iOS 5.1 updating causing problems
Many of you will have heard that Apple announced the rollout of its latest mobile operating system, iOS 5.1, on Wednesday at the new iPad announcement. We know that many of you will have already successfully updated your device but it also seems that the iOS 5.1 update is causing problems for many people, us included.
We’ve already given news on a jailbreak for iOS 5.1 for those who like to tinker with their devices, but what if you can’t get the update anyway? I use an iPhone 4S and my partner has an iPhone 4 and neither of us has been able to update iOS 5.1 yet and have exactly the same error message coming up on our devices. We do know though that some colleagues have had no issues at all and are already using the update quite happily.
When attempting to update to 5.1 a message comes up that reads, ‘unable to check for update, an error occurred while checking for a software update.’ We’ve been trying many times over the last two days and still no joy. Although we realize that millions of people will be attempting the download at the same time, the fact that we have tried to update so many times is pretty frustrating. In fact we now know that this is also happening for plenty of other iOS device owners, as per an ongoing discussion on the Apple Support Communities.
Looking through the many messages it seems that plenty of owners are having the same problem as us across all iOS devices. Some have managed to update one of their devices but not another and it seems that other people on attempting the update say that their devices try to connect with the server and then a message comes up that says ‘software update failed’ or ‘no network connection.’ Another thread on the MacRumors forum also discusses the same issues with the update to iOS 5.1.
We’re interested to find out how widespread this problem is and would like to hear from anyone who is having issues? Are you becoming increasingly frustrated? Maybe you have some suggestions for what could be wrong or how to resolve the problem? Let us know by sending your comments.
369 thoughts on “iOS 5.1 updating causing problems”
yep.. this is happening for me with iPad 2, Apple TV update and 2 iPhone 4 handsets… I was beginning to think I had a network problem, but it would seem not!
just change the dns on your network to and it’ll work
it worked on my iPad 2 but not my 4s
when I say network, I mean on the phone, So settings > wi-fi > blue arrow next to the wifi network youre connected to, change DNS to (note dots are important), come out and try to update again, worked for me. After update, forget network, connect again, and the dns would have returned to the old value
nah…already tried this one… no joy
u legend, worked for me!!
Have tried this, doesn’t work though. Having problems updating ipad2 and apple tv, did have problems with my iPhone 4s when trying to update over wifi also but took it to work an pd on the first attempt it updated. Got home and tried my iPad and receive the same error message. It’s almost as if my ip address is not responding with the apple servers.
Was able to update to 5.1 on my 3GS and my 4 the 4 got message at first but 10 min later it worked, now my 4s is another story can’t up from phone or on computer on iTunes get error message on both guess apple should of checked there update better before releasing it I am pissed
my says the same unable to check for update.I have a 4S
Having same issue.. I live in northern Michigan.. And yep not happy!
Just updated (I have the 4,) that was no problem – but now phone is in recovery mode (phone is displaying graphic of USB and arrow pointing toward iTunes logo.) I plugged it into the computer, iTunes came up but won’t update until phone is “restores.” Problem is, I haven’t synced in a few days and have pics/video that I don’t want to lose. Am I screwed?
I have the same issue with my 4S! I thought I have problems with my connection, but now I know that this is a “worldwide” problem. Hope apple will fix it asap, otherwise… I`m very frustrated
worldwide is right… I’m in Scotland, Macatack71 (below) is from Michigan!
Managed to updat iPhone 4s but not iPad 2. Really annoying.
Updated successfully. Camera icon on lock screen does not open app and battery seems to be dying faster. iMessage isn’t working either
HI, thanks for reading. Glad you managed to update successfully to iOS 5.1 (I still haven’t) but as far as the Camera app goes you might find my earlier article helpful at this link. Basically to get straight to the camera app from the lockscreen slide the camera app straight up the display. About three quarters of the way up the camera app opens and loads automatically. If you simple press the camera icon it just bounces. Hope this helps, at least with the camera issue.
The title makes it sound like updating to 5.1 causes problems, when it should really
say “Problems updating to iOS 5.1”
Updated iPad2 to 5.1 this AM & everything went smoothly. Frankly, don’t see much difference.
Yes, wireless update was a hassle. After many attempts I had to resort to updating through iTunes. Now I notice that my battery drains like crazy and Safari is slower to load. Argh.
I was unable to update my iPhone 4S & iPad 2 directly from the device. After hours of trying, I connected them to iTunes and the downloads went smoothly. My daughter is getting her first iPhone 4 for her birthday tomorrow, so I will try again using her new phone and her iTouch. I am still pissed that I can’t update my Apple TV 2. I’ve been trying to update since yesterday. Still having no luck at all! Grrrr!
Thank you for info on DNS change worked great on iPhone4,iPhone4s and 2nd gen. apple TV
also 1st gen iPad This is the only place anyone is talking about this problem!
There’s discussions on the Apple forums about it as well.
I’ve been trying to update my iPad 2 since the announcement and keep getting the error messages stated in the article. Frustrating!
I’ve tried both the software update and itunes update options and all I get is error messages on the iPhones / iPad and iTunes update just hangs.Â
Phones running on AT&T now say 4G, when it’s not a 4G phone
running Verizon and i just got the 5.1 update. just fine. I hope it fixes the battery and the hearing text tones when plugged into a power source, cuz i dont get text when i am charging on a wall plug????
I’m having the same issues on both my original iPad & iPhone 4s. Neither has “jail break” issues & have not been altered in any way.
Can’t connect to server with either iPhone or iPad, and have tried from three different Mac computers on three different ISPs. Â Diagnosis: Â overload at the Apple servers.
Ä° have the same problem for both my ipad2 and iphone4. Changing dns settings didn’t help. I am getting the same error message constantly: “unable to check for update”
Have tried constantly since Wednesday but no joy. Can’t update my iPad2 or my iPhone 4S. Frustrating!
Problems to update my iPad2
iPad2, error message, no matter the time of day or night!
I’ve had the same issue, it seems to be with certain security or firewalls in place = no joy. I even plugged directly into my cable router/modem and couldn’t get it to work. I have an iPad, iPad2, and 2 iPhones, same deal… However, I’ve taken my devices to work, and had no issues (except, all 60 users at work share a 3mbps connection, and the one at home is 15mbps). It has taken about 3 hours to do my iPad2, and both iPhones… uggg…
Yes, I too can not update to 5.1?! Have 4S and Ipad2. Can not update via wifi or wired via iTunes. Wifi is the “error occurred…” and wired says “Contacting Apple update server…” but never connects? What gives Apple? If server overloaded, build more servers, you have stranded millions of loyal customers. Plus, many App updates require 5.1 to operate. Please do a better job in the future.
Same problem over last two days. Yesterday finally got the iOS5 on iPad 2, but on iPod Touch 3rd generation have tried over and over with no success. “Contacting the iPod software update server…” keeps running for long periods of time. Only once during the attempts did I get an alert saying “……..the network connection could not be established.”. Frustrated is putting it mildly.
I was not able to update using iTunes. Same error reported as being discussed, however, it was successful when updating directly via my iPhone through the Settings, under General > Software Update. Now comes the battery test!
 I cannot update 5.1 for iPhone or iPad through iTunes. “Contacting the iPhone (iPad) update server..” pop up screen stays on and will not connect. I also tried to update directly from each device without success.
Same problem here. I’m in Sydney, Australia. Cannot update through iTunes or OTA on my iPhone 4, iPad 2 and Apple Tv2
I didnt no you could even get an iphone in austria, hey isnt that where donald schwartsinigger is from?
Clever concealment of the n-word!
I have 4 apple devices and both phones 4 and 4s updated fine. One of the ipad2’s updated fine, the other has the standard error message. So, I’m as stuck as the rest of you.
I updated mine and now have a issue with the cellular network and cannot use my 3G outside my home which is annoying considering I brought a web package and now cannot use it!!!
