Nexus 4 further disappointment for US but there’s a twist

If you’re a US reader and still trying to get your hands on the Google Nexus 4 by LG then you’ll no doubt already know how problematic that has been. We’ve been following this dismal saga of supplies not anywhere near meeting demand and then two days ago brought some much better news. The Nexus 4 was back in stock at T-Mobile although we did caution we didn’t know for how long. Now, only two days later we have the gloomy news it is already sold out again, or is it?
We’ve posted many times about the lack of supplies of the Nexus 4 worldwide so don’t want to bore you with every detail again. In a nutshell it was available through the Google Play Store but ever since its release it sold out almost instantly whenever it became available, and that wasn’t very often. In different countries there are various avenues for purchasing the Nexus 4 without using Google Play but the unlocked version works out much more expensive this way. In the US the only other route for obtaining the Nexus 4 is through T-Mobile but the same problems with lack of stock have also plagued this major US carrier.
However there was recently good news when T-Mobile announced that more stocks of the Nexus 4 would be available in stores and online from January 23 and on January 24 we let readers know that true to word, T-Mobile now had available stock for online orders, even though Google Play still had the device listed as sold out. Of course we had hoped that there would be adequate supplies for the demand but urged readers to be quick if they wanted to order one and now sadly we have learned that T-Mobile stocks have been snapped up and once again those after the Nexus 4 are out of luck, although of course you may be lucky enough to find the odd one still in-store. Hang on though as there’s a twist.
Business Insider reports that the Nexus 4 actually sold out again at T-Mobile online just one day after it went back on sale, hours after we told readers we had checked and it was still listed as available. We have checked and found many reports of the phone selling out at T-Mobile again although we now have a glimmer of hope. When we checked T-Mobile moments ago we found the out of stock notice had once again been removed so it now seems like if you try again now you may be lucky after all. To back this up Android Community also informed that the phone had sold out again through T-Mobile online again and an update now states that although it sold out again quickly, it now looks as though inventory has returned.
It seems that from day-to-day and even hour-to-hour this situation is changing so we cannot tell you at the specific time you’re reading this whether online stocks are available or not. If you hurry you may be lucky though so check at T-Mobile here.
We’d be interested to hear from anyone who managed to get the phone through T-Mobile recently, especially those who ordered online. Are you one of the fortunate ones? Maybe you were one of those who tried but once more to no avail? Let us know with your comments.
29 thoughts on “Nexus 4 further disappointment for US but there’s a twist”
It seems to me that if it is so damned popular they should do whatever they can to ramp up production and they might actually have an iPhone killer on their hands.
Not sure what do you mean iPhone killer, Android phone market share is already bigger than iPhone.
He means iPhone killer (one device against one device), not operating system market share.
Every Tmo store I stopped at here in Chicago had one…so try the brick and morter stores first! Me? I’m waiting for the unlocked version from Play store (non subsidized)
The Tmobile version is locked? Wow didnt know that…so you mean you couldnt buy at at Tmobile and take it to ATT without an “unlock code”?
The phone itself isn’t locked to t-mobile, but since you are essentially financing it via t-mobile, if you break the contract you will probably pay more in ETF than the balance that is still owed on the phone (~$300).
Don’t listen to that dude. It’s the same phone no matter where it’s bought. There’s only 1 Nexus 4 and their all unlocked. Just up to you to decide if you want the contract or not.
Dumb ass… It’s the exact SAME as the Play store version. Just costs more. There’s no physical difference between the phones at all. Unsubsidized makes sense for your post but otherwise your trolling.
Trying to get one on Google play US but no luck. This would be the iphone killer if we could buy it.
There is no such thing as an iphone killer. Just like there is no such thing as an imac killer. Why bother trying to kill something that’s a distant second place?
g1t mine at a t-mobile store in lines and they seem to have plent…
how much did you pay?
Um, the play store one is cheaper. Just get a $15/month plan and a few hundred dollars for a phone is nothing. It is cheaper over a year, let alone 24 months.
Where do you get a $15 plan? Need phone, text, and 4g data.
Ever since getting the N4, I haven’t been eye balling any phones out there when walking the mall…it just works so well can’t wait for Key Lime Pie.
I just ordered mine from T-Mobile on Thursday. Before I ordered it, I swear I saw it in stock, then I refreshed the page and it was out of stock, and then it was in stock again a little later, which is when I jumped on it and bought it.
I got mine today from a t-mobile brick and mortar. So far so good!
I went to the t mobile store and they had 4 of them but there is a catch. If you want to buy the phone contract free it will cost you 550 as opposed to the 300 you would pay through Google. Supply and demand I suppose
It should be noted that you are forced into a contract that costs an additional $20 a month(Classic Plan) opposed to their value plan for two years, regardless of which exact plan you pick. That cost difference will be a $480 bill in total difference. However, you save $150 on the phone with the discounts, So in total you’ll end up paying $330 more now instead of waiting at the google play store and going with a value plan.
So the question you have to ask yourself, is the $330 worth it?
Do what I did, get an LG Optimus G.
You mean more expensive less updates wait slow updates. Which every carrier you get it from will most likely add there junk to it ie bloatware!! And let’s not forget my fave the LOCK DOWN BOOTLOADER.. Go ahead you fool!!!! Sent from my hard to get Nexus 4 running Jellybean 4.2.1
Actually no the phone is quite cheap, got mine on ebay for $320. And my bootloader is unlocked and it won’t be long before im running CM10 also unlike the nexus 4 I have 32gb of memory I also get a 32 megapixel camera and I pick up Sprint LTE which is all over Boston. So thank you for acting like you know what you’re talking about when you really don’t
Seriously guys, what is this Hype about? I moved from Galaxy Nexus to Nexus 4. And yes its for sure faster with better cam, it its not exactly God sent. They both run the latest 4.2.1.
Nexus 4 is not like moving from Motorola’s RAZR to Original IPhone.
Its better but nothing you can’t live without.
It’s all about value. Nexus 4 has nearly the same specs as the Galaxy S3, yet costs half as much.
I’m sure somebody would love to buy yours!
Availabe at local store, Malaysia.
W/T-Mobile 10+ yrs. Once POS Motorola Cliq finally bit the dust, bought Nexus 4 on Jan 24 at T-Mobile store Stoneridge Mall Pleasanton CA. Clerk sd 11 more in stock; however bring your wallet & don’t expect a kiss first. Railroaded into addl 2 yr contract/exactly as llvllozzie describes here. Criminal & fascist (well, at least reprehensible) to jack up device price/force new contract based solely on corporately manufactured demand. Of *course* more can be made available; unfortunately doing so negates meeting the objective of this synthetic need. The bitter irony? Nexus Owner (below) put it best: nothing I can’t live without.
Back in stock as of noon today!
Nexus 4 is the best!! Gonna get that this month, so sad there’s no official retailers in russia, its stronger than S3 and two times cheeper! I gotta S3 and I’m disappointed! And wanna say who’s got an Optimus G they’re completely fools!!