Update News on the Sony Ericsson S500i
Update News on the Sony Ericsson S500i is that it will be available around the 3rd quarter of 2007 but pricing is not yet known yet. The Sony Ericsson S500i looks very nice and has specs to go with the looks as well which we hope you will like. The main features of this phone are the design which is black and green with sleek fashionable looks.
The Sony Ericsson S500i specifications are as follows —
– GSM 850 / GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / GSM 1900
– 2 Inch TFT Display, 256K colors/240 x 320 pixels
– MP3, AAC and Polyphonic Ring Tones
– 1000 contacts & Photo call
– M2 Memory Stick Micro
– 30 received, dialed and missed calls Call Records
– Class 10 (4+1/3+2 slots), 32 – 48 kbps GPRS
– HSCSD, EDGE & Bluetooth plus USB
– WAP 2.0/HTML(NetFront) & RSS feeds
– 2 MP Camera, 1600×1200 pixels & video
– Games
– SMS, MMS & Email
– TrackID music recognition
– Java MIDP 2.0
– Organizer
– Walkman 2.0 music player
– T9, Built-in handsfree & Voice memo
– Up to 370 hours standby time
– Up to 9 hours talk time
– 99 x 47 x 14 mm
– 94 grams
507 thoughts on “Update News on the Sony Ericsson S500i”
wow!! this is the phone i want!! so nice!! anyone know the memory and how much it will be? thanks
it can hold a 4mb memory stick . 2 best colours i the world
I, too, am trying to figure out the price searching online feverishly and have yet to find a ballpark figure. Any ideas? And are there any updates as to a more specific date of release?
does anyone know the exact date for the release?
i dont know when the release date is exactly…i read somewhere that it was in the 3rd quarter of 2007…so pretty close i think. I also read on another site that the price was set at $230 U.S. (thats about £120 UK) But that was a price from the launch in india so there is a fair chance the price will be a lot higher in England.
The site says it will be avalable in June, 2007
Sony ericsson has taken it off coming soon which means its oming out now or is out somewhere where i havent found.
I just got an email from Sony Ericsson to say the S500i was now available – but I can’t find it on any online retailers. Does anyone know where its available?!
Well, i just looked on the sony ericsson site andit is still under the Coming Soon sign for it…Plus i saw on another site that it’ll prob be priced around $530… give or take a hundred or so dollars.
Ok, nvm, the coming soon sign for it is gone, but the price is still the same as it was bfore
I have had zero luck in finding this phone in the US, although the coming soon sign is gone from the Sony Ericsson site. The only online retail store where I can find the phone still says preorder and they want 499 for it (a rip off). Anybody was able to find it in the US?
just received the notice from Sony Ericsson that this has been released to retailers (US)
going hunting today
Good luck with that! Please let me know if you find it ’cause I can’t find it anywhere.
it’s already been released in singapore, and i went to a stated retail outlet to find the store shut down so i havent bothered finding it yet. can anyone estimate the general phone price rate? how fast does it drops and if a phone is around 400 dollars how much would it cost in 5 months time?
hey…does anyone know when this phone will be out and how much it is? i’m really wondering about the price but i can’t find it anywhere…thanks
I guess it depends on the market, because in five months will be Christmas season, and EVERYTHING holds price during this season.
Well i saw somewhere that cost of this phone will be about $250
The estimated price for this gadget is $582
Some websites are taking preorders and charging anywhere from $389 to $499. I guess it would be a good idea to wait at least a month until all these crazy prices go away. But the thing is that Sony Ericsson says the phone is now available in the US and yet, the stores around me have never even heard of the phone. So I don’t really know what’s going on. Have anybody here been able to buy it at all?
Been waiting for this phone. Can’t find it anywhere. Sony e-mail propaganda!
Hey viginia, what websites show those prices??
hey Virginia, what websites did u see these prices at??
to mike: 582 according to whom or where?
Exactly Mike, I’ve never heard of this amount. In fact, I know from watching videos of those phone fairs and advertisements that the w580 (a bit superior than the S500) will enter the market at around $340, so it would be silly to buy the S500 (a bit inferior) for that price. Of course, I can be wrong. Everything about these new Sony Ericsson phones seems highly speculative.
The sites where I saw the prices were cellhut.com and mobilecityonline.com Please note that I am NOT advertising these sites and do not know whether or not they are legitimate. I am just trying to find the phone at a decent price so I can buy it.
The K810I with a 3.2 camera here in uk is £160 pounds in orange UK. so on that note i would predict the S500I would be somewhere in the region of £150. I also read somewhere that is is expected to be £120 – i think this is a little optimistic though ~ still no news on it’s release though
I sent an email to sony ericsson so that i could get an auto-response as to when the phone was coming out. I got a response this week saying the phone was out yet i can’t buy it from anywhere so i am very confused! :s
Well, i dont really think the phone will be able to be bought untill late June…. and it’ll probably be priced around 400 or less… but no one really knows whats goin on with this phone… i’ve been on over 15 sites and they all say something different… so, untill the phone is actually Available, there is no Accurate price for this phone
it is only 266$ it says everywhere if u dnt beleive me i bought one it is fantastic:p:d:)
it is only 266$ it says everywhere if u dnt beleive me i bought one it is fantastic:p:d:) srry for the peaple who didnt:(
this phone is now out, go to sonyerisson.com it is now released. the price it still floating tho. its sappost to be ranged from 299 to 300 something. ill keep more updated on that coming soon =)
ewhrd u buy it???
u finally got hold of one! Where? And does it have track ID software on it? becuase this website says that it does but the sony ericsson site says it doesnt have it, so i was wondering whether it did or not, as it is something that could be a deciding factor between whether i buy this fone of the w660i which come outs at the end of the month.
Ya, I called Sony Ericsson and they told me that the Canadian retail price will be approimately 499.99, they also informed me that the day that the phone became avalable was only the day that the phone was shipped to sellers,a nd to expect to see them on market within 1-2 weeks. Hope that helps : ) !
Is that just for canada?
So David, where did u buy it for 266?? I”m VERY VERY curious as to know where…
and Bradford, is it gonna be shipped to Canada or other places as well?
Well I’ve seen three sites that will be carrying the phone when they do have it in stock… One site has it priced for 499, the other 399 and the third doesn’t have its price for it up yet… All these three are on Pre-Order though… I believe that they could be available in the next week or two..
Why should you feel sorry for us? You can just tell us where you bought the phone from at this wonderful price! The store would probably appreciate more customers and you would have a lot of grateful friends here.
Unless, of course, you’re b s—-ing us, but I doubt you would do that. So, let’s have it, where did you get yours?
i bought the phone it is only 300$ it is sooooo cooooool it is available all around the world.in one of the sights they say in india is only 200$ and then i said wtf>??????!!
well if u found the phone David, why not just let us know where??
something tells me hes a fake-
You paid $266, $300 or $200? The phone is available all over the world? Well, here I have to disagree. Good luck with your s500 that is sooooooo cool. I wouldn’t get rid of my old phone though. Either you bought a fake, or you’re full of it. I’m putting my money on the last option.
ya he is obviously lying, probably a 12 year old who thinks he is cool. But ya the Canadian retail price is 499.99 so judge accordingly to that the american price should be roughly 449.99. And singapore was the first place to start selling them so unless the guy down there got his from there(which he probably didnt) he is lying.
does anyone know if a US carrier would be picking this pone up?? i hope cingular does!
I would love Cingular to carry it too, but I suspect it will be T-Mobile.
Cingular will carry the IPhone that almost everybody is drooling over. It is my understanding that it will be rip off though, with hidden fees and everything. Perhaps is a good thing that this phone stay clear from Cingular after all.
Is anyone else english?
I hope orange sell this phone ^^
Alright people.. i have some updated news about the Availability of this phone… From What i hear, the phone wont really be around to be bought Untill around July… and i also think that Cingular would be the one to get this phone… but dont hang on every word i’m saying..
That’s funny! I don’t know how a company can run business like that, treating their customers so disrespectfully, and still manage to keep in business. I am already considering not buying the phone anymore on that account. If I ever treated customers like that in every job I can remember holding, I could kiss my pay check goodbye. How can they email customers saying that the phone is available, when it is not?
I’m posting bellow the UNBELIEVABLE email that Sony Ericsson has sent me in response to my email requesting that they’d state exactly the locations where I could find the phone:
Dear Virginia,
Thank you for contacting Sony Ericsson Online Support.
With regards to your Email about the phone model S500i, it seems that is has been released in limited areas globally. We do not have a list of specific vendors that sell this phone. Please contact your service provider for more information when they will be releasing the phone with their network.
As part of Sony Ericsson’s commitment to excellent customer service, we offer a wide variety of mobile products to suit your lifestyle. If you require more information, or have any other questions, please visit our website at Here or call us at 1-866-766-9374.
Best regards,
AL – questions.us@support.sonyericsson.com
well u have to understand Virginia, we are not in the cell phone busness industry… i mean they are probably in the stage of manufacturing this phone… just becuase they say its available, doesn’t mean it would be very easily found.. give it some time for it to Circulate around the globe before you start making judgement on it.. i mean, how many times have u looked to buy a phone Immediately after its been said to be released online and been able to attain the phone?
and besides, u tellin me u can’t wait for a few weeks before you get the phone?? i mean, if u wait for it to truly be available, the prices might be alot cheaper, and it would be much easier to find… Virginia just give it some time… and by the end of this month, you will be able to get the phone..
He’s right Virigina…. I was looking to buy the IPhone a while ago, and it had been said to be available a few months ago, but i really cudn’t find it, and lata found out that it was just mainly in Europe… so i waited, and now they selling it everywhere, although it comes out trully publicly on June 29th for ATT..
I’m wiling to wait a while to get this phone.. i’ve been waitin since early May… a few more weeks wont kill ya.. even though Sony Ericsson sent you that response…. its probably just an Auto Response anyway….or someone who has NO idea about when and where phones will be available..
And look at the message they responded back to u Virginia, it says LIMITED AREAS GLOBALLY….thats more likely why we can’t find it Yet..
Well Anthony, you may be right. I guess I am behaving like a little brat. This phone is soooooo pretty and I want it sooooooo bad. All affordable phones in the market right now seem really ugly compared to this one. I don’t know why they are making phones so ugly lately, and not to mention the s500i features that are to die for if you’re into music like me. It is just so frustrating to find THE PHONE you want, receive the email saying that the phone is available, get all happy trying to find the phone and… nothing. But you’re right, I don’t need a phone right this second and if it will make it even more affordable, then be it.
Trust me… i feell the same way u do… and ithink i may be a lil bit obssesed ova this phone.. everyday i’m checking to see if its available already knowing that its not.. i was so excited to see it was takin of the Comning Soon lable on the Sony Ericsson site… the phone i have now is Samsung A707, its a great phone, but whenever i look at it compared to the sony, kinda makes me sad.. ya… we may both be brats…
have you guys tried out the phone on Sony ericsson?
I have, of course. About 3479 times. Can’t get enough of it. 
It doesnt have 3g !!!! really upset isnt that a must have !!!! AM REALLY UPSET !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope im wrong
haha…. what a dork Virginia… r u from Virginia?
guys my only hope of getting it is from UK coz by the time it comes to cyprus…it will be pretty old:p
any one know if theres a chance of it coming out in next 3-4 weeks?
I think it’s great it hasn’t got 3G it’s about time a good phone hasn’t – its just another thing for people to steal the phone for.
No, not from Virginia. I was named Virginia b/c I was born on the 4th of July. I’m originally from Brazil but I just naturalized as an American. I live in Biloxi, Mississippi (the Hurricane Katrina city) for now and I’m just getting ready to move to Alabama to finish my college. Then I plan to move to the French speaking part of Canada so I can improve the French I will learn in the next two years. I guess you can say I’m from everywhere.
Now… back to the phone… It is still not available you guys… what on earth are we supposed to do? It’s not even fun anymore! I’m ruining my summer obssessing over this phone! Has ANYBODY been able to get it from any part of the planet yet? I’m like a maniac coming over and over to this computer and carring my laptop wherever I go so I can check on it 3,000 times a day. And I’m not even that materialistic of a person. I’m just affraid that EVERYBODY is going to go after the phone when they realize how expensive the IPhone is actually going to be with all the fees that Cingular plans on charging.