HOORAAHH ! Just found that I didn’t have enough storage. The update takes 1GB of storage, so I deleted a couple of videos and now I get the update option to download 5.1
I am in NYC. My iPhone 4 updated fine. I am finding that my 3G connection is very strong and fast in areas were it was terrible before the update. However I keep have to log back into Wifi after my phone goes to sleep. That was never a problem before the update.
I’ve tried a minimum of 30 times on my iPhone4 and still no luck!
In my opinion, apple have stopped the downloading of it as a lot of people, like my friend, are having problems with their 3G!
I think something like 5.1.1 will be out in the VERY near future!
Doubt that as I was havin same problem, used different wifi at friends and my 4s downloaded it straight away. Still can’t do my iPad 2 nor apple tv at home.
I updated my ATT iphone 4 no problem. My girlfriends Verizon iphone 4 ended up stuck in recovery mode. A tethered restore via itunes fails and gives the error code (1) This happens in both recovery mode and DFU mode. Neither phones were jailbroken and were both running 5.0.1 before hand.Â
I have tried to update to 5.1 at least 30 times … my iphone 4s times out … and my ipad 2 never gets to the upgrade screen … “unable to check for update” Â hmmm
Cannot update Ipad 2 nor apple tv
Yesterday couldnt get iphone 4s to update at home but was successful at work but the ipad 2 wouldnt update at work either.
Can’t update my iphone 3gs.
Got the same error message. Now, iTunes won’t recognize my iphone and it’s stuck on the “connect to iTunes” screen. I called Apple support, and they wouldn’t do anything without me paying 29.99 for a single instance, or 99.99 for a year of Apple care. Hmmm…”Apple Care”. Now that’s an oxymoron.
iPad 2 and iPhone 4S updated fine yesterday. Â Today the iPhone 4 and iPad 1 get this message:”Cannot update……..the network connection could not be established.”
Have not tried Apple TV!
Problem for me – can’t update my iphone 4 – was able to update ipod touch.
Trying to update the iPad that I brought with me to France from Australia…no joy, even after 10 attempts; the download keeps timing out. I thought it was my internet connection, as it isn’t the most reliable connection I’ve ever had, but I suppose it’s the software. Hopefully Apple will iron out the kinks soon enough.
very annoying, same cannot check for update error message i have tried so many times and it worked fine for my friend!
Mine woked on my iphone4 but now when I play songs on iTunes some of them play a lot quiter then others.
I keep getting the same error message too on my iPhone 4. It’s soo frustrating. My boyfriend was able to update his but mine won’t update. Now I cannot update or download any apps. Also my lock screen picture disappeared and when I tried to put it back on it would say it was set but when I’d go back to the lock screen it was still black. I am mad
I cannot update my iPhone 4 or my iPad 2!! it’s really p**sing me off!!
I completely lost my 3Gs PHONE.
Tried updating it yesterday, repeated it for 4 times but still having the same problem. It won’t even let me unlock it. It saud sim blocked and when i go to enter the passwprd it turn off and turn on again and does the samething. I am lost and don;t know what to do
i have the same problem on my iphone & ipod touch
I’m here in the uk, I’ve tried since yesterday with exactly the same issues as you! Most annoying.
Same problem here, have tried numerous times and always get the message …”The network connection could not be established.”
None of the helps on the Apple support site helped the problem. I downloaded the iPhone Config Utility, and its console section showed two errors which are not in Apple’s list, #1 and 3.
Hopefully in a few days…
 Turned out it was a matter of being on a slow Wi-fi connection (2GHz). As soon as I went to a faster connection, it worked fine.
Same problem in Australia, on both iPad 2 and iPhone 4
In the USA here. Updated iTunes on my MacBook with no problem, but attempts to update my iPad and my Apple TV have been futile.
The DNS at did the trick !  thank you very much  Â
Thanks for the DNS recommendation, I gave up yesterday but today must have tried half dozen times both wireless and via iTunes all came out No Joy. Changed the DNS – says 17 minutes to go. Thanks!
My iPhone 4 isn’t working either
Yep – same problem as everyone else. My iPhone 4 just won’t update.
Having the same problem with my iPad 2 but no problem with iPhone 4s. Tried dozens of times. For sure it’s frustrating.
The DNS worked for both my Apple TV and my iPhone that I have been trying for a couple days to update.
great call on the dns change, none of mine were working and the simple change fixed it
i did the dns trick and it worked for me…thanks for the help
I finally got it to work on my iPad 2, but I had to do the DNS on both the iPad and the laptop. Â As soon as I made the change on the laptop, it started to download the update. Â Thanks!!! on DNS didn’t work for me on iPad 2 and iPhone 4s. Any other suggestions. I’ve been trying day, night, off peak etc for the last three days. Still get “Unable to check for Update, etc., etc., etc. I’m really getting disgusted with Apple.
Worked for me. Switch off wifi, enter dns, switch back on wifi.
yep, we are having the same problem for iPhone 3gs, Iphone 4s, iPad & iPad2
very frustrating but can’t find a solutionÂ
DNS didn’t work on my iPad 2 and iPhone 4s. For three days, every few hours, even off hours and still the same “Unable to Check for Update, etc., etc.,” keeps coming up. Any other suggestions?
Did you try it on your computer that iTunes is loaded on? Â It should download the update to iTunes and then you can plug in your iPad2 and it will push the new iOS 5.1 to it.
I have found that if you check for update on wifi you get unable to check for update, my workaround  for the phones was disable wifi check for update, update will show up reconnect wifi change dns to the then download the update, my problem is my ipad is wifi only and i cant check for update on any other network so it constantly gives me unable to check for update…also fyi changing the dns on apple tv works as well
Same problem for me but I did change DNS to on my iMac and then went back to iTunes and clicked update. Â It worked, thank GOD!!!! Â 10 minutes to go. Â Simply click on on Network Preferences on the Network Icon on your iMac. Â Change the DNS and then go to iTunes. Â It’s that easy. Â You don’t need to change any setting on your router. Â Thanks everyone!
This worked for me, surprisingly. As it was trying to connect to the update server, I tried this DNS workaround. Almost gave up before I realized I didn’t hit “Apply” – then it immediately started to work.
DNS fix did it for me! Tried it on iPad2, but no luck. Tried it on my Macbook Pro and there it went smoothly.
Yea help me2
Help please!
Can’t get my iphone 3g to work after trying to update to ios 5.1 yesterday.
After changed my DNS to as recommended for my iPad 2 & iPod Touch 4th Gen & finally able to update to iOS 5.1 immediately from Malaysia.Thanks to all.
Hello from OZ. Thank you. After reading your comments and other people’s feedback below , I feel much better as now have evidence that I’m not alone. We (me and my wife) have exactly the same problems for our iPhones (4 and 4S) as well as original iPad. If we connect them to iTunes, the message comes to say “there is a new update , do you want to continue?”, after clicking download and update button we are stuck on a message “contacting the iPhone software update server…” Nothing happens after that. How frustrating, how many more days will this continue…..please……..
Hi everyone,
I’m from Denmark and I had the same problem, but I changed the DNS to and now I’m enjoying my newly updated ipad 2.
Thanks for the help and for sharing.
Great … This works
Hi there from Tallinn ! 8888 is the magic number ) it worked.Thanx!Â
I live in South Africa and have been trying to update my software for my iphone 4S with no success although my iPad 1 had no problem
I had this error message 2 days ago but now while reading this post i had checked it again and this time no error message , i have the option to download iOS 5.1 189MB …
But i’ll wait couple of days for that …
ive tried everything!!! changed dns turned wifi on/off restarted my phone, tried OTA that didnt work, tried restoring my phone to factory defaults, doesnt restore, in endless spinwheel…. im fucked! and im pissed! sad thing is i didnt think apples servers would crash this hard, what do they only have like one server or what!
Hi from Brazil. I have done the DNS trick ( and it worked like a charm!!
The question that kept returning to my mind thought is:
Are the ISPs/operators using an address block in their DNS to avoid network congestion ??
Cheers, Â
I would agree with that, think they are blocking some people as to avoid a total melt down lol
Apple user in Japan. Successfully updated 3GS and 4 iPhones with no problems, about 25 minutes each. iPad (original), is a complete bust. I just get the “unable to check for update” notification. Can’t believe Apple is not commenting on this very common problem….
