s safe, I updated… my perfect camera doesn’t work AT ALL… and I have no idea what camera app to get because NONE OF THEM ARE BETTER THAN THE STOCK… I don’t care about all those stupid gray scale Polaroid fluffy stuff, I just want MY camera back that took the best clear pics and video… I don’t think there’s a person around who took more pics than me with their phone… LOL I was ALWAYS receiving complements from other phone users on my photos, NOW??? I can’t even see an image in my camera, it’s just white and and it takes just WHITE pictures… BLANK!!!
THEN like an idiot I see this gingerbread update, and think well no way would this happen again… WRONG now my extended battery won’t charge, which makes using my GPS useless even if I plug it into the car, it just stops charging AND it gets so hot I think it’s going to melt something and really mess the phone up, scratch that, it’s already messed up… it’s useless, it’s just a phone and text product… I am, SOOO pissed I could cry, tears of anger and bust my phone with my heel…
How dare they do something so ridiculous and unprofessional… I buy their phone, I spend MY TIME on their phone to make my like easier, as they promised,I buy their apps and more… Then when I download THEIR updates my phone is dead, gone, bye bye no more…
Everywhere I read it tells of people complaining to Sprint but can’t get another phone because it’s a software problem not a hardware problem… well your software update f**k up my hardware …
Why would you fools not beta test this stuff… you had the best phone out there, everyone was going to you… almost every person I came across, for more than 1 or 2 mins (Dr. office, grocery line, friends, parties) wanted my phone, wanted the EVO… NOW??? You’re losing left and right… BETA TEST BETA TEST BETA TEST…
And if you did test it, then your test failed, I would sit back down, maybe change out a few people on the team, and put together another group or method of testing…
DAMN I am so mad right now… HTC EVO was the BEST phone out there PERIOD… now it’s the most frustrating worthless thing in my house… I would be better off buying a Jitter Bug phone… LOL
My HTC EVO phone was PERFECT!!!! I spent 6 hours making it just right adding the perfect apps for me my day to day, month to month life… I am in marketing my title is Director of Online Operations, ONLINE which includes social networks… I had every client set up over the past 9 years… connected through Google and FB and twitter… I was prepared for conventions so I could take pics upload to FB and twitter to show others who were not attending… MARKET MARKET MARKET!!! I was on fire… I was sooo happy… Saved my final scene, with Beautiful widget clocks, Go SMS, quick recorder, last call widget, TeleNav GPS which I NEED in with my job and traveling, bought the extended battery for that app LOL…
The last day of playing with the phone, which was hard to stop, I saved my saving my final scenes… and was dancing around the living room with a phone in hand thinking how amazing it was to have a phone that was SOOO beyond anything I could imagine as a child or teenager, or young adult, 38 now… The next day I see this update arrive, and thinking it’s from Sprint it’s safe, I updated… my perfect camera doesn’t work AT ALL… and I have no idea what camera app to get because NONE OF THEM ARE BETTER THAN THE STOCK… I don’t care about all those stupid gray scale Polaroid fluffy stuff, I just want MY camera back that took the best clear pics and video… I don’t think there’s a person around who took more pics than me with their phone… LOL I was ALWAYS receiving complements from other phone users on my photos, NOW??? I can’t even see an image in my camera, it’s just white and and it takes just WHITE pictures… BLANK!!!
THEN like an idiot I see this gingerbread update, and think well no way would this happen again… WRONG now my extended battery won’t charge, which makes using my GPS useless even if I plug it into the car, it just stops charging AND it gets so hot I think it’s going to melt something and really mess the phone up, scratch that, it’s already messed up… it’s useless, it’s just a phone and text product… I am, SOOO pissed I could cry, tears of anger and bust my phone with my heel…
How dare they do something so ridiculous and unprofessional… I buy their phone, I spend MY TIME on their phone to make my like easier, as they promised,I buy their apps and more… Then when I download THEIR updates my phone is dead, gone, bye bye no more…
Everywhere I read it tells of people complaining to Sprint but can’t get another phone because it’s a software problem not a hardware problem… well your software update f**k up my hardware …
Why would you fools not beta test this stuff… you had the best phone out there, everyone was going to you… almost every person I came across, for more than 1 or 2 mins (Dr. office, grocery line, friends, parties) wanted my phone, wanted the EVO… NOW??? You’re losing left and right… BETA TEST BETA TEST BETA TEST…
And if you did test it, then your test failed, I would sit back down, maybe change out a few people on the team, and put together another group or method of testing…
DAMN I am so mad right now… HTC EVO was the BEST phone out there PERIOD… now it’s the most frustrating worthless thing in my house… I would be better off buying a Jitter Bug phone… LOL
If you’re having issues with your charging port and Sprint refuses to give you a replacement phone for FREE( if you have insurance) please let them know that you’ll report their a$$es to the BBB. I haven’t had my cell for a year and I’m already having issues with it. I paid over $200 for this cell and have insurance and Sprint is trying to make me pay $100… I don’t think SO!