I’m happy it doesn’t have 3G too, that will problably keep the price lower.
Does the phrase: “get a life” come into mind?
Yep it totally does.
ha… Virginia is really loosing it guys… and i thought i had issues.. lol..
i’m very curious as to if Virginia has a myspace page
and Elline, i trully think this phone will (God Hoping) be out bfore july comes around…June is the end of Q2, and most sites have it being aviailble by then.. keep fingers crossed
Thnx Anthony. Hope and can get it in UK while Im there..by the time it comes to cyprus, it will probably be December! if not 2008 :p
Oh-uh! Sorry. I am actually THE ONE person in the planet who does not have a myspace page. Call me crazy… but I think the whole myspace thingy a little too creepy. Nothing against who likes it, really. It’s just not for me. I guess it’s kind of… weird to have my thoughts/feelings/actions published for everybody to read. I mean, c’mon, where’s the mystery? Do I really want the whole world to know that Sony Ericsson is making me act like a no life, lunatic over a stupid phone? To me, it’s a kind of lose-lose situation: Either you lie so everybody won’t see the real you, or the real you is exposed to everybody to see, in which case you become very vulnerable. None of those options appeal to me. Plus, during the school year I do have to study very hard and simply dont have time. It’s a strugle even to find the time to socialize with my friends because, you see, I study in my second language, which isnt easy AT ALL.
No. Unfortunately the phone is not avaliable in the UK yet!! =( it probably will though by the end of this month. With any luck.
I can’t read much Italian but I know that “disponible” means available. Seems like the Italians beat us:
Webiste – Take a Look
I have no idea what kind of site this is. Does anybody here read Italian enough to tell us?
alright virginia.. thank you for that lovely speech.. but the only reason i asked about u having a myspace was to speak to u a lil more privately, rather than thru here…
haha.. wow.. Italy?? i mean i want the phone really bad, but i’m not ordering from a place that i have no idea how to speak their language…
wheres the patience i asked of u Virgina??
and besides, there would be alot more complications having to order from there..
All i can say is that this phone better be aviailable by my birthday or else i will be pissed
See, that’s another reason I can’t have a myspace: I can’t shut up. EVER. I mean it. God forbid I should ever have a blog, I’d write until my fingers come off. That’s why I still want to learn French and Spanish. So I can talk more to more people.
Oh, and you can email me: foreignegrl@gmail.com
I wasn’t thinking about ordering from Italy either, they have that ugly “TIM” logo, I can’t stand it. I do know that TIM is legitimate service b/c we have them in Brazil. But anyways… This is me patient, Anthony, believe me. And besides, I wanted it for my birthday too.
so I’m another person that has jumped on the craziness on this phone. I’ve been seraching and serching for something, i looked at side kicks, blackberrys and everything so then i was set on getting the iPhone, but I saw this one and fell in love, and i cant seem to find it ANYWHERE, so im in the same boat as the rest of you all…..you would think that they would want our money and the phone would be easier to get, lol. AHHH i really want it
Ahh. I cannot wait any longer! Who here is getting this in Black? I know that I’m going to grab this in black instead of Gold cause its getting old.
Altho I wish this came in white/red or something! But black is still rocking!
Ha.. i c.. well why u dont email me at Ubong688@yahoo.com…
ya.. i dont believe this is patience from you, but i’ll take ur word for it
hehe anthony, I hope itrs available on my bday too..and i think it is.Guys…ITS COME TO CYPRUS!!!(i think) One place is advertising it as NEW and is giving away some free paul frank t-shirt (its the phone we want thank u v. much :p)
basically my friend was looking through a leaflet of the shop that comes in a magazine and she said she saw it and it said NEW but they didnt quote a price for the mobile. Only for the bluetooth handset for the car, that is CY £49, which is roughly £57 Brititsh Pounds, $112.
well your lucky Elline… my birthday is on the 27th, and by that time, if this phone isn’t available, i might just have to take some drastic measures :-)….
but if its at cyprus already, congrats…and enjoy it
thnx, went to the shop they said theyre expecting it around 24th of june. Cyprus for you :p . I wanted it for my bday as well…but thats mid july.
Welcome to the madness, Phill… At first I wanted the IPhone too, but it’s not very functional for texting, is it? I’m also suspicious of the touch screen. Don’t know if I can live without keys… not to mention that u will have to have screen protectors and they look awful. At least the one on my PDA does.
I completely agree with you. And you would also think that they would release this before the fever for the IPhone, wouldnt you? This is like the the bone chasing the dog, isnt it crazy?
yeah, lol, Elline said 24th of June in Cyprus and the iPhone comes out here on the 29th so I thought sony would try and beat them but maybe they think ppl wont like the iPhone and they want the extra people or something, i dont know….i just want this friggin phone!!
What is Cyprus? Is it like Cingular or T-Mobile? Are you in the UK or the US?
Did you just say “drastic measures”? Like…ordering it from Italy maybe? Remember patience?
Ooops, sorry! Just kidding…

I am getting mine in black, wdt. That’s the one I fell in love with… It will look good with just about every outfit. A gold phone is not for every occasion, but that only matters if you’re into fashion like me.
As for the white/red… You might want to wait a little more for the SE W580i – Or get both – I’m getting the w580 for Christmas
It comes in black/blue and white/orange.
Hey guys,
yer I’ve bin lookin at this fone for a while now and still cant buy it
– obviously – Cyprus is a country. One of the greek Islands I fink.
Ny way if theres ny news on how to get the fone from the UK I wud be very gr8ful
I want it in black – i hope it comes from Orange then i can keep my PAYASYOUGO deal – It will be more likely on Pay monthly though =(
i watched the phones video again, lol, im so obsessed its pretty bad
Drastic measures is somewhere patient.. by the way virginia ur email account wouldn’t allow me to seend u an email
black is alot better than that gold crap… they cud have at least made it in a Blue color… but no, sony just had to go with Gold… i just wanna smack who came up wit the collors..
as for the 580, i doubt i’d get that phone, but i really like the features that it has…. i mean, the main difference between w580 and the s500i is the fact that W580 has this who Workout timer thing and can calculate steps, and it also has a radio…
but who knows… I JUST WANT MY FREAKIN PHONE!!!
i’m really really hope this S500i doesn’t cost more than 400..that will piss me off..
Iphone looks like its too much work just to even use a simple fuction like making a phone call.. plus, i already have an IPod and a Cell phone.. i dont need to spend 600bukcs on that …
I give it 7more days… and i think it will be available…
Omg Virginia:p Cyprus is a country – island in fact in the mediterranean..south of Turkey, North of Egypt, close to Greece..?
anybody have a link of SE W580i to send me..see if that one’s better?
You should be able to send me emails. Did you notice that it is foreignergrl and not foreignergirl? foreignergrl@gmail.com…
Well, never mind. I’ll send you one.
First, I will have to apologize for my tuna/chicken Jessica Simpson moment. My bad. And that was REALLY baaaaaaaaaad.
I thought Cyprus was a cell phone provider! OMG I was even looking for it online. I know how you feel. I get REALLY pissed when people ask me if Brazilians speak Spanish. Oh well, I better shut up and buy a map. Sorry.
Now, I might not know my geography, but boy do I know fashionable phones! Here is the link for the W580i. I think it’s more of a day-to-day phone and not as classy as the S500i, but in any case, I’m hoping it will be my Christmas phone.
Ooops! Forgot the link. I’m not my best today, am I? The Link
i dont know bout the 580.. it just seems to be for someone whos a work out fanatic kinda person… and i work out every now and then, but not soo much to really want the phone.. and s500i seems more classy…
Does anyone have this phone yet. I really need a phone and im dying here waiting for it.
Im in the US if that helps. I tried calling and they gave me the same bullcrap they gave someone else when i was reading though all these post. If someone finds one can they buy an extra one and i’ll send the cash through paypal. I really want this phone.
Yep, that’s right. Now workout fanatics like me can workout with style. I love the W580 lights. And it has the advantage of having the walkman and radio, which the S500 does not have.
Tony, I think that as of now, it is only available in Singapore and Italy… Can you read Italian? There’s a link here to a website in Italy where they have the phone available… But I don’t know if they’ll ship to the US and personally, I do not like the “TIM” logo that comes with the phone, nor do I know if the phone will come unlocked b/c I can’t read Italian, so I’m still waiting.
I looked more into it and i think it should come this month. They said Q2 it gonna come out so ima cross my fingers. I had the w600i before until i broke it and i have a razr just for now until i find a phone i like. I really like this phone i hate waiting. I also looked at the singapore forums and i ppl there said its not there yet neither. Whats the website for the Italian one i’ll just use something to encode it so i can read what it says.
Here’s the link, Tony. Let us know what you find out:
the phone WILL be out by the end of June.. this month.. a week or 2weeks at the most… ok.. so get ready people …..
so please, everyone dont get ur panties in a bunch.. S500i will be available soon..
well heres their price in dollars..if this wasnt posted already 229 € = 305.1654 U.S. dollars
oh and thats just the price i took from the italian site not something that sony has sent me so i really dont kno if thats how much it will be it could be higher, or lower hopefully
Lets pray for Lower Phil..
and the english price is £150
which is CHEAP
Oh but thats before TAX and VAT
hi guys,
i finally bought one. i payed 275 dollars which i think is quite cheap considering the quality 7 look of the phone.
Rijish, can you please tell us where you got yours from? Are you in the US, UK, Italy, Singapore, Cyprus (my new found country) or any other country not yet mentioned? Thanks
I have a suggestion for the rest of us: As we all start buying the phone, can we all please agree to come back here and inform the ones who were not able to, as to specifically where the phone was found and for how much? I mean, at least until everybody starts selling it. I believe that since a lot of people here wants to buy it, everybody could benefit from that.
yes I agree…but I saw a video of the phone and it suddenly didnt look too great. Rijish..do you like it?
Elline, which video was that? I’ve seen several videos and the phone still looks great to me. The videos of the W580i are better though. I love the light scheme of the W580i and it looks like the S500i doesn’t light up as much, doesn’t it? You will find lots of videos of both phones on youtube. Some videos show the phones turned off, and that’s bad cause we can’t have a good idea of the features or how the phone actually looks like. What did you think of the W580i?
i’m not much of a Lighting up phone kinda guy… ya, the 580 has some cool light ups, but it doesnt’ really make me wanna get the phone.. ‘im sticking with the S500.. and then maybe if i dotn like it.. i would switch to the W580 when it comes out.. but i’m pretty sure i’ll like s500
ya know what guys, all this time i’ve been trying the phone on the sonyericsson website and looking on differnt sites, alot say this phone doesnt have a radio.. and i just looked at a video, and as the guy went through the menu, it clarely had a radio option on it.. whats wit that?? and even lookin up on this page at the Menu pic, theres a radio on it as well.
hai frnds, i reside in dubai & the phone was available in stores here from the 14th this month. i paid in dirhams which i converted in to dollars for u people. the phone looks great and i love it. it lacks radio. but visually its really appeaing. but i think the phone would suit girls the most.
thats comforting rijish:p
Virginia..i didnt like it much from this video on this site. but on the sony ericsson site they add some magical music make it sound cool. I dont like the idea of phone/walkman..i have an ipod so I dnt need music from phone. Its slightly boyish but is good.
I dont get the hidden lumination business..is it when phone lights up at side? Is it quite long when it opens up?
i’m tired of being jerked around by this phone business… all i know is i’ll get the phone, if i like it, i’ll keep it, if not i can just return it… no biggy..
umm… guys.. i THink i found a site that has it Available… for 399…. and i’m pretty sure its legit.
care to share it with us?
Just go to http://www.welectronics.com
on the left hand side of the home page it has GSM phones move ur mouse over it and another menus will pop up… click on Sony Ericsson by the bottom of it.. and on the page that comes up, just scroll down half way and its there….
i dont know if it actually available to be bought, but it just might be..
and well i just made the call to them… and the dude said they have it available…
i think he was french..
i am probably just being a complete blonde, but can anyone please tell me if this phone has 3G on it please?