I have been trying since last night after a coworker asked if I had downloaded it yet…..didn’t even k ow anything about it, but I am getting message ” an error occurred during connection” OR ” software update failed”…..VERY frustrated!!!! NOT happy w this iPhone, 2nd one!!!! Miss my blackberry, don’t think it’s worth all the hype.
I’ve been trying both wirelessly and through iTunes for the past three days, no success! What’s going on? Never had any problems during previous updates… Benny in Oslo
Still no luck for the past 3 weeks… Thari from Sydney Australia
 I mean past 3 days…
Tried many times yesterday & today to upgrade to iOS 5.1 with no success – I get the same error message when computer search for software update server.
We are having them same issue, mine updated and my wifes gets the same message as you. Mike in SC
Having the same problem here on 4s and iPad 2. I have tried many, many times. I called customer service yesterday and they said give it a few days the servers are slammed. Weird thing is I was near an Apple store yesterday, so I tried to update my 4s on their wifi. It worked great updated in about 25 min. I might take my iPad by there today and give it a go. Very frustrating!
From UK and I get the same error message. Have tried many times. Still will not download through Itunes or Iphone 4. Really disappointing.  Apple is a major company and it should not be having these problems. If it can create devices like Iphone and Ipad, why can they make a simple update?
Hi i tried the dns after having the same issue and it worked straight away??
okay, we’re all having if not the same but similar issues since the new 5.1 update. What are the options and the solution? Can anyone answer that?
Yip. I’m having the same problem. Been trying now for 3 days to update my iPhone 4 to iOS 5.1
By the way… I”m from South Africa
Great!! Thanx guys for your suggestion it worked. Changed my DNS to and it worked!
Thanks… The DNS change worked…
Please advise how one does this on an iPad and or an ipodTouch.
Settings > Wifi> choose your network > under DNS delete what’s in there and replace with > tap back to settings then > software update
Probably best to ‘forget your network’ then reconnect to your wifi network after the install to put everything back to how it was
After trying for hours to update my Ipad2 and 3GS tried the 8888 and it worked. WTF Apple, we buy your products because they are supposed to be easy to use and intuitive, after the problems I’ve had with Lion the last thing I needed was to spend even more time with these updates.
I’ve found an easier fix to the problem. I restarted my devices, and when it rebooted, it Installed just fine.
iPad 2
iPhone 4
iPod touch
iPhone 3GS
Just used the DNS and it worked. Do I change it back to the original once loaded?
Probably a good idea
still doesn’t work, even when i put in dns
i have just tried to update my iphone4 and got error code -23, can’t see how to fix it????
Same problem.  Tried to update my iPhone 4 several times using 2 different Apple computers (Air and iMac) – same “the network connection could not be established” message on both  Then mysteriously, the update appeared in Settings and then downloaded without problem.  Now having same problem with my iPad2.
Just entered DNS on my iMac. Software update downloaded through iTunes without problem.
Apple must be hiring Microsoft programmers. Â Before you know it, we’ll have to re-learn DOS.
Hi everyone, this is Debbie at Phones Review and I wrote the article about having problems updated to iOS 5.1 Just thought I’d share that I still haven’t managed the update. My partner eventually updated his iPhone 4 via iTunes rather than OTA but since then can’t download anything from the App Store. Has anyone else had this issue? Also you may be interested in an article I’ve published today about whether the update has solved battery problems or not ….all very intriguing. Thanks to everyone for reading.
Within a couple of hours of the updates being available I updated both my iPhone 4 and my iPad 1. No problems.
For what it’s worth, neither of my devices have ever been jailbroken. Don’t know if this matters.
Updated and reloaded like a charm. Took about 25 min. with Iphone 3GS and through itunes.
Alberta, Canada
Sorry could someone tell me what DNS ? I’m computer challenged.
Under your wifi network in settings. Change it there but remember to change back
Won’t let me update on my iPhone 4s. Stupid error. They better fix it.
My mom updated her iphone 4 and her ipad to all the new 5.1 software including my sister and her iphone 4. I have tried everything suggested on apple sites with my phone and my computer and trying to download it from my computer onto my phone and the updatestill will not go through
I tried the and no dice, what I crazy is I have two verizion 4s. The one phone the update popped up on its own 2 days ago, but the 2nd phone won’t update for s@&$. WTF I don’t get it.
Updated and no phone locks up when I double tap to access and close running apps.
im glad im not the only one having this problem but yea its really frustrating!!
I have iPhone 4S, iPad 2 and Apple TV 2. Tried for days etc, never worked when using it on my phone and pad until I tried it on my mac where it now works. My theory is based around iCloud, my iPhone and iPad have not been able to back up for a good month now because I don’t have enough space.. For some reason “iCloud” can’t backup 2 devices with 5gb!!! (But I’ll leave that issue for another time). So i think even with as the DNS on my iPhone, the error message comes up because it cannot backup the device or does not have a recent enough backup to allow it to install iOS 5.1…
I’ve been struggling since Wed to update to iOS 5.1. Tried the DNS change and it worked first time with no problems. Both for 2 iPhone 4s & an Ipad 2.
Very happy. Woud love to why this is. Anyone know?
iPad 2 having issues with Wifi Connection on any given security platform, or no security.
Trying to update via iTunes and iPad 2 has been a complete bust. Just keep receiving the same message about “Trying to Contact the Software Update Server”. This is the kind of stuff that Steve Jobs was obsessed over. Details relating to customer experience. Apple is not off to a good start in its “Post-Steve Era”.
I have an iPhone 4s and after my update I get a message on iTunes telling me “iTunes has detected an iPhone in recovery mode. You must restore this iPhone before it can be used with iTunes” . The problem with that is, on my iPhone the ONLY screen I get (even after repeated tries at rebooting), is the round blue iTunes symbol with a picture of a USB cord below it. In between that is an arrow point from the USB to the iTunes symbol.
How can I “Recover” what I can’t even turn on??! This is my first iPhone and I have no clue as to what to do!
This happened to me also with my iPhone 4 after I got the update. I tried restoring it many, many times, and then took it to the Apple store. They tried many different things and then finally said there was nothing they could do. The update had caused my phone to “freak out” as they called it. I had to get a new phone.
 ::UPDATE:: With the help of a very nice Apple rep, I was able to “restore” my iPhone4s from a recent back up and now all is well. Apparently this problem does not happy to everyone, it is common and easily fixed.
I am in Moscow, with a genuine UK purchased iPhone 4S and have been trying to update to 5.1 from 5.0.1. Â I have JUST changed the DNS to and it immediately started asking me to download the new 5.1 update! Â As I write, there are 2 minutes left to complete the update! Â I hope it works OK!!
Same problem here, rebooting in DFU mode, changing DNS to, all doesn’t help.
 After changing the DNS to it wouldn’t upgrade my ipad from itunes on my computer but if I accessed the upgrade directly from the ipad general setting software update page, it worked! So frustrating but I’m glad it finally worked.
I have a 4s which updated easy and quick on iCloud with no problems but my husband and son still have the 4 and they will not update from the 4.3….5.0 wouldnt update and the new 5.1 wont either…….What is going on???!!!!Â
i had the same issue and changed the DNS to and it worked immediately..
heres howSettings > Wifi> choose your network > under DNS delete what’s in there and replace with > tap back to settings then > software updateProbably best to ‘forget your network’ then reconnect to your wifi network after the install to put everything back to how it was
Hey, it work. Thanks!
My camera shortcut from the lock screen no longer works. Only half of the camera shortcut icon is visible and when pressed, the application fails to open… Very frustrating since I have gotten used to taking those quick shots. Is there any way to re-update? I tried restarting the phone but no luck.
don’t press hold and flick up to the top of screen
Hi there. Wife & I are based in the UK and between us we have:
iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPad 1, iPad 2
Only the 4S upgraded over wireless 1st time.
iPad 1 & iPhone 4 managed to upgrade by going old-skool & connecting to iTunes on my PC & upgrading via the device summary page. Worked 1st time.