Report them to the BBB
I have had issues with my HTC EVO 4G since I purchased the phone approximately 8 months ago. This has been a very frustrating journey. Finally after numerous phone calls, visits to various Sprint stores, being told it is an “HTC” issue and five chargers; Sprint has agreed to replace my phone because they now acknowledge it is a port issue. Seriously dude…….!
I have had issues with my HTC EVO 4G since I purchased the phone approximately 8 months ago. This has been a very frustrating journey. Finally after numerous phone calls, visits to various Sprint stores, being told it is an “HTC” issue and five chargers; Sprint has agreed to replace my phone because they now acknowledge it is a port issue. Seriously dude…….!
i have had several probs and multiple replacement phones for several reasons since jan 11. i have decided to get out of this phone asap because of the biggest problem it has which is battery life. you cant actually use the phone for a hour without dropping half the battery. sprint has always given me excellant service on my piece of shite
I am also having charging problems with my EVO! I’ve had phones with the same port before and they are still alive and intact (one of the reasons they are still good is becasue I am carefull with them), but for some reason the EVO phone just lasted 6 months. I canceled my contract with sprint because it was cheaper to cancel it than to pay all those stupid fees to get my phone fixed. I want to get it fixed but, I believe that justice should be made. Money has been wasted. It was a cool phone while it lasted…!
Yes. I have this problem. Boyfriend is one h is 3rd replacement and I am on my 2nd. This charger issue is frustrating. At one point we had to charge both batteries in the working phone to get through the day… this is ridiculous for such an expensive phone. Yes. Sprint keeps replacing them at no charge but what’s the point if 2 days later it won’t charge.
I had the same problem. Took my phone to the Sprint repair shop, they kept it for over 2 hours just to give it back to me and tell me there was nothing wrong with it. The next day while the phone was charging (that’s what I thought it was doing) it COMPLETELY CUT OFF…luckily I was able to use my sisters EVO extended battery until Monday morning when the store reopened. After speaking with a manager he said that my phone passed all their tests but he’d replace it anyway. They told me to use my original battery & I’m still having the same problem. The new phone was plugged into the computer charging & it completely cut off! I love my phone but THIS IS RIDICULOUS!
I have EVO, just a few months ago my phonstopped charging. I ytook it to the Sprint and was my battery port had came a loose from the motherboard, and I should file a claim with my myinsurance. well luckily I had did my own research and sent phone to HTC they repaired it for free. But I’m now back to having the same problem. Not to mention the service I received from the local store was horrible.
my port is broke and sprint wants me to file a claim with the insurance. they want $100. i will fix it my self and when my contract ends I’m going to a different carrier!
Had speaker replaced 1st that was a factory defect yet Sprint made me pay for,and noit long after it went out again,as well as the charging port!,I am currently without a working cell phone since I can’t afford a new one nor the repair fee right now.I did get to use it apprx.5 days with a batter charger unit from Radio Shack,but as my luck would have….the port broke on that as well,so until I can return that,or am able to afford replace/repair of my One YEAR old Evo (this mnth)….I just have to do w/out,and hope for the best. : (Â
I’ve had my evo since February, and I love it. Lately, it seems like the screen goes dim then bright on its own, but I figured I was just seeing things until I read comments here that say others have experienced problems. My biggest problem now is my charger. I plug in an AC charger, and it reads as a USB, which is trickle charge format. So in the TWENTY hours my phone was connected to the charger, it never got above half battery. After reading the comments here about how everyone got screwed, I’m scared to go in. But, its under the one year warranty and I have insurance, so, hopefully no charge will have to be paid.