I hope it does it looks so sexy
The W580 lights up all over when it rings and when you open it up, while it seems to me that the S500i lights up on the sides when receiving incoming calls. I love both phones and plan on getting both eventually.
Are you gonna buy from them?
frnds, come over to Dubai, if u are that desperate for this phone. i bought it from axiom mobiles 7 i am giving the link to their site HERE
tnx anthony and rijish. only thing putting me off W580 is walkman thingy..dnt really like the idea but the phone itself look wow. Does it have 3G?
yeah i feel the same about the walkman stuff. i have an ipod and another mp3 player, i dont want another one
Well, i wont be buying it just yet Virginia.. i’m waiting another week… by that time, the phone should be available in more places, and hopefully find cheaper prices…
and with your phone lighting concern Virginia, i think the S500 lights up just as much as the W580 does… maybe not as Vibrant but it lights up… but i mean, who doesn’t want a phone that changes its desktop as the day goes by? and the weekend comes and goes as well as the seasons?? lol…
In my opinion S500i is one of the most original phones coming out by any brand out there, NOkia, motorola, lg… and so on…
As for me, i like cell phones, and i always want to get something new and different from everyone else.. and this is the way to go people…
but dont hang on my every word..
Its now on ebay and the phone are from singapore. Its 295 plus 30 shipping to the us. Im gonna go check the other website and might buy it. I dont care about the extra money i need a phone and want this phone before anyone gets it around where i live. Like i said before im a compulsive buyer lol.
Just to let everyone know, we ave done a post on buying this phone via ebay, be quick thou there is only 8 left… Check out the post HERE
well i bought it from ebay cant wait for it to come now.
Well people, let me know how it is…
will do ima go play with the phone on sonyerricons website so i dont have to tinker with it when it comes.
Well enjoy Tony… when u get it, all i want to know is if u like it or not.. i dont want the details of it… can u do that for Tony??
When u get the phone, just a Yes i like the phone or No i dont like the phone asnwer..
lol ok. I’ll give you a yes or a no but i’ll go into details for everyone else that would like to know more about it.
I would like to know all the details if possible. I love details.
And I also love original phones. My day-to-day phone, the W600i, still raises eyebrowses around here almost a year and a half after I bought it. It’s very difficult to see one like mine. I also have a Samsung D807 that I began to hate because EVERYBODY has one.
yeah i had the w600i but i left it on the top of my car lol. Thats why i’ve been looking for a new phone and i was looking at the iphone but so many ppl are gonna get it. Plus im a text freak so that wouldnt work for me. But as soon as it come in i’ll tell all
Texting would be painfully slow with the IPhone and I don’t think people realize how much it will end up costing them monthly. As a college student, that expense is out of question for me. I absolutely love the W600, but I’ve been waiting for something more sophisticated.
How do we know that we are not buying a counterfeit on ebay? I use ebay for a lot of stuff like make up, perfume, belts, some jewlery, etc, but I never bought something so expensive thru them, so I’m not sure if I’m confortable with that. What do you all think?
Ya i hear the Iphone keyboard is horrible for texting… and also that alot ppl who do get the phone will return it…
and your right Virginia, us college students are already broke enough as it is.. buyin the one is one thing, but keepin up with a barrage of payments to use certain features on the phone is another…
and with the whole eBay stuff, i honestly wouldn’t trust that too much… I’m sure its good.. but i just dont feel comfortable with that..
id rather wait another week for the phone to be available elsewhere rather than eBay or in Dubai or Singapore.. plus maybe there’ll be better and cheaper prices for the phone by then…
This handset is available to buy now on eBay.co.uk from Singapore and it’s roughly £148! There are 8 handsets available.
Also, I’ve been waiting for this phone also because I am due for an upgrade, but the retailers have no idea when this phone will be out in the UK.
I then emailed Sony Ericsson and they told me that the hanset will be released in the UK in the Q3 which means between July, August or September!!! SO it looks like I will have to wait a bit longer than expected!
That should answer all your queries.
i have bought many things on ebay. My ebay score is almost 30 points. I have bought things from 5 dollars to 1500 dollars. I admit i was scared that i might get ripped off sometimes but i never did. I did get ripped off however but not on ebay. I pay everything with paypal so if something were to go wrong the will review it. Most of the time 95% of the time you will get your money back. You dont have to send back the product if its a fake or broken you just keep it and paypal will take money out of there bank account without even telling them. Some guy ripped me off for 1050 for some rims and paypal gave me back all my money. But i’ll let you guys know if its a fake or not but im sure it isnt. The guy is a power seller and sold well over thousands of products and the shipping is fast estimated time arrived is june 22nd.
I recon they might have sed Q3 in the UK to cover themselves – i hope orange supply this phone!
First: I am so glad I found this website because I feel like I am in the presence of so many people who appreciate this phone as much as I do (so i’m not crazy after all…..sweet!)
Second: I went back and read all of the posts….every single one…so I feel like I’ve been through it all with you guys. I too received the bogus email from Sony and feverishly check the website to see if it is finally released. I’m with you.
Third: I need some serious advice. Lets say this phone is released in the US for roughly $350 (since that seems to be the general average of rumored prices). I think its worth it by far, but my issue is….. the T650i….it has a better camera and overall seems simpler and more…practical. I like them both so much, and if the T650 is cheaper…I’ll probably buy that one. I need you all to tell me the reasons why I should stick with the S500. I want to so badly.
Does anyone know if the s500 personalize ringtones for your contacts?
For me the reason it’s obvious: the T650i is ugly. It could even be a little better than the S500, but it’s also a 1000 times uglier. But that of course depends on what you like. You could, although I find it hard to believe, think that the T650i is prettier.
As for the camera… I guess I’m a little different than most people because while I’m thrilled to have music on my phone, even though I also have an IPod like everybody else, most people are more interested in the camera. Well, I don’t care about the camera b/c taking pictures to me is a ritual. So I have a wonderful camera for that purpose alone. And when I do have to take an occasional picture and I don’t have my camera with me, I use the cell phone to register the moment ( I don’t even call cell phone pictures, pictures).
And finally… OMG, the phone is beautiful! It’s classy, it mixes round and square lines making it sexy, it’s black (matches basically all outfits), it has a changing screen, light effects… I want the S500 AND the W580 like I don’t even remember wanting a phone so bad in a long time.
One could argue that the LG Shine and the SEW850 are equally beautiful, but they are not world phones. The fact that the S500 is a world phone, can store music (and transmit it thru the bluetooth), has a camera and it is soooooooo pretty makes it perfect for me. I do think that people who decide against buying the phone will regret their decision later. I don’t see anything in the market in that price range that can even be compared to the S500. But that, of course, is just my opinion.
Well Chad, for me, the camara isn’t a big deal when it comes to buying a phone because i already have a digital camera that i take we me almost everywhere…
but if thats a big thing for you, then sure go ahead and get the T650i… But if your looking for a more original phone get the S500i.. Cuz think bout it.. how many phones out there have the kind of features S500i??
Lucky for you tony…
Well, apparently http://www.Cellhut.com has the phone available as well…
http://www.popularelect.com has it Available as well
those prices are too much. I got mine for 325 that with shipping included. The fedex tracking number says it will be here before 10am central US time.
And Chad, personaly I find when camera phones reach the 2MP level I find it hard to differentiate with the 3.2MP. The next noticable jump I find would be 5MP, and Sony makes the best camera phones on the market and you wont be disappointed.
does anybody know how much memory can the s500i hold? It just says memory stick micro M2.
I appreciate the advice. I’m pretty set on the s500, I just needed that extra bit of reassurance. Thats good to know about the megapixels though Bradford, I haven’t really explored the difference. Thanks a lot guys.
It will depend on whether you are a music person, a fashion person, a phone person, or a picture person. To me, the difference between this cell phone camera and that cell phone camera isn’t a big deal because cell phone cameras are ALL BAD. I LOVE taking pictures so I don’t take them with less than 7 MP. And, for the occasional times that I HAVE to use my phone camera, 2 MP on a phone is a PLUS for me.
Now, I am also a music person and I find it very convenient to have my music and my phone together, especially if it’s coming from the bluetooth. It makes my life simpler, and who doesn’t want that?
I wouldn’t buy the T650i because I think it’s UGLY like most phones on the market right now. But that’s my opinion. You could argue that the Prada Phone, the IPhone, the LG Shine, and even the W850 are prettier, or at least as pretty, as the S500, BUT either these phones are SUPER expensive or they’re not world phones. The fact that the S500 is a world phone, a music phone, a fashion phone, makes it perfect for me. The light effects and the camera to me come in the form of very welcomed bonuses. But you know, that may be just me… maybe you shouldn’t stick to the S500. After all, it is your money, so you should buy the one that will REALLY serve you best. Good Luck to you in any case!
ya its true most of the phones out right now are Fugly, happy the S500 made it to North America. Did anyone else order theirs off eBay, i ordered mine 3 days ago. Waiting for its arrival!
So guys…
Anyone buying the phone today?
Well I was just about to buy the phone from HERE: because of the Google checkout, but then I realized that they list the phone as Triband (GSM 900/1800/1900) instead of Quadband (GSM 850/900/1800/1900). Anybody can help me solve this mystery?
Well viriginia the phone is a Quadband(GSM 850/900/1800/1900)….. anything else is more likely wrong
damn its killin me that i can’t get the phone right now.. i have to wait one more week to be able to order it… hopefully by that time i can find one less than 399…
are u getting your phone from there Virginia?
Guys (and gals) I’d say that in this case patience is a virtue. Although the phone is supposedly out everywhere else in the world, I’d wait for local retailers or online retailers situated in the U.S. (i.e. not imported then resold) to be available. Chances are prices won’t be as high as we have seen up to now. 400$ US for this phone is not worth the hassle since within 2 weeks be sure to see this one hit our shores at a more reasonable price.
My two cents for what they’re worth.
Well… I can’t make up my mind. I hate to buy from these stores that I’ve never heard of… I guess I’m comfortable buying if the store is at least associated with Google Checkout, but I would rather buy from Amazon. It doesn’t seem like they will be carrying this phone anytime soon though.
I don’t know… I might get it tomorrow or Friday. I guess “addicted to phones” is providing free shipping so it could be a good deal.
Anybody else in here already has the phone?
i have a plan with verizon. if i buy this phone unlocked will it work with verizon? and how will i setup the phone once i get it? i really want this phone, but i dont know if it will work.
Well amanda, if you have a sim card for verizon, then this phone should work for you… and what you could do is call up verizon and they could help you with any problem you have
Alright people i have found a site thats got it pretty cheap.. check it out http://www.1shopmobile.com/
damn that is pretty cheap, but i payed about 430.00 Canadian for mine, so witht he dollar conversion im sure its about the same. Its just got to get here now!
DAMNIT im at work and no one was awake to get the door. Now i have to wait till monday to get the phone. Im so pissed i wanted for the weekend ahhhhhhhhhh
im gonna kill myself !!!!!!!!!!111!!!!1one!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for that last post. 1shopmobile’s price was so reasonable that I got it from them, even though they are not even registered with the BBB. Oh well, you gotta live on the edge sometimes, right? They better send me my phone or I’ll come after yours. Hahaha. Don’t panic, JUST KIDDING!!!
They do accept Google Checkouts though, so I was ok. I got the 12 months warranty and fast shipping via UPS, so I’m thinking I might get it Monday or Tuesday. I’m very happy. I’ll let you all know all the details, and I’ll gladly answer any questions.
There are a few more on ebay now, which I trust Paypal. Price is 304.00 american, and looks like reliable and fast seller.
Well your very welcome everyone…
and i’m soo sorry to hear about your situation Tony.. that kinda sucks.. but at least your getting your phone soon… i’m not ordering mine until next week..
Virginia, how much did yours come out to ?
Never mind i called fedex and ask to see if they can try again. They dropped it off so when i get home i’ll tinker with it right away. Work is going so slow today since im waiting for the phone.
