evad3rs evasi0n iOS 6 Untethered jailbreak release, list includes iPhone 5

For those that have been waiting for the iOS 6 untethered jailbreak might want to keep Sunday free, the new evad3rs evasi0n iOS 6x Untethered jailbreak is under construction right now and on the list it includes the iPhone 5.
If you visit the official evad3rs website aka evasi0n you will see that they are up to 68% towards completion and you will also see that private beta testing will be done for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux. The new evasi0n jailbreak will support devices running iOS 6 to iOS 6.1 such as the iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad 2, iPod touch 4th generation, iPhone 4S, iPad 3, iPod touch 5th generation, iPhone 5, iPad mini, iPad 4 and the Apple TV 2.
The evasi0n website is made up of famous hackers including musclenerd, pimskeks, pod2g and planetbeing, we love the fact that this site shows you the progress status bar featuring percentage completion. The requirements for such a jailbreak includes the likes of five minutes of the users time, you will need a PC running Mac OS X 10.5 minimum, Windows XP minimum or Linux x86 / x86_64> Other requirements include An iPhone, iPad or iPod running iOS 6.0 through 6.1, and a USB cable for connection to computer.
The site also gives credit to the likes of @phoenixdev for his research, @Surenix for evad3rs and evasi0n designs, @chronicdevteam and @iphone_dev for their support, Hanéne Samara for her work on evasi0n GUI and last but not least Kiki the cat for the inspiration. If you would like to contribute money to the team you can do so by hitting the ‘Contribute Button’ on the official website link above.
If you look at the photo we have provided above you will see that the calendar icon is set on number 3, if you combine this with 68% on the progress bar you will get the evad3rs evasi0n iOS 6 Untethered jailbreak release this Sunday coming.
All comments most welcome, love to know what you are thinking right now.
9 thoughts on “evad3rs evasi0n iOS 6 Untethered jailbreak release, list includes iPhone 5”
Does this team launches any new free ipa installer like installous?
use ifunbox with ipa files
u can’t upload cracked (jailbroken) apps, it will not allow it, anyone have any other suggestions???
works for me, also cracked apps should not be referred to as jailbroken that’s the OS not the app. these are standard cracked ipa files NOT deb files – those should be installed via Cydia..
There are cyda repos out there offering IPA files also – try those
Cracked apps cannot be synced with a non jailbroken iDevice. You need to have appsync installed for it to sync
Thanks, the discussion was about how to get IPA onto a jailbroken device so, yeah.. I was pointing out that the device gets the jailbreak not the app.
My english is not good, does you meant that the coming sunday the jailbreak will be came out finally?
Keep up the good work, we are All very grateful and appreciate your hard work. Bless