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MyBlu The iPod and Phone Combined in Matrimony

Now this is something worth looking into because MyBlu from Mavizen have combined the iPod and the mobile as one and the way it works is that a Bluetooth 2.0 piece of tech that connects your beloved iPod to you even more beloved mobile phone wirelessly.

The way this all works is pretty simple really and that is once your phone is connected to the iPod wirelessly via Bluetooth if you get an incoming call whilst your iPod is playing music the music will automatically pause and it will show the caller calling you show up on the iPod display screen then all you need to do is answer the phone via the ipod.

myBlu iPod

So you can answer calls and hear the caller with the headphones all from the iPod now that is cool so you never need miss a call again if you are banging out music.

Some of the other features include voice dialling and redial mode plus use the iPod as a power source which means no battery needed.

Will you be getting one of these MyBlu gadgets?

Source via – Softpedia

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