Having read this post & replies I’m now dowloading the update to the iPad 2 using the (google (google-dns) wifi tweak as people have suggested.
I’m having the same problems as posted above, with iphone4s and ipad2
I am having this problem as well. My 4GS updated fine. I continue to get an error message when trying to update my IPad 2
first you need to remove jailbreak completely and restore
I have a 4S – updated software but when the phone restarted/reloaded/whatever, it keeps crashing whenever I sign the screen lock code in. The main screen reappears for a second and then the screen locks!

Any others with a similar issue? I tried restoring and it didn’t work. I’m attempting to restore again…
IÂ have a 64GB iPhone 4S and I am having this same horrible problem. I have restored twice so far and have NO joy. At one time, i restored as a new iphone and it worked but I really need my data from my previous backup but the two times I have tried to restore with that, it completely fails. I suspect Apple is trying to get us to back up to iCloud as items there get restored easily.Â
I have a 4 and ipad 2 . Checking for update for sometime then cannot connect to server. urgh.
I also can’t update to 5.1 – I always get an error message and that it can’t connect.
I successfully update my Mac but my iPad (1) gets the sad no can do message.
Finally I found the solution!Â
Make sure that you are connected to your wi-fi network…
Tap on Settings
Tap on Wi-Fi
Tap on the little blue ball/arrow on network that you are connected to
On the DHCP tab, tap in the DNS field (write down what is in there and save it just in case)
Delete what is in there and add in (this is Google Public DNS*)
Tap out of the field and out of Wi-Fi connections
Try to update from the phone again.
This worked for me!
Remember to put your own DNS back when you are done with the update.
This works – update now downloading, thank you
Done the trick, ta very much! =)
Haven’t been able to get the update for the past week. Same issue…OTA just runs and can’t connect. Tried it thru iTunes and kept getting error message. Tried your suggestion of changing the DNS address…worked the first time! Thanks
I’m not having any issues since I downloaded the update on my 4s on Friday. The battery has improved. Yay!!!
is it worth the update?
DNS change to did not work on my iPad or my iPod Touch
my dns is for bigpond only in austrailaÂ
I updated on Friday and travled to London on Saturday. My phone doesn’t pick up any service anymore. I has always worked before and I have an international package. It worked at the DFW airport (Saying 4G) then in London and now Amsterdam it says “no Sevice”. I have been to the local apple store and they have no idea. Any help???
I tried the DNS change, off-peak-hours, etc., etc., you name it. Nothing worked until I tried Apple’s suggestion. First check to see that your computer has the latest iTunes upgrade and then open it. Plug your iPhone or iPad into your computer and when it appears in your iTunes menu, open it. It will tell you that you have an iOS upgrade available and proceed to download it from the screen prompt. I ran into problems there and had to restore my original iPhone settings. I know this will take time but after starting the process, just walk away and find something else to do. When that process is finally over, you can download the new iOS 5.1. Took about 15 minutes for that final step. One good thing about the restore, it allows you to do a little housecleaning and eliminate the apps that you don’t use. The same procedure for the iPad 2 although I didn’t have to restor, just sync before downloading the new iOS. Now having a lot of fun with the new iPhoto and Pages. Battery life seems vastly improved and the new iOS features are being explored too. Good luck. Took me most of yeateday, but it did work when all else had failed.
I’m having problems to. I tried to update to 5.1 from 5.0.1 on my iPod touch 4g. It keeps coming up with is an error occurred downloading ios 5.1. I have no choice to update because my iPod is a bit messed up because every time I put my iPod into my brothers laptop it keeps on coming up to restore it even though the iPod is on as normal. My files are not showing up on the computer so I can put apps on and music on. I have tried restoring it to the new update but thats doesnt seem to work either. Please help if you anyone can fix this problem.
It’s meant to say my files are not showing up so I can’t put any music on or apps on
I had the same problem just update your iDevice through itunes on your cpu. However your device will not be jailbroken. -DeMarco
 The problem with that is iTunes won’t “recognize” the iPhone.
oh yes. Â i can’t update ipad. Â I have a paper due tomorrow. Â I need to buy pages. Â I need to update my ipad in order to get pages. Â my computer is on the fritz and all I have to type my paper with is this ipad that won’t update. Â I could strangle whoever is responsible for this…
I don’t actually know how I did, but I could update my iPhone 4s! YAAAAY!!!! Here is what I did, maybe it helps : I turned on iTunes and checked if is up to date, then I turned off and on again. then I downloaded some app. updates and while doing that I had to accept an agreement, that something has change in apple bla bla bla. so, after this I plugged in my iPhone, clicked on download the update, not the download+update, and it worked. Finally I have full signal on my phone…I’m really curious about the battery
I managed to update my iPad OTA first time but I did get the same error message a few times with my iPhone 4S. Â I left it an hour or so and then tried again and it was fine.
I have: Apple TV, Two iPhone 4’s, and an iPad 2 – all have the same issues, and aim getting the same error message “unable to connect”.
Extremely frustrating!
Still not able todate 3 iPad and 2 iPhone – according to apple, there are no issues with the update. That was as of 4:30pm est on march 11.
Problems updating and still nonsupport from Apple. Come on and give your users a service that we are all used to with Steve
Had the same problem as most trying to update for two days and Apple tech was no help.
Here is what I had done to install the new update: (Make sure you have the latest updates installed on your computer)On your computer go into system preferences and change your DNS setting to (remember your original setting).Now with your iPhone plugged into your computer update through iTunes as usual. Within 30 minutes the new update will be installed onto your iPhone. Remember to reset your DNS setting. Hopefully this helps as it sure has for me.
Fak same issue wtf
i updated to ios 5.1 and now my itunes cant find my iphone 4s over wifiÂ
Ron Johnson, thank you, thank you, thank you. the worked for me right away. A little bit of googling and I found your post. so awesome.
Since updating to 5.1 from 5.0.1 the other day, all of a sudden I can’t play any videos from my library or even Netflix on my big-screen now. I get audio, but no video! Tried on multiple TV’s in the house with the same results. Anyone have this problem too?Â
Yes, it works. You can change DNS on MAC or even on your iPhone/iPad. Thank you!
Changing the DNS to didn’t work for me.
Nor for me…
i phone4s ios 5.1 我更新完 ! 鈴è²éŸ³é‡æ•´å€‹ç¸®æ°´
Same message of ‘an error occurred while checking for software update’ here with my phone.
Same message of ‘an error occurred while checking for software update’ here with my phone.
This “upgrade” is a bust. Ever since I took it my phone mostly is either in “searching” mode or “no service”. Arrrrrgh!
 Same thing here, no 3G access at all. Cannot use any app that requires 3G, no Maps, no internet, nothin. I sometimes get a message saying I’m not a subscriber to a cellular service.
No luck updating. Called Apple and for help – they say to keep trying. First time I’ve been dissatisfied with Customer Service. Â
Same problem here for both my iPad and my iPhone 4 the “no network connection keeps coming up
iPhone 4 and iPad 2 refuse to update via iTunes on a 2.7 GHz iMac.
Nor will they update via Software update via wi-fi. Apple have been worse than useless in offering a solution / fix.
Many problems on my 4S after update:
Speakers no longer work in some apps.
Speakers don’t work with system sounds.
Battery life cut in half.
Phone is warm from the battery draining.
“No network error”
same with me bro , my battery heats up smh n my battery is worse help
Same problem with mine, especially the “No network error ” Now have to drive 3.5km from my house before the phone picks up a signal . Â Prior to the upgrade it worked everywhere ….
Same here! no system sounds,speaker doesn’t work!! not a good update
change your dns to wait 2 mins and it downloads
After several attempts to download update through iTunes, I tried the DNS fix, and it worked!! just go to your wi-fi settings in your phone, click on right arrow, scroll down to DNS, and change it… just remember to switch it back to the original when its done! It took like 2 min to start downloading, and the entire process was finished in under 20. Thanks for the Tip!