$309.00 for the phone
$ 40.00 for the 12 months warranty
$ 30.00 for fast UPS shipping
$ 8.00 for insurance.
Total: $ 387.00
A little pricey for my pocket, but since I got the extended warranty I think it was worth it. I strongly recommend warranty for these new phones, since we don’t know their shortcomings yet.
Well Virginia, u may get alil upset by this but, i found another place that has it for cheaper price.. shipping included..
where is it cheapest? Also, will it be available from service providers such as cingular/att?
care to share where?
No, that’s alright. It’s good for the rest of the board and for you. I expected that. It’s like this with everything: there’s just the first days’ fever and then the prices start to drop. I actually think this phone will end up costing something around $250.00 tops in the future. I knew I was paying for my impatience, but I couldn’t wait any longer, it was driving me crazy. Plus, I wanted to be already well familiar with the phone by my birthday which is just around the corner…
Where did you find it?
I’m looking for this phone does anyone know if this is available in Canada yet? and who are the providers for this phone Rogers? Telus?
For all Canadians inquiring about this phone, it can be purchased from here for $375 CDN – OMEGACELL
So, has anyone gotten their phone yet??
Yes i got my phone last night and i have been playing with it ever since. I love the phone (for anthony) and i’ll get into details for everyone else. The phone is a world phone so i have to call cingular and have them walk me through the internet settings. You have to configure it to cingulars and they need to show you how. The slant at the bottom of the phone is not that big as i thought it would be but the slant helps for grip when your sliding the phone up. Well i also thought the phone was gonna be bigger but its small and the perfect size for me. Its really light which surprised me also. I really didnt care much for the camera since i take pictures with my digital but when i took it with this phone i was so amazed at the quality comparing to my old w600i. The screen is crystal clear and the wallpaper looks like it could jump out its so detailed. I havent downloaded any music on it yet cause i need to buy a memory stick and im trying to find out how much can it hold. I heard one rumor that this phone might not even come to the states. The reason is cingular (AT&T) is strictly going 3G and this phone is 2.5G. So instead of this one coming the w580i might take its place. Which doesnt matter to me i already have it and if it doesnt i’ll be the only one that has this phone in my area.
: ( i have to wait till monday until its here…stupid no shipping weekends
Hi all,
Just got the phone on ebay a day ago. It went for $309 with an extra $27 for shipping, which I thought was really reasonable compared to all the other prices floating around.
I’m not a huge phone fanatic and I usually just get whatever free phone the service provider offers, but when I saw this phone I was drawn to it for some strange reason. I guess it’s because it combines the music and the fashion genres together excellently.
In all honesty I don’t think the price of this phone will drop any time soon due to the uniqueness of the phone (Sony isn’t releasing anything as close to stylish as the s500 is for a while) and even if it does it will probably get to around $250.
I was waiting to buy the phone from Amazon, which I REALLY trust, but I heard the same rumor and I it was not only on the Internet. Somebody who works with cell phones actually told me that if I was really sure that I wanted the phone, I should get it FAST.
I don’t know whether this is true or not, but I do know that the details about the launching of this phone are quite mysterious.
I didn’t quite understand why we need to call Cingular. Can’t we just put the our SIM card on the phone, just like we do with all the other phones?
The sim card will just put your numbers in and get you in there calling network. Even if you were to buy an unlock phone from t mobile you still would have to call them. Thats the thing about unlocked phones but it not a hassle for me to just call and have them walk me through it. Just dont call on the phone that you need to do it on. But yeah you should get it fast cause im not sure if they are gonna make it to the states. Sony realeased quite a few phones for the US market and nothing was said about the s500i.
Thank you, Tony. I got confused. Yes, we do have to call them to set up the Internet settings when we buy unlocked phones. I thought you were talking about making calls, at first.
And the thing is that W580, on the other hand, will be marketed in the US first, which is quite unsual for phones. The coolest ones usually never even get here. So the rumor could be true. I never understood, for instance why the W600i didn’t get super popular, since it’s such an amazing phone. I guess only time will tell what’s going to happen to the S500.
So tony, everything else pretty much works fine other than the internet… and cingular will tell us how to get that going?
am i correct?
Yeah just tell them that you bought an unlocked phone and which one. They will walk you through it. Yeah i really like the w600i it was surprising to me too that it didnt get that popular. But my friends did buy a lot of them but i got it first lol. Theres so many phones that dont reach the US but im fine with that. As long as im able to buy it somewhere else then i’ll have a different phone from everyone else.
tony you should make video and put it on youtube..like a lil walkthorugh would be nice
If you talking about the phone you can just go to sonyericson but if your talking about the unlock thing with the internet then i’ll do that. Not sure on how to upload videos though never done that before. But does anybody know how much this phone can hold for memory?
it’ll say in the users manual how much it holds
thanks tony.. gosh the suspense of gettin this phone is killing me.. i can’t even order the phone till next friday..
Well Anthony I dont think that you will have a problem finding a phone to orde their are like 20 on ebay now and i’ve seen countless sites that have them aswell.
ya i’ve seen them as well Bradford… and when i’m able to order it i’m definaltly getting it shipped Xpress… and i found a site to do that for only $339… i feel bad for those who pay over 400 …
I’m probably going to end up paying over $400.00 CAN when it comes to shipping charges. The phone itself was 384.99 CAN but guarunteed i’ll get some cross-border fees since i live in Canada.
I’m hearing rumors and I found a picture of some of these phones with an ugly “TIM” logo on the front. Tony, does yours have this? And does anybody know why some have this?
There are some pics with the “TIM” logo
Picture 1
Picture 2
I know why, Bradford. TIM is a cell phone service just like Cingular and T-Mobile. But not Cyprus… Cyprus is a country.
Just kidding about Cyprus. If you’re following the comments here you know that this is my private joke now.

But anyways, back to TIM: I know for a fact that Italy and Brazil both use TIM. I would NOT buy a phone with a TIM logo if you are in the USA. To the best of my knowledge we don’t have TIM here in the US, so these phones (with the TIM logo) were not meant to the American market. Where did you see them? Was it in that Italian site I’ve mentioned before?
Actually off of ebay, the seller was from the USA too. Wierd. and hah i got the cyprus joke lol
Hello to you all, just want to say a big thanks to all that are loyal to Phones Review. This comment section on the Sony Ericsson S500i is fantastic.
Bradford said that Tony should do a YouTube video on his phone and we say that is a fantastic idea, what would be better if you put the name http://www.phonesreview.co.uk on the video as well, this will get a bigger community chatting about this awesome phone that you love.
Loving you all lots – Phones Review
I dont see anything that say tim.
i ordered mine from ebay also i dont know.
Yep, this is the exact logo my mom (who lives in Brazil) has on her cell phone. This was not meant to the US. I would contact the seller ASAP.
hah so I guess its best that I didnt buy it from that seller..phew i was about too. lol It’s time like this when I hate trusting eBay
I agree with the eBay thing. I have bought the most hillarious, unbelievable stuff from eBay. Mostly girlie stuff like vitage tops, make-up and jewlery, which drives my friends absolutely jealous cause they can’t find it anywhere locally. So far, I have been very lucky with them, but when it comes to $200.00 plus purchases I am very worried. However, most people I know order expensive stuff from them and never had any problems. I wouldn’t worry about it.
Future eBay buyers reading this: DO NOT purchase the phone with the TIM logo without confirming first that the phone is completely UNLOCKED and that it is a QUADBAND (GSM 850/900/1800/1900). A TRIBAND phone MAY or MAY NOT work in the US. If you have Cingular (AT&T) don’t even think about using a triband phone. The static and the dropped calls will drive you absolutelly INSANE.
Does anybody know if I can use a 4 GB M2 Memory Stick with this phone? I think the actual memory on the phone is quite low isn’t it? Will it support a 4GB memory stick?
And does anybody know where I can find a 4GB M2 Memory Stick at a reasonable price?
Hey Tony, which ebay seller did you get it from? Could you post a link to the ebay auction?
I found another site for Canadian buyers. — THE SITE –This is probably the most reliable Canadian site that I have found, and my best friend just bought a phone off the site a few weeks ago. Very good shipping and easy to contact.
anyone know a site for english buyers?? thanks
Chris I found one that will ship to your area, it’s off ebay tho, I dont know if you trust it or not. I researched the seller and it looks reliable enough. Heres the LINK
If you guys don’t feel confident buying from E bay.. why don’t try from either http://www.phonesource-usa.com or from http://www.myworldphone.com . Both places are pretty cheap, and seem very reliable.
I’ve just got 2 quick questions….
1.) Do u think major wireless service providers in Canada like Telus and Rogers will carry these phones within like a month? (Cuz Im eligible to sign a new 3 year contract…which means it could save a crap load of money)
2.) I heard that the music quality on Sony phones are better than an ipod….i need 2 buy an ipod 2 so instead of buying a phone + ipod i need something that’ll give me a 2 in 1….so does the quality of music on this phone match / surpass that of an ipod?
My thanks in advance
Well Boi, I called Rogers wireless and unfortunately they will not be getting this phone, and as you know Telus and Bell do not carry Sony Ericsson. The only way you will be able to get this phone is if you buy it online and buy a Rogers SIM Card and go on a pay as you go plan. I believe FIDO and Rogers are the only service providers in Canada that dont lock the SIM cards in the phone. Hope this helps.
For all who would like a more in depth look at the S500i, I will be making a youtube video tomorrow upon the arrival of my phone. It will be labelled “Unboxing Sony Ericsson S500i”, because I know the videos that are out right now don’t really show what everyone wants to see. I will be showing in depth the Camera/Video aspect of the phone as well as the many Light effects, and theme options. Hope it helps some people make their minds up about the phone!
For anyone who likes this phone, there may be another close option. Its more of a txt messaging phone, but it looks great. Check out the Sony Ericsson W999i. Of course it doesnt really compare to the S500i but if I had to get a different phone then that would be it.
I guess I dont have to make a video, someone just did.
He has one with the TIM logo. Anyways it shows the phone in a pitch black room, sweeeet looking.
I sort of lost track…
Who here has this phone WITHOUT the TIM logo and where did you buy it?
Apparently all stores are selling the phone WITH the TIM logo. I just canceled my order because of that. Whomever thought that putting a blue and red logo on a black and green phone was a good idea deserves my deepest despise. Please tell me where you got yours if yours DID NOT come from TIM.
I agree virginia, the logo defeats the whole look of the phone. Sites that are selling the phone with the TIM logo are http://www.addictedtophones.com and a seller on eBay. I ordered mine off eBay from the seller Infinitimobile whom I called and checked to see if the phone had the TIM logo on it. It did not so I kept my order, apparently it can be rubbed off with rubbing alchohol, but I’d rather not deal with that.
I would be very scared to rub alcohol (or any other product really) on it because I’d be terrified of ruining that glossy surface and making it dull or even worse.
I’m so disappointed about that! 1ShopMobile.com is also selling it with the TIM logo.
OMG Bradford! I did call INFINITIMOBILE earlier and they told me they weren’t sure because their phones were at the warehouse so they would have to get bakd with me which they never did.
I would be very scared to rub alcohol (or any other product really) on it because I’d be terrified of ruining that glossy surface and making it dull or even worse.
I’m so disappointed about that! 1ShopMobile.com is also selling it with the TIM logo.
OMG Bradford! I did call INFINITIMOBILE earlier and they told me they weren’t sure because their phones were at the warehouse so they would have to get back with me which they never did.
Well they got back to me, and if they lied to me then they would be recieving mass quantities of hate mail. But if my phone did end up coming with the TIM logo I would get it removed my a professional, I know a Antique dealer that does this sort of stuff so I would bring it to him.
Well you know there are plenty other sites that are selling the phone for a much cheapper price than 1shopmobile and they probably dont have the TIM logo on it…
Virginia try, http://www.myworldphone.com or http://www.phonesource-usa.com
Well I just sent off 5 emails to various Canadian stores selling the phone. Hopefully at least one of them doesnt have the TIM logo. I wonder what site Tony bought his off of, his didnt have the logo.
According to other discussion board, phonesource’s phone come with the TIM logo, but I haven’t checked myself. I’ll contact myworld and see what they say.
