Boost Your Mobile App Rankings with 4 SEO Tips

Owning a small mobile app business can be frustrating when trying to compete against the big mobile app brands. They have marketing teams from elite colleges and also huge marketing budgets to spend on advertising. There is still luck advertising your small mobile app business with the help of the search engines. Search engine optimization is a great way to share your business with customers, and it can be a cheaper way to obtain them.
Not too long ago search engines did not index mobile app landing pages within their search engines. Since Google did not index app pages, many of the big name mobile app creators didn’t optimize their pages for SEO.
The market has changed now and Google now indexes mobile app pages. Google is now able to view and put pages on their search engine with an app landing page, which is a huge game changer for businesses that have smaller marketing budgets. You can now use SEO to increase your app’s search engine ranking with these 4 simple tips.
4 SEO Tips
Look at your current analytics deeply
In order to get a deep understanding on the areas you need to improve on, you will need to do some thorough research on your current statistics. You can implement Google Analytics with the help of Mobile SDK. Google Analytics will provide statistics which will be very helpful, such as high traffic pages, keywords, and many other useful states. You can also use analytics to view the bounce rate of your pages, which is the percentage of people who leave your page after they visit it. After you gain the insight, you then will be able to compare your stats with your competitors to make realistic goals.
More Reading and Less Bouncing
According to Matthew Woodward’s seo blog Google algorithm is setup to provide the best content to the user first. For example, say there are two app pages “App1” and “App2”. If users visit the “App1” page and immediately hit the back button, this wouldn’t be a good user experience. Now let say the user visits “App2” and now the user engages in the content and downloads the app. Which of the two apps would be more useful to show up in the search engine? Of course, it would be the “App2” since it would be more relevant and helpful to the user.
Try to be as relevant as possible and keep the user in mind when creating the mobile app landing page content. Also, try to use short engaging content to keep the user interested.
Take Advantage of Latent Semantic Indexing
You can optimize your landing page with the help of the Google Keyword Planner, by using it to find popular keyword searches. Detection of these keywords can be found with the help of Latent Semantic Indexing. If the user types in “Apple” the detection will be able to determine if the user is looking for the tech company “Apple” or the fruit.
There are a few ways to determine the LSI keywords, but here is the simplest one. If you type in mercury into the search bar of Google, you will see a list come up in the drop down. The list in the drop down, are the LSI keywords. You can use some of the keywords within your mobile app landing page to help give Google an idea of what type of users would find your page helpful.
For equity pick your name link
The Android and Apple stores use your application name for the link anchor text. Google will respect both of the link equities. It is important to keep your app the same name as your brand name for this reason. If you do, Google will be able to show your app when users type in your brand name into the search engine.
Google is always constantly their algorithm, so mobile SEO is always evolving. The one thing that will most likely always be true is that Google will continue to reward relevant landing pages. You will be successful in SEO, by creating relevant mobile applications that are consistent with your brand.
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