Great, had the same issue with my iPad, no “network connection could be made” changed the DNS and it worked a treat!
I have been trying to update the software on both my IPhone and my iPad 2 for well over a week. I have tried several times a day but always the same message that I cannot connect to the update server.
I have contacted Apple support on two occasions but it seems I shall have to continue to wait! Perhaps I will try the DNS though I’m a little reluctant to try this.
Upon updating iPhone 4 to iOS 5.1 it froze up with dimly lit blank screen and is buzzing (vibrate motor constantly on) non-stop! Â Pressed all buttons, flipped silencing button up and down, double pressed top and home buttons attempting to reset, plugged it into iTunes (computer does not recognize it at all), all to no avail! Â HELP!!!
I am getting the same error message too. I can’t update any of my devices to the new iOS 5.1. I am glad to hear I am not a lone. I wish there was a solution to this problem.
Since the update I can’t make or receive calls I can only text,my iPad is completely screwed also I’m very angry as my iPad and phone are my main source of income
having the same problem, losing service reguraly, its driving me insane
After the update to iOS 5.1 the shortcut to the camera does not work!!!! Has anyone else had the same problem?
yes lotta i had this problem
It does work u need to slide the lockscreen up. Just like u pull down the nc u need to hold the button and slide it up
I cant update my Iphone 4s….. both itunes and the phone if attempt is made directly, both state cannot connect to server !!! I have tried everything >>>> how frustrating !!
Problem here on ipad2 (2 machines) and iPhone 4. Tried over wi-fi and connected to itunes same old… Pretty frustrating overall.
Yes I am having the same error appear when I try to update. I cannot update my 3GS, 4S, or ipad 2. I can neither update them through my macbook on itunes or as individual units using wifi. Very frustrating indeed. I thought something was wrong with my macbook until I tried updating the devices individually using wifi, which is when I realized something was wrong the 5.1 itself or the apple server somehow. I have tried for two days with no success. First time ever I have had a problem updating any iOS systems.Â
i have tried for days to update, on wifi and on my iMac. i have even tried changing dns servers with no luck. i am in new zealand
the iphone software update server could not be contacted the network connection could not be established
cant upgrade my 3gs
wtf is going on
Did a jailbroken will never able to update to ios 5.1?? I’ve tried to replace the dns with
Popped out software update failed could anyone figure out how to solve it?
OMG! I was able to update to iOS 5.1 AND IT WRECKED MY IPHONE 4! I lost all my contacts and the music collection in my iPod folder (transformed into Music Folder). Â Now I do not remember a single phone number of my family and friends. What the h… did Apple just do?
Just a warning: You guys might want to wait until Apple fixes this OS update. It wreacked havoc on my iPhone. A big mistake updating to it.
After updating my iPad 2 to iOS 5.1, i could not use Samsung remote app to control my Samsung smart tv anymore. Before updating, it worked well. Error : “network connection fails” and disconnect after 1-2 seconds. Anyone has the same problem ?
I am also having the same issue with the Samsung Remote App. Identical symptoms, but no solution that I am aware of.
I am having the same problem with the Samsung remote app. Worked before, but not now. I get a “Disconnect, Network Connection Failure”
yes i do ! have you got a solution yet?
Changing DNS to  on  the iMac resolved this problem for me
Photo Stream does not work after updating to 5.1 on iPhone 4s..the photos do not transfer and Apple has not been able to resolve. iPad 2 works fine.
I’m trying to download an app but it requires iOS 5.1
So far I am unable to update my software on my iPad 2….
HELP Please!
Yesterday I downloaded ios 5.1 thru itunes (PC not a mac) and on downloading it went through the process of installing it on my iphone 4s, after about 10mins I got the “connect to itunes” screen and it is now locked only showing this screen. Tried the forced shut down and when I connect to the computer itunes  makes the noise of it connecting but does not “see it” so I cannot get into my phone at all it is hung. It is not jailbroken either and there was 5GB free on hardrive before I installed. even tried the red snow forced shut down.
  Any suggestions please.Â
Exactly the same problem i have.. sux.. Anyone who knows how to fix this?
I have this problem on iphone 4 . ! Can’t connect to wifi.
same thing happened to me. I have accidentally updated my iphone 4
and now it is locked. cannot recognize my sim so i cant activate it,
cant download any songs. i cant use it that way and i need my iphone!
i tried to jailbreak it, now i am able to download songs, photos, etc but no wifi and wont recognize my sim.. :'(
anyone who know the solution? please help me. my email address is
lets just help each other finding solution to APPLE’s mess…
can I update if I’m jailbroken on 5.0.1 with a 4S?
I continue receiving the same message  “Downloading…”
‘unable to check for update, an error occurred while checking for a software update I keep getting the same message when I try to update my Iphone 3gs. We have been able to update my ipad2 and my husband’s iphone4. I have a pc
I have tried suggestions of doing the following:
1 hard restart on phone, (I got the message the update was available)
2 downloading update through itunes and then installing. This has worked with other updates
3 I tried changing the DNS to didn’t work.
Mine seemed to go through all the Verifying, Updating etc etc but when it got to the end just tried to send me through the loop again by telling me there is a new Software update available and do I want to update to iOS5. After doing this twice I gave up. I never got an error message, but neither did it realise it had already appeared to do all the updating….
To be added to comment below
Oh, but my phone tells me it has OS 5.1. So it appears iTunes didn’t recognise this?
I updated my 3gs and ipad 1 and they r not working any more lost and others tell me the same it is making them paper waights
im having this problem too, i have a jail broken iphone 4, and i think that it is the problem.
I clicked on Download for ios 5.1 and it looked as though it was downloading……20 mins. It then said there was an error and it couldn’t down load so I disconnect the wire from i pad 2 to laptop. I now have the ii tunes symbol and a picture of a usbconnector with an arrow on my i pad. it won’t open. I am worried that I will lose all my work for the last 3 weeks on Pages ready for a deadline this week end………..sick!
That is exactly what my IPhone did and it was fried I’m waiting for a new one under the warranty!
 Always, ALWAYS, back up work before doing an upgrade of any kind.
I have tried to fix the problem of me i pad not opening and it says that if I ask to go back to factory settings i will lose data. is that e mails, contacts etc or will I lose docs on pages .
Does anyone know please?
I updated and now itunes does not recognize my iphone on my computerÂ
same thing happened to me. I have accidentally updated my iphone 4 and now it is locked. cannot recognize my sim so i cant activate it, cant download any songs. i cant use it that way and i need my iphone! :'(
i tried to jailbreak it, now i am able to download songs, photos, etc but no wifi and wont recognize my sim.. :'(
anyone who know the solution? please help me. my email address is
lets just help each other finding solution to APPLE’s mess…
i have had so many issues since updating to iOS 5.1 . Started with losing service when i was making/recieveing calls or sending texts, so they wouldnt go through or send. Now i have a lot of apps freezing, and my screen asking for my voicemail password will just pop up out of nowhere, even while i have an app open! also my computer has a lot of trouble recognizing my iphone when i plug it in. Officially the worst update ever. Bring Steve Jobs back from the dead please
Close all applications in your computer
open iTunes
connect your iPhone
when asked for update, pick option download only (not download & update)
once download is finished, disconnect your phone and connect again
update your phone!
I’m having this problem too with my Ipod Touch. Â I haven’t been able to update my ipod, everytime I click on “Download and Update” this message appears, and when I click Update Only, it lastas arounds 20 minutes, and at the end it says that an error happened
after updating to 5.1, i am unable to open most of my applications that has been downloaded via installous. Quite frustrating. And it flatten my battery so fast.
the ipa’s(apps) u  downloaded via installous are cracked apps and only work when installous is installed
Are you stupid or something? When you update your device with a jailbreak on it it will remove the jailbreak this information is poted all over intsalous and cydia, that’s why people like you should just get a htc or something shitty like that.