Yes, hopefully Tony will come back and tell us. Let me know what the stores tell you, Bradford, I might order mine from Canada, if everything else fails.
That’s all I need – After waiting so long for this phone just because it looks so awesome, end up with a horrendous blue and red logo on a black and green phone sticking out like a pimple or something. Now who would lack enough sense to do that?
From what I understand, the stores are using pictures found on the internet and saying absolutelly nothing on their website about it coming from Italy. They say that the phone is UNLOCKED but don’t mention whether or not it is UNBRANDED.
Alright well let me know what you find out…
but i got a question though for Bradford and Virginia,… Is it that serious whether it does have the TIM logo on it or not?? i
i mean, will the phone be any different? or will it not work with cingular, or tmobile if it has that logo on it?
Bcuz, i really dont get it… plz, do xplain
No Anthony, the TIM logo will not affect anything regarding interface or how the phone works. Its just that me and Virginia are perfectionists and dont want an ugly blue/red logo from Italy on our phone. I found a picture of a phone from SNtraders that has the TIM logo on it so do not buy from there http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php?t=1185790 but I also found pictures of a Spring yellow phone that has a SE symbol in place of the TIM logo. It looks like it was added on the phone prior to manufacturing though http://howardforums.com/showthread.php?p=9410594#post9410594 . Sorry for the confusion Anthony.
First, I don’t even want to think about whether will it work or not. It depends on what kind of process the phone went through. I don’t know what TIM did to the phone, and I don’t speak Italian to ask, so it is an impossible question to even ask, let alone answer.
Second, If you have problems with the phone and the seller says they can’t help you, how will you explain to Sony Ericsson that you are having problems in North America with a phone that was not meant to the North American market in the first place? Keep in mind that companies do look into these details to deny warranty.
The third point (looks) is personal. It may not matter for some of us here, and be a big deal for others. I did not wait all this time to buy a beautiful phone, just to find out at the end that I will have to settle for an ugly one. In my opinion, that logo KILLED the phone, not just made it less atractive.
Ya well I know it works with Rogers and T-mobile(TIM branded S500i’s) as I have seen people talking about it on forums. But for all other carriers I do not know.
what carrier do u have bradford??
and doesnt Tony have Cingular as a carrier, and didnt he say it worked for him?
This morning I read about a girl who was having problems with a TIM phone in the US, but as usual, I didn’t save the site on my favorites and now I can’t find it. It was displaying some kind of error when she tried to send someone a message and she was having problems with the colors on her screen (don’t know how this could be TIM’s fault – I’m just repeating what I read). I also don’t know which carrier she was using, which makes it even harder to speculate.
Tomorrow I have absolutely nothing to do but baby-sit my poor doggie Kokoh who has had an operation recently. So I will just sit here and email and call everybody who is selling this phone in the US and in Canada. If you know a seller put the link here and I will email and/or call them and see how many answer me. I’ll post all the answers here.
alright.. welll here are all the places i’ve found that are selling this phone..
heres the places i found
thanks virginia for doing this, I hope your Dog heals quickly. Im on Rogers wireless Anthony, and they said they support my phone model. Im thinking that I may cancel my order if the phone doesnt come tomorrow, just to make sure I dont get one thats TIM branded. Anyways im going to bed, ill check in with this tomorrow.
Are you sure that http://www.sntraders.com sells phones? It sure doesn’t look like it!
guys i’ve been in england since saturday, London to be exact. Tried going to Orange, Carphone warehouse , phones4u nobody has it. Its supposedly come out in Cyprus but think they will stall it a bit longer..anyone finds it pls let us know where and price
Ordered the phone from ebay – from Honk Kong – getting it tomorrow cant wait! yeah!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ve been informed by http://www.sntradersonline.com and http://www.omegacell.com that in a week they willl be recieving new “batches” of the phone that will be unbranded. SNtradersonline will be emailing me when the unbranded phones are avalable there and I will pass it on to you guys!
Well, mobilebee wont even have the phone in stock for another 3 to 4 weeks the guy said..
Alright Bradford and Virginia, i made a call to http://www.exoticphone.com and he said that its all UnBranded phones… so it does not have the TIM logo on it..
Ok guys, here’s what I have so far. I hope it helps. Please, I don’t want you all mad at me, so be sure and contact the seller before buying, don’t just trust my research.
1. SN Traders: TIM Logo. New shipment without it expected soon.
2. Addictedtophones.com: All phones with TIM logo. New shipment without it expected soon.
3. Cacel (Selling from Ebay): All phones with BLACK and WHITE (!?!) TIM logo. Huh? This really worries me, cause I’m familiar with TIM and didn’t even know they had a black and white logo. I wonder if they tried to take it off with something and it made it black and white accidentally? But DON’T hold that against the seller, I could be wrong…
4. 1ShopMobile.com: TIM logo. When questioned, seller tried to trick me into not canceling my order saying that I would have to wait 6 to 9 months for the UNBRANDED version. Hmmmm… I don’t think so. To be fair to the seller, they did cancel my order and refunded me almost immediately, so no headache here.
5. Rose528400 (Selling from Ebay): UNLOCKED and UNBRANDED. Thanks Rose!
6. Mobilebee: Seller stated that USUALLY their phones are UNBRANDED but at this time he couldn’t give me any guarantees. Now, that’s an unusual answer! I guess I can’t guarantee I’ll be buying from him either.
7. Infiniti (selling from Ebay): TIM logo. Seller further stated that “there is nothing available without the carrier logos…” Hmmmm… Really?!?
8. Overseas Electronics: No logos according to the carrier.
9. eGizmo.com: UNLOCKED and UNBRANDED
10. Phonesource.com: Only TIM branded ones.
11. Exoticphones: So far, I have not been able to get a straight answer from them. There was somebody on the line with me and the person got silent when I asked the question. After that, all communication with the store have stoped. I have sent several messages and emailed them several times. So far, no information.
12. OmergaCell.com: TIM logo. New shipment of phones without the logos expected within the next few weeks.
Hi All
Just wanted to ask everyones opinion, do you like the look of the homepage now with the icons seen HERE.
Please let me know what you think and please do spread the word around about Phones Review, we are always wanting more and more readers. Let us say thanks again for all your comments and coming back to us daily.
Thats funny about Phonesource…
I called them about 2 hours ago and the girl told me on the phone that branded phones are usually listed as “branded” and the s500i wasn’t listed as such.
How sure are you that it has the TIM logo?
Well from my research, guy at phonesource told me that there is DEFINATELY a TIM logo on the Sony Product..
but at MYWORLDPHONE.com the lady told me that they receive their phones directly from Sony Ericsson Company, and has just the sony ericsson names on them, no other logo or brand..
Well, Virginia and Bradford, i will be ordering my phone from http://www.myworldphone.com in a few days… i’ve called them several times asking the same questions with different customer service Reps.. and they all tellin me the same thing without a doubt in their mind unlike Phonesource and exoticphones…
Plus, they seem to be alot cheaper than many other sites… soo myworldphone is the best bet.
I’m not quite sure, Mohammad. The fact is that we ARE dealing with people, and as we all know, some are honest, and some are not. Some may just not be willing to get up from their chair and go look, while others may be eager to find out the information. Here’s an example:
Yesterday, the seller INFINITI told Bradford that their phone DID NOT come with the TIM logo. At the same time they told me that they were not sure and they needed to get back with me. Of course, they never did. So I contacted them again, and finally this morning they’ve told me that their phone comes with the TIM logo and they also told me that there aren’t ANY S500i in the market without this logo right now…
So, just from this seller we had 3 differente answers: a) no, there is no TIM logo – b) we’re not sure – and c) yes, it comes with the TIM logo.
I’d say be cautious and double or even triple check before you buy it.
I have been trying NOT only to call, but ALSO to have it in writing in the email, so later if I need to cancel the order and/or send the phone back, they won’t give me a hard time.
I think it is unfortunate that sellers are not disclosing this information more easily.
They’ve made a poor decision ordering it from Italy, so now they’ll just send customers this phone hoping that people won’t be willing to go through the procedure of canceling the order after they receive the phone.
I am speculating of course, but that’s what it looks like. What other reason can they have for not publishing the actual pictures of the phone on their website? It’s a freaking RED and BLUE logo on a phone that’s being marketed as classy and beautiful. The whole theme of the phone is supposed to interact with its colors, so in this specific case, this logo is not a minor detail.
Ya I called Infinitimobile and they havnt even shipped my order yet!!! It was supposed to be here today…well its kinda a good thing. I cancelled my order with them and I guess im going to buy off of http://www.myworldphone.com seems to be best option. Thanks Virginia for doing this today you’ve been a great help.
That’s interesting about myworldphone.com, because they NEVER got back with me either and I have emailed them at least twice. What do you guys know about them?
Exoticphones.com is another mystery: somebody was on the line with me and they cut all communication with me after I asked them. After that, I left messages online and emailed several times to no avail.
1) Phonesource did get back with me for the second time today and it is official: Their phones come WITH the TIM logo.
2) http://www.myworldphone.com just emailed me back saying that YES, their phones come WITH the TIM logo.
This is awful. I’m very frustrated.
I went ahead and took your advice
I canceled my order with PHONESource and placed a new one with MyWorldPhone.com .
I’m going to be getting it on Wednesday.
LOL what the heck?!
myworldphone has the TIM logo too?!
man…I dont even care anymore. I’ll just get the phone and take the logo off with some “goo gone” or something.
Sorry about that Mohammad, and I mean it.
Apparently almost EVERY seller is SAYING on the phone that the phone doesn’t have the logo, but when you get them to write in the email they think about LIABILITY and admit that the phone actually comes WITH the TIM logo.
I am reaching the conclusion that the sellers are not really happy about this question and are trying to ship the phone hoping that the customer will just let it go. Right now, until further notice I don’t even believe the ones that wrote in the email that their phone does not come with the logo. I’m definitely NOT buying for now.
Wow Virginia, is it that serious?? its just a logo, i has nothing to do with the function of the phone…
the more i think about it, the more i realize that just because it has a lil thing on the front doesn’t mean its not the same phone i’ve wanted for the past month…
I’m getting the phone this week, whether or not it has the logo on it.. Only thing i’m looking for is the Cheapest price..
Im sure that all these sites got the phone from the same supplier…. so its more than likely they will ALL come with the logo, unless Tmobile or cingular gets the phone…
So let being a PERFECTIONIST get in the way of owning one of the most unique cell phones on the market.. VIRGINIA N BRADFORD
I”m just getting it from Phonesource-usa and calling it a day… I’ll enjoy it with the logo…and so should the both of you
Well, Anthony, it is not that simple. As I’ve said before the “looks” part of the problem is personal. It might not mean anything for some and mean a big deal for others.
However… there might be other problems. When TIM brands the phone, it doesn’t brand just the outside. It also puts their software on the phone as well. I have read that some people are having technical issues with it. Some sellers are taking the software out of the phone and saying it is UNBRANDED, when it really isn’t. I REALLY don’t know if it isn’t THAT serious about the software. I know that I will NOT buy until the UNBRANDED, NO LOGO ones come along.
I also don’t like the fact that the answers are having to be squeezed out of the sellers. To me, that implies wrong doing and misleading, and people don’t do that for no reason. If they are trying to hide it or giving out conflicting information there MUST be a reason.
I just think it’s absurd to be so enticed over this piece of machinery that will ultimately be worthless within a year from its release.
I mean, how much time has been wasted over obsessing for this phone down to the minute detail. Sony did a good job of marketing it the way it did if it has generated so much hype… or people here have too much time (and money?) to dedicate to this.
I’ve yet to read a single real review of the phone despite its release, to me that is the real issue here.
So please, just buy the thing or don’t because in the end that’s really the only two choices you have.
I have read a few real world reviews of people who have bought this phone and they all praise it and also SE is a good brand. The s500i seems to be a solid reasonably priced mid range phone.
Also I will probably buy this phone becuase alot of the reviewers have also mentioned that it has an easy to view screen and good music sound quality (for a phone). It also has bluetooth and good battery life.
