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The BluOnyx Cool Mobile Content Server Released Summer 2007

This is the one that really should get you going because this BluOnyx Mobile Content Server probably the best and coolest mobile accessory you will ever have, this little gadget the little hard drive with class runs with the use of SD cards USB and wireless connections which means that this baby is Wi-Fi and Bluetooth equipped.

BluOnyx Mobile Content Server

This device is a credit card size technological charm which also streams to any media centre and or TV and or PC plus the best of all to your mobile phone using either Bluetooth, cables or Wi-Fi connection. This baby called the BluOnyx Mobile Content Server will come in seven different colours.

The BluOnyx will be released sometime of summer 2007 and will come in different sized GB ranging from 1GB up to 40GB and prices will range from £50 right up to and still cheap £130.

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