I attempted to update my iPhone 4 yesterday and the update killed my phone it appeared to be updating fine and then it told me to connect to iTunes which informed me my phone needed restored I attempted to restore it and nothing it just kept telling me I needed to restore it. When I took it into my service provider they said the phone was nothing more than an expensive paper weight now!!! My phone was only 4 1/2 months old!
The same thing happened to me. I tried updating to 5.1..The phone said to connect to itunes, and when I plugged it in it told me it was in recovery mode and needed to be restored. The restore process never finishes, and just times out. What the hell. You’re telling me i’m screwed and my phone is done?!
I’ve got same problem,but apple change my iPhone 4 for new one.and new one is on iOS 5.0.1,I’m stay,and not doing uptade to iOS 5.1
have changed dns but still stuck with that conection with servers error
I’m having trouble retrieving my voicemail messages! I have to either re-start my phone or just dial in to my voicemail to get my messages.Â
My Ipad 1 has a mind of its own in all apps including safari. I really need help!! Its driving me nuts!
did you figure this out? my daughter has been having the same problem lately
I also keep getting a message saying ” a problem had occurred while downloading unable to update iOS 5.1. It is very frustrating for me because I’ve tried it many times & the same happenes again & again. Some of my friends & family have already updated. But I must say thanks to sights/forums like these it’s a relief to know I ain’t the only one in the world to have this problem.
I logged into my apple account and updated my credit card info and this worked for me.
Camera kit now fails to connect to ipad 2…”Accessory not Supported…”
I cant bleive this. i have an iphone 3gs and tried to update it to 5.1. The progress bar filled up all the way exept for the very last little bit and stayed that way for hours. I figured it just got hung up and needed to try it again. So I manualy turned my phone off and attempted to reboot it. Long story short the apple logo just slowly flashes on and off on and off on and off. When i put it into restore mode by turning it off and holding the home button then plugging it up to a usb cable to a comp, itunes doesnt even recognize the phone is even connected. Tried the daignostic option in itunes STILL NO PHONE! If any of you arelike me my whole life is in that da#@ phone so this a REALY BIG INCONVIENIENCE! If anybody has any expierence with this problem please comment here with a solution!
Hi, i’ve just read your post after the same thing has happened to me tonight, have you resolved your problem, I can’t get my phone to work at all
 me too – am desperate for a solution…..
 hi not sure if this will be useful but even though my phone had been fully charged prior to upgrade the upgrade obv the upgrade used up heaps of battery – i just plugged mine into itunes and it popped up as havign no battery so plugged it in to charge and next thing it’s working fine. Not sure how long this will last but it seems like the problem righted itself and then was made worse by battery running out…..
I upgraded mine today, it said it won’t connect unless i restore my phone- I have just restored it and now it won’t go on! it goes to a set-up screen and just tells me that the sim is not recognised.
it also won’t connect to ITUNES
no network coverage after upgrdde in ios 5.1
Anybody having problems with their Bluetooth having uploaded the new 5.1 software to their 4S iPhone ? Â The day after uploading, my phone would no longer interface with my car hands free system [a Mercedes] Â Mercedes checked their system and said all was ok. But cannot connect to my ne Mac book pro either now…
Ideas please?
unable to check for update – an error occurred while checking for a software update
still remains this problem when Im trying to upgrade from 5.0.1 to 5.1…
Did anyone find a solution?
I have iphone4 with ios4 . Can any one suggest me that i have to update it to ios5.1 or ios 4 is better. ….. ??
iOS 4 is better for jailbreak (4.33, 4.2.1 etc) if you’re not on jailbreak you should upgrade..
Sources. experience
I’ve attempted to update my iPhone 4S several times and after waiting up to 70 minutes for the update to download, it prompts me to say that it cannot update…very frustrating, especially since it’s not exactly a small download.
i have purchased ipad2 wifi 3g with ios 5.1 lot of issues . Hang while switching between 3g to wifi . 2 cannot move applications between screens , restore/reset is missing while resorting i am unable to restore from iTunes . i think i m ditched very much unsatisfied with this kind of softwareÂ
I’, 90% positive you got an apple store iPad probably someone robbed it or their selling the iPad 2 that were in the store b4.. I’ve used apple store advices and they have the same description, can you download games?
after upgrade the bettery drain so fast and network connection keep lossing my iPhone 4 the “no service” keeps coming up specially on 3G i even changed my SIM but still the same the netwrok coverage always low.
I have ipod touch 4 g. Now updation to 5.1 was smooth. The followings are the problem i am facing, i am not sure if they are similar with other devices. 1. Wifi network is lost every other minute. 2. The screen freezes for few seconds after unlock. 3. App world connecton asks for password even i am logged in (not the case previousely). 4. The multipurpose button does perform the necessory action one single or double click sometimes. Ios 5.0 was working like charm. Should next update to be taken or not ? Is jailbreakinf really restore the problems? Downgrade is option or not? Kindly provide some focus on this
Tried to put 5.1 onto my phone,it took 2.5 hours to download,then it said it was processing the information,and then a error massage said network timed out,,this has happens 5 times,I have the latest I tunes ,apple won’t help as my phone it out of warranty ,any suggestions ???
i’ve tried for hours, got my iPhone 4, 4s, and iPod touch on 5.1, but my iPad 1 4.33 (jailbroken says “does not have the required build” losing hope here
I live in Australia and updated to ios5.1 3 days ago….since then my network coverage goes on and off…can’t access emails or Internet without it dropping out every few seconds and calling is the same. I have contacted support and they can’t help. I have searched every comment on the problem and tried all the resets over and over…nothing works. Somebody out there must have a solution!….
I have the same problem signal shite keeps freezing not bad for hundred pound contract a month when I can not use the dam thing Chris
my error is if i continue the update it will delete all my data. what is the solution?
When i go to update my iPhone 3gs on itunes for PC it says that my software (4.2.1) is the current version. Obviously it isnt, also my phone doesnt have the option to update via wi-fi network. What should i do?
maybe you should try updating your i tunes ….. hope this helps
my iphone 4 is slightly going bad with ios5. the graphics is bad! can anyone tell me why its happened?
Updated to IOS 5.1.1 and text tones and keyboard clicks do not work. Ringer works, but others do not. Were working perfectly fine before I upgraded.  A co-worker accidentally restored my phone to default settings, needless to say I lost some things until I can get the backup on my laptop which is more recent than iCloud. Is this something Apple should be fixing if I take to store?
I have the exact same problem with clicks and tones, so annoying!!!
I have the same problem. Do I need to restore it to fix the problem? I live in PNG with terrible internet & restoring would be my last choice
After updating to 5.1.1 i can no longer update my apps and have no internet… any suggestions?? If i restart it it helps temporarily and then the connection gets lost…
Won’t except my yahoo password and won’t give me my messages but my iPad is ok. How do I fix this?
I downloaded the newest update today, and it has done nothing but mess up my phone. It won’tet you click on googled pictures, or go to the next page on a google search. Also it has messed up my service on my phone. Do not download this version. Is there a way to undo a software update?? If so, PLEASE let me know ASAP! Thanks.
The Google thing isn’t to do with the new iOS I’m still 5.0.1 and it happens to me sometimes but don’t worry it comes right after about an hour or so
I have downloaded the update today. half way through the update a message came on to connect to itunes. When connected to I tunes and whilst dowloading the update, a message comes up saying that itunes has detected a iphone that is in recovery mode, and that the phone needs to be restored. I got this new handset yestrday as my other was broken starting to wish I had not nothered. Please help.
Mine is doing the same thing right now. I can turn my phone on and off and all it wants me to do is connect the usb to itunes and when I do that message pops up halfway through. and i have to starte all over….ugh. I can’t use my phone at all unless this download finishes!
Mine did the same and now all my settings are completely gone along with my photos, music, messages and personal contacts. Â so frustrated!Â
Me too. So aggravating.