Most phones/computer etc are obsolete in a few months. So why not get a phone that you like the look of.
I am going to wait until I can get a non-TIM brand phone. And I might wait until the white version comes out. It is that or the Spring yellow.
I think the green and purple ones are just to dark.
so if I am spending my cash I may as well get something i like.
Your Right Phil… i mean, after a couple of months the hype for it will be over and we’ll all be looking for the next phone we wanna buy…
I admit, s500i is a pretty cool looking phone, and whether or not it is Branded, is not a problem for me…
Good luck to everyone else… and make up your minds..
I don’t find it THAT absurd to see people obsessing over a phone in a phone review website. Different people will obsess/worry about different things.
I agree that we need a more detailed review, but I guess nobody has had the phone long enough to write one. I will not write one when I get my phone because I lack the expertise. As you all know by now, my field of knowledge is really GEOGRAPHY…

I apologize if I somehow offended somebody by being so… “enticed over a piece of machineryâ€. I only meant to help. As I’ve mentioned before I have my summer off and I understand that usually people can’t sit in front of a computer/phone for a whole day just to find a product. I had decided I was going to do it for me anyways… so I thought it would be a nice gesture to group all information and post it here. I understand that most people don’t have this kind of time available, so I wanted to share my research. Call me crazy… I thought that other people interested in the phone could use it.
Although I do have time available for now, money is something that I usually DON’T have too much. So when I spend it, I make ABSOLUTELLY sure that I’m spending it on what I REALLY want. As an informed consumer, if I don’t want to pay for a TIM logo… I don’t. If that somehow offends somebody, well… then be it.
It offends me that in this day and age, sellers won’t disclose information more easily and will try to trick me into buying something I don’t want. If I perceive this in a seller I don’t like the seller. And if I don’t like a seller, I don’t buy from him/her. It is THAT simple. It’s not like the sellers will lose a whole day writing on their website “TIM logo†or “No logoâ€.
Yes, consumers only have two options: they either buy it or they don’t. But they should feel completely free to determine IF, WHEN, and WHAT to buy. After all it is their money, and at the end of the day, the seller works for the customer, it is not the other way around. Good luck everyone, whatever you all guys decide!
Ok i only read a couple of post there was too many to read. I’ve been gone for a few days sorry. The ebay seller that i bought it from no longer has any in stock and he is not gonna have more. My friend did order from ebay and his has the TIM logo on it. His works fine and has the quad band but the only thing that is different is the menu and shortcuts. The main screen instead of having the menu button on the right for a shortcut it goes to TIM web network. So that means to go to the menu you have to hit the middle button of the toggle. Also to check your calls records you only can do that from the main screen also and hit the left button. Since in your menu screen your call records is taken over by a feature called servizi TIM which i have no idea what that does. Also you dont have a play now option in your menu since thats taken over by a portale TIM and i dont know what that is neither. The only thing play now does is take you to cingulars website to download ring tones and hear them before you buy them. The phone works perfect and the only thing from his thats different are the shortcuts. We both havent called cingular to hook up the internet yet because we have been too busy. If you guys cant find the one without it it should be fine its still looks good and works fine.
Wow Tony!
You are the ONLY person I know that has one WITHOUT the TIM logo.
Have you Googled it, to see how many people are after one of those? LOL! Everybody who has been ordering is going to get a TIM one with very few exceptions, from what I hear.
Your post confirm my suspicions and the rumours I’ve read that it comes with the TIM software. I don’t like this at all.
What about the phone you have, Tony? Do you still like it? I understand that some people say it feels to plastic-y, is that so? Overall do you think it’s a good phone?
I like the phone it. I dont care about the plastic feeling its only in the front and the back is not. It makes the phone light. But even with the TIM software its still a good phone. My friend doesnt care about his he loves it too. I tried to ask the ebay seller if he has more but he cant get anymore without the TIM logo.
Did you like the phone?
Hey Virginia, i think i may have found somewhere that doesn’t have the TIM logo on it.. but i want you to call and confirm it… http://www.cti-miami.com.. i called there twice and got the same response That The Phone did not have the TIM logo…
if you call and get a different answer, then… it was worth a shot…
also, i thought u said that egizmo.com didnt have the TIM brand on it?
I’ve seen up close and personal photos of the one with the TIM logo, and in the pictures that logo looks like a pimple. But it could be just that I got so used to looking at pictures of the original phone.
For those still looking, here are the last results of my research:
1 – I read on another board that SN Traders will have the phone without the TIM logo on Thursday.
2 – Apparently SN traders can also take the TIM software off the phone if you order the one WITH the TIM logo. This is a rumour, I can’t guarantee this information.
3 – I have just ordered my phone from eBay. Seller: Rose528400. She has said over and over: NO LOGO. Phones come from Singapore and she asks for buyers to be PayPal VERIFIED. She still has 9 phones left.
4 – Mobile City Online has just emailed me. They only have the TIM branded ones and they were VERY expensive the last time I checked.
5 – Please note that some sellers are saying UNBRANDED, meaning that the TIM software has been removed, while the TIM logo is still ON the phone. If you do not want the logo, say so clearly to avoid missunderstandings.
6 – One other eBayer is selling no logo phones but at this time I am not able to locate the store. If you find it, ask several questions. They got this phone without logo VERY quickly and I’m a little suspicious of it. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong, just double check it before buying, if you wish to buy.
I hope this helps those who are looking for the phone. My email address is foreignergrl@gmail.com Feel free to email me anytime. I check this account fairly ofter (at least 3 times a week). I do NOT sell phones and I DON’T know anyone who does. I just like cell phones A LOT.
Good Luck!
That’s right Anthony, eGizmo told me yesterday that theirs did NOT come with the TIM logo.
Let me see what CTI-MIAMI tells me. I’ll post it here as soon as I have an answer.
I really don’t wanna spend that much to get this phone if i can buy it for ALOT cheaper, even if it has the TIM logo… ya know what i mean??
So let me know what find out Virginia? I need to get all this figured out by Friday cuz thats when I’m going to order the phone
CTI-Miami’s attendant said there is NO LOGO on this phone. I was on the phone with them right now. Before buying, I would email them and get the information in writing, just in case you want to return it, if they send you the TIM branded ones.
She told me that their phones come straight from the manufacturer.
I don’t think you will have any problems finding this phone WITHOUT the logo and much cheaper by Friday. You can already see how much the prices have dropped on eBay.
Another seller that swears that their phones DO NOT come with the TIM logo is wirelessimports.com it might be a good idea to check it out.
Well Virginia i am happy to say that there are 3 place that have confirmed that the S500i DOES NOT COME WIT a TIM LOG..
So, Virginia and Bradford, there ya go.. check them out, cuz i already have and they assure me that none of their products have the TIM logo on it
and IMportgsm will actually Configure the phone for you if you have Cingular or T-Mobile for you… it cost an extra 20bucks.. but in total it’d still cost 360 with shipping and everything else…seems very reasonable..
That’s right, Anthony. Those plus the seller Rose528400 that sells off eBay seem to be the ones that are not selling with the TIM logo.
I ordered mine with fast shipping from eBay and it cost me $322.00 After that, the phone price already dropped $20 on Ebay. This seller states that the product comes with warranty, straight from the factory. Let’s wait and see.
Thanks Anothony and Virginia for doing this…I would have done it myself but i’ve been busy studying for exams. As for where Im going to buy it from, I will probably go with Rose528400 on eBay like virginia. Im going to call them and verify the logo thing anyway lol just to make sure.
Tropical Computer Systems on eBay is also selling without logo, it says in the description.
i have got one of these phones this week in fact! t dies have the tim logo on it but that doesnt bother me…..got it off ebay i think its an amazing phone!
what phone service do u have Virginia??
So u should be getting your phone by Thursday?
And i need ya’ll to let me know how difficult it was to get the internet settings for your carier.. cuz i’m debating whether to have them Configure it for me or just buy with not configured and go through cingular to talk me through it..
which would you guys do?
woot! I finally found my S500i provider, CellWorldCo.com sells for $375.00 CAN. Which is not bad. : ) And it doesn’t come with the TIM logo!
The new Sony Ericsson S500i is now available in both Mysterious Black and Spring Yellow Editions from FREE with a 12 month contract.
Hey all,
I just got my phone from myworldphone.com but it has the TIM logo on it.
That doesn’t bother me too much though…ill just get the firmware back to original using wotanserver.com
and the logo doesnt bother me at all.
Just one thing…
Those who have the phone, do you also experience a bit of looseness when you slide the phone up and press the shorcut keys? Like does it press down the tiniest bit for you?
Hey Virginia, did u ever call Plemix to ask if they had the LOGO on it or not?.. if so, what did they say?
Mobilebee sucks. I recommend everybody never ever purchase anything on their website. I ordered a cell phone more than 3 months ago, but it was out of stock. In their rules, they said that:
“1.1 Your credit card will not be charged until the day we ship your goods. ” but they charged me when I didn’t even see the cell phone.
“1.2 If your goods fail to arrive within 28 days of dispatch, you will have the option of either a full refund or a replacement shipment. ” now more than 3 months already and no refund at all.
I called them and sent them a lot but email. But the answer I get are “sorry I dont know” “please accept our apologies for the delay” “i will request our financial department”
So attention everybody, what I recommend is never use this site, also tell your friends so.
I use Cingular. In my opinion, definitely configure it by Cingular. Don’t let anybody else do it.
I’m not sure if I’ll get the phone tomorrow. After all it is coming from Singapore. I’m thinking that realisticaly it maybe Saturday or Monday before I get it.
No, I haven’t called Plemix. I haven’t even heard of them before. I’m guessing that EVERYBODY will have the phone without the TIM logo to sell in the next 2 or 3 days.
ya.. i called Plemix and he told me that they were sold out of the S500i with the TIM logo on it, that all they have left are those WITHOUT the logo on it.. so i’m pretty happy bout that..hopefully he is telling the truth
i am really interested in this phone and what does this tim logo do and where is it placed on the phone??
and is it out in england yet in stores lik carphone warehouse??
I have a few questions to those who already have the phone:
1.From the looks of the video and the second large picture, it looks like the main menu is flashed but I’ve read at other places that this phone cannot be flashed. Is that main menu come with the phone or is that phone just flashed?
2. Is the slide spring loaded?
3. Is it easy to lock/unlock the phone when it is the keypad is retracted?
4. What kind of headphones come with the phone? The standard 1 piece handsfree or the two piece like the walkman?
5. Is there a mirror near the camera like most of the other SE phones? I can’t seem to see it.
6. When watching videos, can you get the screen to flip and watch it in widescreen(fullscreen) mode?
Well Chirs, to answer your questions.
1. Yes the menu is flash, i promise you that.
2. Yes the slide is spring loaded
3. Yes it is easy to unlock the phone whent the slider is closed
4. Two piece walkman
5. There is no mirrow but a reflective surface surrounding the camera.
6. Yes you can make a video full screen when you watch them.
Thanks Bradford.
this phone sounds great. how much did you guys buy it for?
Just a note to say that you can get this phone from select online retailers in the UK now. I had a quick look on the carphone warehouse site, and it is now under the coming soon section which i guess i pretty good news. Not that i would recommend carphone warehouse in any way.
i am really interested in this phone and what does this tim logo do and where is it placed on the phone??
and is it out in england yet in stores lik carphone warehouse?? thankyou
Yes, when will it be available in store in the UK (especially Englang)…and what network will it come out on;
T mobile
For those wanting the Sony Ericsson S500i please do check out this HERE
It is suspected that the phone will be released on Orange, O2 and vodaphone.
3 will probably pick it up somewhere in the line, they like sony ericcson, but as for t=mobile and virgin i think its unlikely
got mine today great phone love the way it looks got it ata popularelect.com
hi people , you can buy it on ( the order.co.uk ) you can but them on there for 190 pound on sim free!!!!
hello there – to the people who already own the s500i – how about the receive level? i heard that someone complained about it, but i can hardly imagine that there are any difficulties regarding that… and generally – any critique or would you recommend buying it?
Hi all
Since this is update news on the s500i I have just got a mail from Sony Ericsson to say that the phone will be available in Ireland from July.