I’ve got the same problem with my HTC Incredible. The connection has always been bad and no longer works. Â The micro-usb jack is flimsy and it isn’t obvious which way the jack should plug in. Â It was a concern of mine from the day I bought it. I now regret not going with my instinct. Â No more HTC phones for me…
I got my first EVO in September, 2010, and in December had my first problem charging. You would think they would replace a defective nearly new phone for free! Luckily I had the insurance, and over the next 8 months I had to get the phone replaced about 8 times. Sometimes the charger was defective right out of the box. Sometimes it took 2 days – 3 weeks before it went bad. They had said said if it happened 3-4 times I could get a new phone, then when that DID happen, they said I could BUY a new phone at a discount. When I went to buy the phone, they said no discount after all! So I left and went to Page Plus. I spent more money and hours trying to work with Sprint, and after almost 8 years as a customer I apparently still did not matter enough to keep. So I’m waiting for the Nexus to come out and will try Verizon.
i believe my phone is battery is being charged, and my computer ‘recognizes’ that something is hooked up, but i can’t do anything else – i get errors and I don’t know what to do!!!
I have the HTC ego and it will only charge through the computer. I’ve tried all I know and it won’t charge from ac.I am on a group account and do not know answer to security questions so they can’t/won’t help me when I call support line. Any advice would be greatly appreciated
Me too. Won’t take a charge through USB or Wall charger. Had 1 year and 8 months.
I bought my HTC EVO in september and now it is not charging at all..
I bought my phone about a month ago. Now won’t charge.
I bought my htc evo about 7 months ago I already have had to replace it 3 times, will be working fine for about a month maybe two then it just dies out. i went to the sprint store they changed the battery, already my phone is not charging again.My family and i pay our bills on time all the time and it is not fair we are getting a non working phone.I was told i would have to pay 100$ to replace it. I will not pay 100$ for a companys fault in making some disfunctional phones. I JUST WANT A WORKING PHONE.I dont want to have to keep driving to the sprint store to repair a phone that i dont have that much time with
I’ve had my evo 5 months, and had some issues with the phone turning on/off while in the car charger. Thinking this was the result of a faulty charger, I discontinued. Now my phone will not charge at all. No lights light up showing a charge, nor does the charging icon show the phone charging at all. The battery is now dead…taking it to the Sprint Store to see if this issue can be rectified. I absolutely love this phone, but it does no good breaking down.
Had my EVO for 10 months,no problems. Today Ccharging port won’t work. Very diasappointed when I researched online. Will take my phone to the store tomorrow and update as to any action taken.
Mine wont charge any more the port is loose and sprint wants me to pay $100 to replace for another used phone
my port is loose too, they want me to pay to replace it after I just bought this phone 4 months ago
Last month I cracked just the glass screen on my evo to the point of me not being bothered by it. Recently I got the ” loose charger ” problem ( for the 5th time ) with the evo and went to get the phone replaced just as in the past. Problem now is that because my screen is cracked , which does not bother me , Sprint deems my ” loose charger ” problem my fault and now have to pay a 100$ deductable. Given the chance I do stay with Sprint after this , a new evo from Sprint will be the 7th one I have recieved in under a year and 2 months of my activation. None of the Evo’s I have had to take back to the store due to the phone physically not working , was because of my “carelessness”. I was very understanding multiple times with Sprint and was happy with their service until now. For such an expensive phone , and coming from a “top of the line” phone company , this may be the last straw I need to pull the plug on Sprint.
My phone is useless! won’t charge from any charging device, port must be bad, sprint wants to charge me as well…I’d rather throw it in the trash! Loved the phone when working, hate the problems. “It’s not under warrenty” we spend alot of $$$ on these devices then have to pay out the *%& to keep them running…not right…tis issue need to be fixed
Sorry for the typos, I’m frustrated with yet another problem with the phone
Yes, my HTC evo, 4G contracted same sickness! 3 days before expiration of the one year warranty, and it eventually failed to charge. Sprint store charged me 35 dollars to replace it within 3 days turn around verses 5-10 days using HTC.
But I am still not sure why I should return the old/dead phone back to sprint store?
Why could’nt I keep it?!
Have same problem phone will not charge at home, tried multiple chargers all htc chargers no aftermarket stuff and still same thing.Went to sprint store they said it was battery they gave me 1 and I went home thinking all is well and guess what, yup same problem will not charge.So now mon morning I have to go back to sprint to see what the deal is with my 6mnth old htc evo 4g. A little ticked off that the phone has a problem already, after spending that kind of money on a phone that is covered w an otterbox and looks brand new like it came right out of the box.Will keep you posted on what they tell me….
My HTC EVO 4 does something to all my chargers. It basically eats them. I have replaced my 8th charger since receiving this phone in July last year (6 months ago). The CHARGER itself eventually stops working for any phone. Luckily my family has universal chargers so I steal theirs for a night or two, but this EVO black widow thing is really pissing me off. Friends have lent me theor chargers and its completely drained them too.