My i phone 3 settings told me that an update was available so I pressed to update then the bar froze so I tried switching off altogether and now whenever I try to turn the phone back on all I get is the apple icon flashing on and off, it won’t switch at all
I have installed ios 5.1.1 on my iphone 4s and after that my screen only shows usb device and itunes . I cant switch on my mobile. Please help
I upgraded my 3GS to 5.1 but it created two problems. one “No Service” issue, mostly “Invalid Sim” and second after rebooting my screen hanged at dark black screen with a Apple… no Progess
trying from the last day, still no progress….. It wastes my precious time a lot
i have 4 outstanding Apps to be updated but i keep getting ‘Cannot connect to Itunes Store’ on my ipod touch 4th G iSO 5.1.1. i have tried rebooting, disconnection my WiFi, change my settings on my ipod : turned off restrictions, turned on auto downloads, logged in and out of apple id still no joy! this is really annoying!!
Same issue here – keep getting an error 23 after downloading all the software>?
my iphone 4 been lock after update
how do i fix back to normal
I updated my iphone 4 seemingly with no issues then yesterday on 30% battery my phone died and cannot get it back on. I have tried to connect to itunes to restore etc but keep getting error 21 I have searched the net and tried all suggested solutions but nothing has worked so far. I have never messed with my phone so can only assume this is to do with the new IOS 5.1 update. I’ve not even had this phone a year and am getting super annoyed at this!!! Any suggestions?!?!
since update my iphone 3gs has ‘no network’ & ‘searching’ constantly – sim works fine in another phone. Phone only 3wks old (replaced). Not allowing 3g use to connect to internet either.
Its not jailbroken.
U got any reproeve mate coz i have facing the same problem yesterday i updateb my IOS to 5.1.1 from 4.3.3 everything is fine except my iphone is like a costly Ipod NO SERVICE all the time please share views on solving this issue
Hello there!
I have jail broken my iPhone, now twice – the first time it cocked up and some of my applications didn’t work even though i had “just booted several times, i then restored the phone through iTunes and broke it again, this time it all worked and i was able to use Cydia apps however i went to phone a friend and noticed that my speaker volume was really low, have tried calling a few numbers and have the same issue, I am currently restoring the phone trough iTunes as i would rather have a working phone then a none working jail broken phone..
does anyone know if this can have the effect on the audio speaker (rather like using a shitty driver for linux and having poor quality/volume)?
I have just updated my iphone to iOS 5.1.1 and all my text messages and photos since 12/03/12 (last update) have disappeared. Does anyone know whether I can get them back?
if u took somebackup of all ur iphone data before upgrading just restore it u will have all ur messages songs etc including log history and calenders
I had purchased my first Iphone in the last month, no doubt it was enjoyable but
“Changed All Of My Great Views & Perceptions about APPLE!!!”
As bad support from them, not noticing our issues, no fix, no solution, no help, so called Upgrade with more bugs and issues than the olders versions…Â
Tried each and every help at various forums but no solution.. Wasted a lot of my precious time.. a source of tension and frustration…Â
Bye to Everyone hereBye Apple
I attempted to update last Friday, the progress bar didn’t move for a very long time, so I switched it off. Since then it will not turn on at all all that happens is the apple logo just flashes on and off. I spoke to my provider and they sent a courier to collect my phone for repair. I was rang from the repair people who said that my phone was not under warrenty and wanted me to pay for the repair. I have refused to do this as it is a software problem from apple., My phone was working perfectly until I did what apple asked me to do. Now I have to go into an apple store and demand that they fix my phone. In the meantime it has cost me dearly, I am self employed and use my phone as a mini office with much data on there!
I’m having a completely different issue with the update for my 4s….it says I have an update but will not allow me to open it. Says I need a wifi connection. I have Internet on my phone and am connected to a full signal wifi network as well. The update is a light gray color so clicking it does nothing. Any suggestions? Ive tried everything I can think of at this point.
I updated my iPod yesterday and now it wont load past the apple loading screen. Apple wants to charge me 60 bucks for something that might not even fix my iPod. My iPod was working just fine before the update and now all the backups and previous version software updates are gone and I can not restore my iPod to get it to work. I am going Korean now for my mp3 payers F#$% apple. Â
Have 2 ipods and updated both to 5.1.1. Now cannot send photos no matter the app. Sent several and the jpg seems to have disappeared so photos cannot be opened. Just tried to insert a photo into email, and it just disappeared. All this since the update. Apple needs to get busy fast.Â
I just did this update and now it’s saying I have to RESTORE MY PHONE!
I just updated my phone… It gave me ‘an error occured’ message, and now my phone is locked in an itunes loop. WTF.
Blech! My phone is stuck in restore mode now. I rebooted my computer, okayed itunes updates, the update asked me to plug in my iphone and crashed it. AAAAAGH!
I updates to the new iOS and now my ringer volume won’t work. Unless its plugged in to something (charger, earbuds, etc) the ringer is off, no sound and when I hit my side volume buttons to turn it on… It just stays on with no increasing volume symbols… Anyone??
please clean the ear phone plug with paper or other, then replug severel times
it is because of water or other wet particles inside it . so it may take 24 hrs or more
then switch off and on it inshallah it will be ok
Have same problem. Message says; “Can’t currently update your IPhone,
please try again later”. Also getting same message for backup.
I did the update and now my email is not coming to my phone! Frustrating!!!!!
I did the update and im having trouble charging it now when connecting to computer. Says the cord isnt supported WTF? its the apple cord???
urrg , jailbroken 4s wont let me update from the settings on phone, nor will it let me restore from  DFU  mode … trying the ipad2 atm
I’ve aproblem to upgrade ios from. 5.0.1 to 5.1.1
my Iphone is 4s
after connecting iphone to itunesand finishing the downloading the new firmware a
a message of an error (( network timed out)) and can’tcomplete the update. what is the solution please.?
Thanks God. I done it.
I downloaded the new firmware outside itunes then updated it through itunes again. but I have anew problem with JB . as it recognize the iphone but hangs after two progress bars.
Did anyone face that problem?!
this is soooo frustrating!
I’ve been trying for weeks now but i cant get this software update done! Tried all sorts – but end up with multiple errors… the latest being “the network connection timed out”!!!
why does apple make just user-“unfriendly” products
After getting “No Service” on my iPhone and connecting it to iTunes as prompted, I got the message that the phone cannot be restored. Took it to AT&T where they were able to restore it but erasing everything. When I got home, it stopped working again and when I tried to restore it said “no SIM card”. Finally took it to Apple store today where I was told I need a new phone. Didn’t get one but instead googled problems updating iPhone to ios5. I followed one suggestion which is forced recover mode and it’s working again. For how long, who knows! Thank goodness I didn’t make another $199+tax and a two year contract investment.
My iphone3g was unlocked but not jailbroken. I have reset and restored 6 times since this update, I can’t get any service at all. It was fine before this. To be honest as much as I love iphones I don’t think I will ever buy another after this.
Hello everyone, i am having a different issue. We have three iphone, one stills on 5.1.0 and two of them on 5.1.1 one of the updated one we did the update on the phone itself but mine, i did it on itunes, i had the same issues that after itunes downloaded 5.1.1 it says that error, something about lost connection or something like that… So i tried like 3 times and it finally downloaded good… But the real issue i am having now is that since the 5.1.1 update i am noticing that my iphone signal is very weak on my two 5.1.1 iphones so i dont know if actucally the update is causing this ir what is wrong. By the way i have Verizon..
i connected my iphone 4 into itunes i clicked update to 5.1.1 it extracted my iphone and it said an error has occured we cannot update your iphone.I try to turn on my iphone but it keeps saying to pug into itunes when my iphone is already connected, what do i do?
your iphone is probably on restore mode try holding the power and home button for a long time without connected to the computer
I was able to update my iPhone 4S but ever since I update it, I’ve been having problems. The internet runs muchmuchmuch slower and my wifi connections that usually worked faster than the actual Internet are just as slow now. I’m very frustrated, I’ve restarted my phone, and the network settings but it doesn’t seem to help.
I also have been having problems with wifi too. There not the same but the thing is that it desconects alone and it has never done that before. I dont know what to do either!!!