They didn’t give a date or a network but I would assume it might be O2 or Vodaphone since they are available in on those networks in the UK.
Hi guys, just wondering if anyone has had any dealings with onestopphoneshop.co.uk or theorder.co.uk they appear to be selling the S500i on Orange etc. It seems they are a spin off from the Carphone Warehouse but Ive never heard of them really!
Does anyone know anything much about theorder.co.uk or onestopphoneshop.co.uk these seem to have the S500i on Oranges etc. They state they are a spin off of the Carphone Warehouse but ive never come accross them before…..
this phone dsnt haev the Walkman funciton just the media player, do you think this matters too much? will this affect sound?
Just got my Sony Ericsson S500i from eBay seller rose528400… Unbranded is correct.. very fast shipper as well.. phone looks nice!
hey guys, I just got my phone yesterday (spring yellow) it’s really cute. only problem is that when i slide the phone up, it kinda feels loose when i press the buttons. it’s kinda weird. most phones feel solid and this one feels kinda hallow. it didn’t come with a M2 memory stick–so i was also disappointed. my brother got the W810i in white and his phone had a memory stick in it already. we both have service with t-mobile and the signal is regular (2-4 bars, not 5 bars constantly) my parents got the phones in New York. mine for $125 with a yr contract and my brother’s for $50 with a yr contract. A representative of t-mobile sold the phone n plan to my parents. If you guys have any questions, u can even e-mail me at yychen01@hotmail.com (in case i never come back to this site haha) btw, my phone does have TIM logo on it and nothing is wrong with it.
does this phone have flash, for the camera?
ya does anyone else have the problem with the loose buttons i NEED to know this before I buy since im a big texting person and i dont want a hallow feeling phone with loose buttons. Thats a big no-no in my books. Anyways could somebody please reply that would be great.
Those who already have a S500i.. how is the keypads for this phone specifically the numeric keys? Is it comfortable to write messages? and how is the material of the phone? Is is good?
the camera does NOT have flash. kinda sad. and Bradford, the buttons themselves do not feel hollow when you push them–only the middle half of the phone (when top is slide up) feels hallow and creeks a bit if you press the center while texting or something. (sry for the not being clear the first time…)
Okay now im not getting the phone, i just read like 13 reviews that said the keybads numeric keys cracked in half after the first week of use. So disappointing, i guess ill just have to get the moto z8 or z6
I dont know about the keys breaking. I had the phone first than anyone on here. My friend ordered his and ours is fine. It maybe feels hollow cause the phone is pretty light. And when you slide the phone up the weight of the phone shifts so thats why you prolly think the phone is hollow. I had my phone for over 2 weeks and my friend has his for 1 week and its still fine nothing broken and i average 2000+ text a month. So i dont know anything about keys being broken or creaks when i slide up the phone.
uh 13 reviews that says keypad keys cracked in half? Where are you reading these reviews? You got a link? My keypad seems fine so far.
I heard it’s comin out 2/3 way through the year so i reckon late summer/autumn (hopefully sooner). And price is £179.99 on http://www.play.com. You can pre-order it now.
on several sites on http://www.gsmarena.com and http://www.howardsforums.com I have no clue what phone to get if i cant get the s500i the rrzr z6 is only other option but its triband
i really like this phone but ive heard plenty of negative and positive comments. Im not keen on spending around 200 for a mobile that is said to have problems. on the other hand it just may be those faulty phones but nothing tells me i wont get one, and im thinking of buying abroad. Can anyone suggest another phone that might be good and not bulky. around 200?!?!?!?!
There are other good phones out there around 200. The reason i chose this phone is because of the features and the look. The 2mp camera was a bonus and on top of that the phone can play music and sony has been one of the top music phone company out there. I dont regret my decision its a great phone and i love it. This phone is not bulky at all its slimmer than i thought it would be and lighter too. Go to the sonyericson website and you can try the phone there. You can try it out and it works just like the real phone except the display is way better looking in real life.
I am just about to purchase this phone but can someone tell me if you can answer a call with the phone closed because I dont want it if you have to open it.
Iv just picked up my S500i. Its fantastic a real girly phone. The only downside is you dont know when you have a text and cant see the clock when the phone is not in use.
and bradford you can’t really always go on when ppl say negatively bout phones.. they could just be messin wit you …
this fon with 512 memory card only rm1090..
Well ive seen some pictures of the cracked keypad and the many complaints so im not gonna take the risk.
so where did u see the pictures of the cracked keypad?? i wanna see the pics..
Here is the website http://justamp.blogspot.com/2007/07/sony-ericsson-s500-has-easy-to-break.html
well i see… i’m prob still gonna get the phone, i’m just gonna hve to be carefull how i handle it.. i mean, it prob breaks bcuz of hows hard u press the phone or a number other reasons… no phone is perfect, always has its flaws…
Off topic.
Lately i’ve been leaning towards the W580i. I love the new titanium-blue color! besides that i need a walkman! another month of waiting games. as much as I wanted a s500 the W580i was just too tempting, compact and all-in-one, even though it’s not out yet.
i got one and there seriously good i got mine for £180 on ebuyer sim free.
i also got a 4gb memory card as well so i’ve now got some tunes on it!
only bad point is that in the sunlight the screenisn’t particularly clear.
but apart from that the best phone out!
I was waiting for this phone ever since pics of it was leaked, but after reading and seeing the pictures of the broken keypad, i think i’m going to have to pass on it.
My phones need to be able to take a lot of beatings, and I don’t think it’s worth the risk buying a phone with known fragility issues.
So dissappointed
for those who purchased a non-logo’d SE s500i phone already and are in the US, can u let me know who you went through to buy it? and if you were able to obtain a warranty on the phone? thx
Removing the SIM card is a nightmare…
getting mine either tomorrow or the day after, and i’m verrrrrryy excited!! I actually bought it from the rose ebayer without reading the reviews on this site…so lets hope i got the non-branded one, no TIM logo? Although I must admit this is the first I hear of this TIM logo, I didn’t know of it until tonight …
I just bought this phone and I am having some trouble with the lights.
When I change the colour to:
Light pink
They all show as a green/blue. Is this normal? If it isn’t ill send it back as its still covered under its 14 day Warranty. Plus the phone charger doesn’t work, but im not to bothered as I have a few chargers.
wait, what do you mean you don’t know when you have a text? doesn’t it ring and display a text message or something to let you know??
No the colours should change accordingly, so if you set it to pink, it should show pink colours.
Tofu: Yea same with me, well I’m sure its something with the settings, cause one text I got, it rang. Another text it didn’t ring. So I’m sure it had to do with the setting.. i’ll play around with it some more.
I posted two other posts, they don’t seem to be here?? I was just mentioning that the keypad is not as bad as everyone claims it is…I don’t see how it can crack in half … i mean you don’t have to put a lot of pressure to get the key to work ..
and I’d liek to add .. I LOVE THIS PHONE!
Had this phone for over a month now and still love it. I just never got around to doing things to it like contacting cingular and hook up my internet. I ask sony and they said this phone was tested with a 1gb memory card and it worked fine. They didnt tell me how much it can handle so does anyone have a 4gb in there phone now that works fine on it.
guys im sort og confused. it must need quite a bit to break but im not sure. Ive been waiting for this phone for about 1.5 months..its not a lot but really like it. On the other hand, im steering toward the long thin motorola nad Samsung U600…
For all those who have the phone already, how much did you end up paying for it?? shipping included
and from where?
I paid about 302 dollars US (including shipping), from ebay, user rose528400
Of course the phone rings when i get a call or message, but when the phone is closed there is no envelope, clock or missed call symbol on the screen to show you have anything, you have to actually open the slider to see.
i decided to back out on this phone due to the keys problem and the text messaging problem i ended up ordering a nokia 5700 today
It is now available from the carphone warehouse . Online from one stop phone shop and others. Some good offers at the moment for contracts. Hope this is any help.
Hi I have the phone and purchased off play.com for £180 sim free.
Hey guys, (Virginia especially) I just ordered my phone from http://www.1shopmobile.com and wanted to know your past experiences with them.
Is it a shop we can trust? From what i’ve seen Virginia, u seem to have your phone in hand so could u confirm me they r all right?
Thx a lot!
i got da fone it hasnt got gr8 memory but its good lukin fone with evryfin in it i fink it takes mini sd card and it has a great camera
guys carphonewarehouse only has it in spring yellow…in Oxford at least
Guys please dont buy this you will be disappointed with the keypad. My brother is on his 3rd phone because the first 2 had broken keys after 3 or 4 days use. Its an amazing phone other than that but the keys always break on ALL the phones. just read some other forums and their loaded with people that have had the broken keys.
Hey mike, what the heck does he keep doing to the phone that makes it break??
nothing, just using the keys normally and he isnt big on texting either
You can get it on carphone warehouse for pay monthly i think.
Guys, I got an extra S500i for sale. I posted this on Howardforums. Pictures posted as well. Here’s the link:
It’s in the carphone warehouse! They have it in yellow, and are the only ones that do!
dont buy from the carphone warehouse.
i got mine from there. the key broke. and now they sold me a tariff which wasnt what they described. DO NOT BUY FROM THEM
I live in cyprus and the sony ericsson s500i phone came out today and i got it for £189, from the germanos store. it looks lke a fantastic phone, it’s lightweight, looks superb and it’s a brilliant phone from all the reviews that i’ve read and from the pictures i’ve seen. Can’t wait for it to finish charging so i can use it
I have mine from CPW. No problem with phone what-so-ever. They had it in yellow and black. Im very happy with my phone, im a text -aholic and no problems with keys.
Taspira I didnt know it had come but bought it in England for 182 GBP plus delivery but my bro is bringing it over. hope it doesnt hae probs. what colour did u get?
(PS- carphonewarehouse only has it in spring yellow)
i’m gettin it 2morro on contract. i can’t wait!!!
No they do it in mysterious baclk aswell – i got it from there.
can you get the phone PAYG And what is the price????????????????????????????
When will it be launched in India???
When will it launch in India?
funny chris, when i went they said they hadnt brought it- their loss- they lost a customer
Its already out in Singapore. Retail pricer S$498..
i just got mine that i ordered of the internet. It looks awesome (charging at the moment until i can use it) but it just looks soo great. Only phone I can say is equally nice/special in both colours
guys i dont think you’ll regret this phone..its really nice, althought quite girlish i suppose
Cant believe it after telling you all how fantastic this phone is/was. Iv had to return my phone to Car Phone Warehouse due to broken keys. I wasnt willing to accept another phone Iv now gone for a Nokia N76 no flashing lights but still very much a girlie phone. Good luck to everyone who bought the S500i. I didnt think it would happen to me ….How wrong was I.
hellooo tracyyyy, what was you doing with the keyss? its been 2 months i ve got this phone & being atext freak, i can say that this keyboard is in no way bad at all?? i cant believe u guys comments about the broken keys. do u use fingers itself for typing?????
Are there any providers in the US that sell the S500i, or it is only possible to buy this phone online?
So Rijish, u’ve had ur phone for 2months and it hasn’t cracked or anything?
I recieve my phone tomorow.. i’m a txt freak and i hope nothing will happen to the keypad…
and u can only buy the phone unlocked, it will not be under a provided.. and if it were, itd more than likly be for Tmobile
Had the phone for 12 days, im not a prolefic texter, 4 or 5 texts a day at most. Im not heavy handed, i loved this phone and treated it with kit gloves, i hadnt even removed the protective skin from the screen.
Once again my key has broken (the same one) key 4
well, i just recieved my phone today.. and i’m hoping for the best.
OMG you guys, I’ve had this phone for about 3 weeks now, and my keys are finnnneee… you’re all scaring me!!!
so far so good ….
For those of you who are having keys crack, are you using the yellow or green S500, and is TIM branded or not?
Cheapest place i have found it is Play.com at roughly £180 Sim free.
I whas reading another forum, and a member there told that the problem of the s500i keys only happens with the black green edition made before week 27.
The problem is a chemical reaction between the keys plastic and the green paint.
This is confirmed by sony ericson Germany.
