Nexus 7 2 problems not all solved with update

The second-generation Google Nexus 7 for 2013 has proved popular, but a few weeks ago we told of some touchscreen problems that had been reported by some users. These issues were supposed to have been fixed with an update, but it now seems that the Nexus 7 2 problems have still not all been solved.
In our August 12 report we told how keyboard and touchscreen issues were being discovered on some Nexus 7 2’s and that these problems seemed to affect both the 16GB and 32GB models. This followed another issue regarding GPS on the device.
These problems were regarded seriously enough for Consumer Reports to recommend that people should not purchase the Nexus 7 2 until these glitches were ironed out. This was despite the fact that generally the tablet has received glowing praise. Further to this Google released the JSS15Q update that was supposed to fix these problems.
However, it has now been reported that even after the update has been installed, some new purchasers of the Nexus 7 2 are still noticing display problems. It seems that this issue could be due to incorrect calibration that another update could fix, though there is also speculation that the snags could be down to a grounding issue.
This is being discussed as a possible reason for the problem due to the fact that some Nexus 7 2 displays experience ghost touches and other odd behavior when lying flat, but work okay when the device is plugged in or being held. If this turns out to be the case, a software update would be unable to fix the problem.
In the meantime Google is said to be still looking into Nexus 7 2 issues reported by users, but if you have one of the units affected you might want to try exchanging it for another one. We’re interested to find out how widespread these Nexus 7 2 problems are so welcome your comments.
Does your new Nexus 7 2013 suffer from any of the bugs mentioned here, even after the update? Is the problem with your Nexus 7 2 the same since the update, or even worse as some have reported? Why not share your experiences of the Nexus 7 2 with other readers.
Source: Google Product Forum Via: Android Police
25 thoughts on “Nexus 7 2 problems not all solved with update”
I used the old Nexus 7 for 10 months without any problems. So far the new Nexus 7 seems better in every way and I haven’t encountered any problems.
I bought one at Best Buy the first day it went on sale. Unfortunately one time it got stuck on the “x” screen and would never boot up. Google tech support could not resolve the issue…unit would not go into the boot up menu. So I took it back to Best Buy for an exchange. Within about 12 days, the 2nd unit had mysteriously rebooted a couple times, then by day 12 the same stuck-on-the-x-screen-forever issue occurred. Again, I could not get to the boot up menu so I returned my Nexus 7 for a refund. I’d be willing to purchase again if these issues are fixed, but so far I’m 0 for 2.
Was thinking about it but will stay away for now.
I have both the 12 and 13 versions.
The 12 has run flawlessly for a yr now.
The 13 gps was as described and
the touch sensing was very twitchy.
The update did fix the gps and
mostly fixes the touch sensing but
its still on the edge of being twitchy, though
its quite usable.
“I think I ll keep her”
I wish theyd give us a setting slider for sensitivity.
I d be able to tweak it to what works for me.
I find it amazing that asus has designed both units and
could have taken the touch sensor from the 12 version.
Why did they fix what wasnt broken?!
Man, I’m really into this device, but the only problem is that is not for sale in my country yet (Mexico). A relative is buying it for me in the next couple of days, but now that all these issues have surfaced, I’m still thinking about maybe buying an iPad (I expect the iPad 5 to have minimum upgrades as for the 4 one). Any advice you could share?
I’m having problems with random reboots which I’ve had about twice a day since purchasing two weeks after release. In fully updated, and I purchased from a best buy.
Turning off GPS as reported by other users did seem to help. Monitoring up time now.
If it gets stuck at the X screen, go through recovery mode and clear cache partition and then wipe data. It’ll stay stuck on there for a minute then it’ll go to the welcome screen to set it up again. There’s a fix to it.
I have the previous nexus 7 which has worked flawlessly since I brought it over a year ago. Though I do love the new design and feel of the new nexus. I might get it but not currently if it has loads of problems.
I just purchased one in the UK. I am running the latest version of 4.3 and I am having no issues whatsoever
Also from the UK. Got the 2013 Nexus 7 three days ago from Tesco. Works amazingly well. No problems whatsoever.
Tried the GPS yesterday on a 3 hour trip using Sygic and it was great. Even better than the GPS with the 2012 model. Battery went from 100% at start to 90% after the three hour journey.