Guys, before you go to the sprint store for a new phone, try a whole new charger. Don’t buy it from sprint because they’ll charge you $40. I’m glad I didn’t purchase as it would have sucked thelife out of that one too. What gives?
Same Problem. Sprint said micro USB port was made in China and the heat from cable actually melts lead usb port. They replaced the phone but I am still having the same problem. This sucks.
Demand national RECALL on the micro USB port.Shame on EVO for having us sufffer and pay for a KWOWN manufacturer issue. Please take the time! THIS IS CRAZY TO BE PAYING OVER AND OVER AGAIN FOR THEIR ERROR. The FTC makes companies responsible who use parts made in other countries. The micros USB port is made in China.
Having the same freaking issues….I have to have my phone replaced. So ridiculos!
Just had this issue… With a bit of a time constraint i had to buy an external battery charger from Radio Shack… only to find out that while it charges the battery that it came with, it doesn’t charge the battery that was in the phone…….. not too happy
Sprint told me it’s a known problem and to take it to the repair center so they can replace it. The email says they should replace it for free, but if I am charged, to forward the receipt to the billing center and they will credit my account.
Just replaced to evos for iPhones, the evos no longer would charge, wife and I have two different friends with the same issue who have to replace their phones as well. And don’t bother trying to get sprint to fix it, they tell you to upgrade, total bull s…
yea im having this problem. At first i had to go through 4 chargers because they stopped working for some reason and now it won’t charge at all, and I can see that the port is loose. It goes up and down.
I have to jiggle the micro usb connection to get the charging light to activate.
Especially hard to charge while driving. Is this a bad connector or a bad solder connection?
just replaced the battery in my HTC, still wouldn’t charge, replaced the mains charger, still nothing…spoke to HTC because I have had it unblocked its on longer covered by warranty, funny thing is, I have ordered a new sim free phone, and by chance just tried my kindle usb lead into my phone and its working….seems it was the cableÂ
My HTC EVO 4G will no longer charge with any micro usb charger I try. The original charger that came with it failed a few months ago and I replaced that with a micro usb charger from amazon. That charger worked fine for a few months and now that one no longer works either. I had to buy extra batteries for my phone and charge them in an external battery charger and just swap out the batteries when needed. It is very frustrating and inconvenient. Unfortunately my phone is out of its warranty and after reading what everyone else said here I am wondering if I should just get an entirely new phone but not an HTC. This same exact issue has happened to other people I know who have the same HTC EVO 4G.Â
It is not just HTC, it is any phone with the micro usb charging port. My Samsung Galaxy is doing it now too.Â
I had the same problem. EVO 4G will not charge have tried multiple known good chargers that work on other phones.
people, HTC evos devices are covered under factory warranty for 15, yes fifteen, months….call HTC and screw sprints service !!!
I swear I go through chargers like at least once every couple months. It’s like my evo just eats them. The chargers just stop working completely not just on my phone but for everyone’s after my evo gets a hold of it.
The HTC Evo is a POS. I’ve had one for over two years now. Actually, I’ve had five. Four different claims (and $400 in deductibles) b/c the phone is just a POS. The battery and the micro USB plug just don’t work. I ordered the new Samsung Galaxy S3. I sure hope Sammy is a better phone manufacturer than HTC. I will NEVER buy another HTC product!!!
On the second phone due to the plug problem. Sprint will not replace without using the $100.00 deductible, or I can pay $95.00 for an early upgrade………..seriously????? Other than this problem the phone is great, but I now have one battery and a charger I had to pay for just so I can use my phone.
Same problem with Motorola Razr Maxx
I recently began having problems with being able to use my car charger. It was a sprint charger. I am able to charge in the house and at work, just not in car. So…I figured my car charger was bad. I bought a new one. It seemed to work one day. It will not continue to charge. Initially it appears to be charging, and within seconds it quits. Ohhh me.
I owe a HTC 4G. Yes I also have a problem with the phone charging… No Sprint is no help and yes I have insurance on my phone. HTC… fool me once shame on you,,, I have owned 3 HTC of different models. No more. This is my last.
I have two evos and both have issues with the charging ports. If I wiggle the cord around just right I can get it to charge if I don’t move it. Both well past warrantee I’ll be getting another brand of phone soon w/o a micro usb port for charging. Actually I’m ready to go back to a regular simple phone that works and the charge lasts a whole 12 hour workday.