I have the same problem with my 4s and iv got iOS 5.1. either got no service or connection, can’t send a text or search the web. it’s obviously an issue with apple but very frustrating!!
my iPhone 4 is stuffed big time. and i don’t know what to do. please help me.
My speakers won’t play the iPhone any more. It recognises its plugged it but won’t charge. Other iPhones that havent been updated still work…
The music still plays on the phone through the speakers but since I updated it the phone only plays through the speakers on the phone and earphones. When I plug it into my big speakers it recognises its plugged it but will continue to play through the phones speakers. It comes up as a message ‘device not recognised’. Please help it is so frustrating
hi ive been trying to update my iphone 4 i download the software with no problem but it just wont load onto my phone it just says backing up i have tried loads of times and left it for 3 hours and the loading bar dont move can you help me please thanks
Hi I am trying to update my iPad 2 to the software 5.1 but whenever I try downloading the loading freezes and when I check it again probably like 2 hours ago It has barley made it half way
my iphone 3gs kept rebooting after a jailbreak on ios 5.1, so i turned it off and tried to restore it to a stock ipsw and got and error 3194 , what do i do
I was wondering if any of you that got the failed update message if you also have experienced when trying to get new apps that are free or paid if you get a invalid security code when trying to get apps or even update apps
I have this same problem with my daughter’s iPod Touch. Stalled out during the update, then stuck on connect to iTunes screen, but iTunes won’t recognize. HELP!
What I was told to do is if you have a computer plug your device into it using I tunes try to do a restore from iTunes.
I am sorry I did not notice that iTunes doesn’t recognize it so the restore through I tunes won’t work if u can’t get it to recognize it
my iphone was connected to my computer and itunes flash up and i updated my iphone. however, my partner’s iphone was connected before and now i have all his information including his phone numbers and my iphone thinks my iphone is his. my phone numbers have been erased and his numbers are replaced.
sounds like you restored his backup to your phone..
 you mixed up ur phones…..
i have updated my iphone 4 last month en i have encountered this past few days a huge problem when chargin.. its quite slow.. en sometimes the battery signs i need to plug it.. en its really terrible.. i’ve tried all the charger on our house.. changed the cord.. but it isnt workin.. what should i do??? help..
I have an iPhone 4 and have just updated it to the newest version. Ever since I have not even been able to use my phone it keeps telling me to activate it… so I do and then it says it couldn’t. I’ve connected it to iTunes and it has told me there is no sim inserted, there is a sim in it and it worked fine yesterday. I have also tried my sim in another iphone and it worked fine so it’s no the sim. I can’t use the phone for anything at all and I can’t do anything with it on iTunes either. Please can somebody help?!
I need some help. On my iPhone4, I want 5.1. So, while we are downloading IOS from the iTunes store, do we have to keep the phone connected to the Laptop/PC the whole time for which we are downloading. Because I have to go to work and not having my phone with me creates a big problem.. Please help.
HELP !!!
After I Upgraded my iphone 3gs software into iOS 5 … My phone Can’t Finish the update because the phone can’t activate ( the reason is ” IT CAN’T READ MY SIM ! ” )
please help , tnx
this happen to me and i dont know to fix it
I have an ipod touch 4 and i downloaded 5.1. At the beggining i felt realy exited about it since it had the newstand, reminders, and the notification chart which are very useful. But as the weeks passed I started to see some small problems starting to occure. My ipod would do things that never happended before to me. While being in any random app it would go out without me pressing any botton. Then, in ANY game, it would become ‘untouchable’. So it would not answer, not even if i clicked the menu botton AND the lock botton. I would just have to turn it off and back on. Another problem that just started occuring a few days ago was that evry time I locked it and unlocked it back (no matter if a day or 2 seconds had passed since then) my wifi would go off. This is something that it had never happened to me before. EVER. So now every time I lock and unlock back, i have to go back to setting and put it back on
… so please, if you have a way to help me, you can email me. I hope this help’s somebody!
Ever since I installed 5.1.1, I cannot connect at home. No problem at any other place with WIFI. I have an iPad 2 & had no problem until the new version! I’m being asked to give the password for the Cisco network & a contact site is given me if I don’t know it. When I get into the site using my laptop, the info is useless.
I have exactly the same problem with my iphone 4s 5.1.1, can’t get any connection at home but its fine when out and about and have to use wifi. So frustrating!!
I just updated over the weekend and now I am having problems with the camera app.  Seems related to the upgrade.
I have an iphone 4s.. And now, i can’t receive nor send a text message.. I’ve tried updating it, and it worked.. But after a few days , it stopped receiving and sending text messages again!! Help! What am i supposed to do??
I’m facing same problem..
im not able to update. nor m i able to restore it..
please help me out ….
waiting for ur revert.
I attempted to download the update iOS. 5.1which took about 70 mins but at the end of it I now cannot switch on my iPhone 4 because of a constant iTunes logo with a cable picture on the screen.  I have followed support advice of switching on and off using both buttons without success.  Now when I link my phone to the  computer it does not show up in any form, neither as a camera only (which was happening, and why I downloaded the update).  There is no software on my computer now – which makes me think that I have probably lost my backup records as well. I therefore cannot get into a site to recover or restore.  What a nightmare – I have wasted about four hours reading the support sites. Â
how did u sort it ?
I updated my Ipad2 today to the iOS 5.1 and now i have no internet at all and even though my cellular data is on and connected, anytime i try to go into the app store, instagram, Facebook or any app that uses the internet, it says “could not activate cellular data network, PDP authentication failure” i cant get it to work, ive tried everything.. does anyone have any advice?Â
I had to restore my daughter’s iTouch because she forgot her password and updated everything in the process. My iTunes account shows it is all updated and restored- trying to set it up again – said to restore from iTunes and it is stuck on the “connect to iTunes” page – now we can’t do anything on it!! Please help
the update progress bar just froze right at the beginning and I decided to switch off itunes after almost 2 hours of waiting and no movement. Now my phone’s been wiped and I’ve been forced to restore it back to factory settings cuz itunes did not show me a “restore from backup” option, progress bar still not moving…. it’s been another hour….
I’v got the 4s and iOS 5.1 but having big issues with connection, either no signal or just one bar. Can’t send messages or search the web, it’s so frustrating.
crashes when trying to crop photos
Can someone please say how the he’ll to do it and stop whinging about it.
I have Iphone4 and am having same issues. My daughter updated her & her husbands without a problem. What is the answer?
I’m attempting now, originally I thought it was because I had an old iPad and not the iPad 2, but my husband’s just got back from an exercise with the army and asked me to update them both. I’ve since deleted everything off of my iPad, downloaded the update onto the computer and now I’m attempting to upload it onto my iPad – the long way around – it’s not doing anything, I’ve just got a message on the iTunes screen saying “contacting the ipad activation server” and I think it’s been there for a good half an hour. Not sure what to do next!
actuaLLy i cHanGeD  The versiOn intO 5.1.1 anD tHen  facinG tHe neTwOrk pRobLems…!!
LiKe “nO seRviCe ” anD “seaRcHinG”…. Do i Have tO DeGraDe tHe veRsiOn ?
SInce downloading the 5.1.1 my iphone 3gs locks up constantly after receiving a voicemail and listening to it. Does anyone know why it does it. It is really annoying.
I am having the same issue, my two daughters had no problem I am extremely frustrated
Look im getting really pissed off at this i do use facebook & twitter a lot but i cant seem to up date my 3g iphone with ios. Now ive tried all methods its not my pc its itunes fault not my pc. Now what can i do to fix this so i can have ios on my bloody iphone?
i was upgrading my iphone this morning the last time i checked it was almost done then when i checked again, the phone was dead, turned it on again and it showed me the itunes icon and the usb cable. honestly i am not really good about this kind of stuff, so anybody has an idea what to do or idea about it will greatly help! THANKS!
I am having this exact problem!
Iam very much frustrated with my New I phone 5. The Audio is very poor. I get very low sound on my Received calls and same thing happens when i call some one. This is a disgrace for this Product. they want Top $$ and they cannot solve this Problem. Their Tech support is bad too. The guys read from Printed answers on their PC.