Bought one from Currys/PC World (UK) on Friday and noticed that occasionally it always wasn’t registering touches, especially when using the keyboard. I downloaded a touch screen testing app (the same one used in the video) and played around with it. Sometimes it was fine then it would start missing touches and also adding ghost touches. After reading a few articles describing the potential of a grounding issue I tried the test several times with the charge cable plugged in (but not plugged into the mains….. The problem went away. Tried it again without and started missing touches again. At that point I waited until it failed to register a touch but kept my finger on the screen. Leaving my finger in place I plugged the charge cable in and low and behold the touch registered…. removed the cable, it unregistered. I repeated the test several times before deciding that I was 100% certain it was a grounding issue. I then returned the device to PC world and will wait until ASUS (who’s quality control has always been shocking in my opinion) sort it out before buying another. Love the device but this particular issue is pretty annoying.
Having a couple of problems:
1. unlock using the pattern it does not recognize it. Seems to happen if I rotate when locked
2. When trying copy a word, it does not recognize the press
These do not happen all the time.
I’ve had the new 2013 version for over a week.It won’t go over 10 minutes before it reboots itself and I have to restart current applications…WTF?
So many issues with this tablet, I just want my money back. The screen glitches daily, It won’t allow me to touch certain parts of the screen while in horizontal mode and now the battery isnt charging. Annoying!
I got the Sony Xperia Z tablet. Check out its reviews. I ask you all to give it a try. It is an awesome tablet. It just wroks, no hiccups, has tablet interface for software.
I can only find one issue with my tablet which is the keyboard. While typing it just suddenly decides to… freeze. Then there’s a 5-10 second wait where the tablet just doesn’t do anything I tell it to then the keyboard shuts down.
But I think this is more an app incompatibility issue rather than the tablets. for now I’ve countered the problem and downloaded a different keyboard app, Perfect Keyboard Free is what I’m using. Not perfect but at least this keyboard doesn’t freeze and play up.
Other than that the tablet is perfect.
Had my N7 2 for a week. Great apart from it indicates wireless charging when it’s not charging, I don’t have a wireless charger. Problem is it makes an annoying tone whenever it thinks it’s charging. Going to John Lewis.
I have tried two Nexus 7’s both of which had similar problems. Freezing and rebooting was the problem that bothered me most. Rebooting could seemingly occur when using any app or even when doing nothing, but on one of the devices rebooting occurred after a while every time I tried to use Google Maps. Freezing and rebooting even occurred immediately after restoring one of the device.
Another annoying problem were touches to the keyboard or other places that had no effect. I am typing this on the original Nexus 7 which has never had that problem with any frequency. Also, GPS had trouble locking on to a satellite and staying locked. The last new Nexus 7 I tried had the update that was supposed to fix GPS problems.
Neither device had obvious multi touch issues when tested with appropriate apps.
I returned both devices and will wait a good long while before trying another.
My nexus does not work with the Mofred case. It randomly switches off and launcher stops working after a while requiring a reboot to start. Without the case it behaves well apart from the touch sensitive screen which has become very insensitive since the recent upgrade, my stylus no longer works
I did have the touch screen problems to start.
After the latest update, tested with one particular website I use on a regular basis–Bazinga! Works MUCH better now!
When I first powered on my Nexus 7 it appeared to work well. I entered in my account information and then connected to the WiFi network after entering in my WiFI credentials. The device then said it had an update and rebooted. After rebooting, I was unable to use the touch screen, it was erratic and after much playing around I was able to get passed the unlock screen. I would hear clicks when the screen was touched but the location of the touch was all over the place and generally not under my finger. I then searched online and found others had the same problem. I tried plugging in the device and it behaved better, but still unable to type an email. I am going to the store to swap it for another unit and see how that one goes.
The touchscreen of my recent bought Nexus 7 Gen 2 was unresponsive. It was only playing well for two weeks since I have ordered it online through a reliable dealer. I heard that there was a suggestion that this tablet may be recalled. Is that true?
My nexus 7 II is now not charging or going past the ‘X’ at start up. Even though I had updated the night before. Very disappointed as this seems to be a wide spread problem.
I now have KitKat on my nexus 7 2012 & on my nexus 7 2013
Both have now been updated to KitKat but that seems to have created more problems than it solved.
My 12 has a problem with the light sensor which when using GPS status The lux value jumps around all over the place, this is perfectly OK on the 13.
My 13 still has erratic touch screen and KitKat seems to have messed up the compass which now points anywhere but north!
Was planning to buy the nexus 5 but I’m not sure I want to add to my list of poorly supported nexus android devices!
Loved this tablet until….
1.Key board was great..then the update and it seems a if all the programs are fighting with each other since they are turning themselves on and off at an alarming rate.
2. the keyboard types what it wants and not what you want….that is when it decides to type.
3..Another problem is that when I try t power it off it decides when not when I want it to.
4. My favorite game WWF don’t respond on it either.
How do I go about turning this in? Don’t buy it until these glitches are fixed