I’m going to get mine to morrow , hoping for the best.
Wish me luck
Which forum were u reading? And is there anyway to find out if the phone we have is made before or after week 27?
Colin, here’s a quote from the other forum:
Broke key issue is recognized officially by SE in Germany. The reason was a chemical reaction between the keypad-resin and the green paint. So only the green S500i built before W(eek)27 are affected. You can check the “construction date” by taking out the battery and check the sticker on your mobile device.
The quote is coming from http://www.gsmarena.com
Hi, I just got the phone and am so far impressed, but not sure its working properly regarding the “lights”. When i select “pink” as the light for when phone rings etc, the light down the side is actually blue, not pink. Should it be like this or is there a problem with my phone?
hi alex, ive got the same problem with the lights. i swaped my phone but i still have the problem.
i e-mailed sony and they said to update the software but i havnt done this yet as the updating program wont work with windows vista, i will try tonight on another computer.
Hi Angela,
Thanks for the update info, i’ll look on Sony’s website for a software update. I also checked the label under my battery and i have the phone which was made in ” W25 ” so looks like i’ll have the key problem.
mines W24. my keys are ok, but ive only had the phone for two weeks.
I’ve only had mine 1 day! Its fine at the moment, but i’d feel happier with one that was made after W27. I’ve been trying to update the phone software using the Sony Updater, but unsuccessfully so far. I’m running it on windows XP, follow the instructions of taking battery out, putting battery back in, holding the C button whilst plugging in the cable, and continue to hold the C button, but nothing happens!
UPDATE: I finally got the phone update software working on a different pc altogether, and it fixed the pink light effect. Not sure what else it did, but the menus also seem a bit faster.
i spoke to sony ericsson UK briefly yesterday and they informed me that they also realise there is a problem with the keypads and anyone with the same problem to call them and send it back….
they told me they put “the wrong” keypads on them
I found in the phone under the Settings Menu – General, there is an Update Service option to update the phone without having to do it on Sony’s website. I am not sure if this was there before i updated it on the computer, but its there now and should work. I tried it and it said i have the latest update.
I tried to update my phone last night but the lights still don’t show the correct colour. but i do have the ‘update service’ option on the phone now so ill try that later.
Come on guys, the phone JUST came out, u can’t expect them to have a new update service in less than a month of its release…
i’ve had my phone for 5days now, and i love it.. no cracks on the keys and erything is good.
I went through the lights and tested them again after the update, and for the most part, they are ok. Pink now works, whereas before it as blue. Most of the other colours are ok, but a few are still not right, but i think thats the phone itself. Anyway, the update definitiely fixed the pink colour, not that i want pink, just wanted it to work properly!
hey, can anybody help me.. how can i install MSN mesenger to this sony ericsson s500i?
how do you update the software? i got the same problem with lights
you need to download the updater software from sony and run it, only works on XP not Vista.
or go into the phone settings, general menu, and use the Phone Updater service from there. It wll fix most of the lights, but not all of them.
The cost of the phone is around £170.99 from what I can gather. Being a mid-ranged phone (compared to other phones being released) it’s not going to be a heavily advertised as a great phone. But I agree, I really like this phone, try looking at http://www.allsimfree.co.uk for a ballpark figure and basic specs.
Hope this helps guys.
It didnt take long, the # key has now got a crack in it, so i am in the process of getting the phone exchanged for one made after W27.
Yo alex, how u gonna do that?? cuz i got a crack in mine.. showed up today…
Hi Anthony,
Well, I got mine from Carphonewarehouse, sim free, £138 including devliery ( i ordered over the phone ) . It came with a 7 day return warranty for even if you didnt like the phone. on the 7th day, a couple of days ago, i went into a carphonewarehouse store and registered with them the problem and that i wanted to swap for a new one. They checked their stock and they didnt have any which were W27’s, so they said they’d email sony and see what they say. Basically, if they come back and say it will go for repair, i’ll say forget it, give me money back, which they will do because i registered the complaint within those 7 days. If they swap it with no hassle, then cool. Either way, i’ll get a new one, i dont see why i should go without a mobile phone that i paid £140 for because its faulty while it gets repaired.
ooooooooh~! I want that phone SOOO BADLY!
i hope it comes out to AT & T (cingular) by the time I need to get my new phone xD
This phone is so cool, just need the key fixed. Two cool features:
It was raining yesterday afternoon, when i took my phone out my pocket, the theme on the screen was showing rain falling down! It must be connected to some weather reading through the network provider!
Also, if your phone is ringing and for whatever reason want to silence the ringing but not answer or reject the call, just press the volume button on the side of the phone and it will mute the ringtone for that call.
So that means they haven’t fixed the crack problem yet? any idea when the next batch will be out and fixed?
my number 3 button has a crack ):
just bought it one week ago.
Ive been looking at the s500i phone and have got a very good contract deal for it, for anyone who has got it, what is your opinion on the internet browsing and on the whole phone?
I’m really interested in this phone, but i’m worried about the cracked key problem. It seems fairly common, i’ve been all over the net reading complaints from people and i’m not really sure what to do. I have heard that phones after W27 should be okay, and therefore wont have the cracked key problem, but if you were to go into a shop and purchase this mobile, is that something that you could ask about do you think? I’m not planning on buying the phone right now, maybe in a little while but the worry is still there. Any help would be very much appreciated.
I don’t mean to post twice, but have there been many, if any, problems with the yellow version?
If you’re planning to buy it through a shop (talking face to face with a salesperson), you should ask them to check if it’s a post W27 by telling them to open the box and taking a look at the back of the phone. It will say if it’s a post W27.
is there any problems with s500i’s that are after W27?
i found this phone at an online store for 288.99. free shipping.
I’ve had my Week 28 black s500i for about 3 weeks, no problems at all with it. The Black and green s500i PRE-Week 27 is the only thing affected by the cracking keys. The yellow model didn’t have the same problem (chemical reaction between the paint and button’s adhesive) that the black/green model has.
hey, ive had this fone for a while now n its great. no problems at all :] xx
hey, i just got the phone and its great, however my only problem is that the coloured lights aren’t too good. For eg. when i choose pink, it shows me a blue colour instead. I’ve tried downloading the new software aswell from the SE website and i get up to the identification process, and then it says identification failed. Can anyone shed some light on what i might be doing wrong?
Having the same problem, 7 out of 12 of my keys are cracked!!! Anyone think I should take it back to carphone warehouse and has anyone had theirs sorted?
Hey, do the black and green S500i only have problems if they were made before week27? Please reply i dont want to buy a faulty phone:-
i’m thinking of getting the w580i… but i’ve read that it has the same problem of cracked keys… i think the “problem” that SE identified is just some excuse to get customers off their back…
hopefully the “after W28” thing is true… btw… where can you check the manufacture date? i’ve searched the entire box but i can’t find any date anywhere…
sorry… after W27 i mean…
Hey, thanks for your advice. I read on someones post that the manufacture date was on the battery…. i think! Sorry i’m not 100% sure hope this is helpful to you!
Hey, i read somewhere that this phone is comingnout in white. Does anyone know if this is true and if there are any sites showing pictures of it. Thanks:)
ohh… thanks becky… it is on the batt…
crap… i have a s500i now with 3 cracked keys… was going back to the distributor to demand for a different model after reading all the reviews on the cracked keys… guess mine’s from which week…
07W26!! should have waited a while longer before getting it… then i could tell you guys if the “after W27” thing is true…
Hey Joyce, i will take your advice and wait a while longer before i get my S500i. I sounds like a great phone but sony really needs to solve this craking keypad problem. Hopefully it will be fixed soon. Does anyone else have a post wk27 S500i? Have the keys cracked or has there been any problems with it. Thanks!
i have a s500i W27
im having it for a week and a half,
No problems with the keys
hey becky, maybe you should wait for more ppl to reaffirm that those manufactured after W27 really have no problems with the key..
i don’t mean to be such a wet blanket, it’s a pretty phone with cool features, but i’m pretty skeptical now..
i’ve heard that even with the newer batch, SOME still experience the same problem… & even after they send the phone for servicing, the keys still crack..
i changed my phone today to the w660i.. less pretty but oh well.. guess i’m just too anal abt phone quality.. haha..
hope your phone & everyone else who intends to get the s500i turn out fine!
hey every1.. i just ordered the phone and it should be coming tomorrow but now im nervous after hearing all these reviews! could some1 pls tell me the problems they’ve had with the phone and what i should expect.
Cheers x
I just ordered my phone. Guess I should ahve read about the cracks first
Is there any problems with the phones made after w27? What do you think the chances would be that mine would be after w27?!
Hey everyone, if you are considering buying the S500i my advice would be to wait for a while. Hopefully in time sony will fix the keypad problem cause really its alot of money to be spending if its just going to brake.
Hi Layla,
I had mine from Carphone Warehouse. I had a cracked key and went in and told them i wanted a new one. They said no problem, and i told them that when they got new stock in to let me know, and check that the new ones were after W27. They got new stock in and checked, they had W31’s so I went in and got it exchanged, no hassle at all. Sorted now, and its fixed.
Hi Alex, how long have you had your new S500i and is there still no problems such as cracking keypads with it. Thanks
god someone help me! i rang up sony ericsson because iv only had my handset for a week now and already 2 of my keys are cracked. Now they said that cracked keypads hasn’t been recognised as an official problem and therefore it wont come under warranty and so i’d have to pay to get it repaired! has anyone else had this same problem and what should i do? please help
I’ve just bought 1, 270 euro And i love my phone!
You can get this sim free at carphone warehouse for 139.95 if you take it with an Orange pay as you go card…i was going to but it at 179.99 and the assistant said if I had the sim card the price would be 139.95 including 10 pounds of credit on orange, which I have used and put my O2 sim card in. None of these phones are locked to a network he told me! Hope this is of use!
guys i just noticed a crack on my number 2 on the keypad. what have you guys done?
I bought the pretty S500i on Saturday afternoon, and by today (Monday afternoon) just 2 days after, ONE key is broken and another one has a small crack on it…
I called SE to report the problem, they said that broken keys is not in the warranty and that i should send it to a Service Point in order to see what they can do about it…..
I havent sent it yet, i’ll propably do it the day after tomorrow, i wonder what they’ll say about that problem.
Honestly, that phone is really a beautiful one, but it definatelly does not WORTH a penny for that stupid problem that occurs!!! The LEAST they can do is CHANGE the keyboard for free for the one’s who have that kind of problem!!!
anyone know how to get the sim card out of this the s500i?
Just use the corner of the battery cover to push in the sim card to get it out.
key 1,3,6,9.. crack ):
From howard forums:
2007-08-20 15:43
Several buyers of SE’s new models W580 and S500 have been affected by cracked keyes after a short period of usage.
The problem is that the key surface cracks after only a short period of usage of the phone. SE confirms that this problem exists.
– We have had a couple of these returned to us, says Mattias Holm at SE to Mobil.
How many phones that have been sold with this fault present or that risk to be affected, Holm can not give a precise answer on.
– Its not a big issue, says Holm.
If they have changed the manufacturing process after the fault has become known he does not want to answer either. Holm only states that those phones the company now delivers fulfils SE’s own quality requirements.
Those who have a phone with cracked keys only have to return it to one of SE’s service centers and the phone will either be repaired or replaced
– They are covered by the normal warranty, says Mattias Holm.
i had it for a month till this went wrong..but one side seemes slighlty elevated ..the black from the white..so i can see the colours much more on that side.
jst got it….its beautiful…..only downfall is lack of phone memory and no radio…..:-(….apart frm that its great!!!!
OOOOOOO Who doesnt like the new color?
WHITE S500i. so damn nice~!~
So someone previously asked if a 4gb memory stick would work with the s500i. can anyone out there who has had the phone and has actually explored memory expansion answer this question?
Got my phone this morning. Really good, but having battery issues. I charged it for the 2.5 hours like it said and it came up with a full battery signal. then it came up with a low battery sign, so i plugged the charger back in and it came up with charging alien battery. So i took the battery out and put it back in again, and it said optimising charging, or something, and it said 100% charged in the settings, so i took the charger out and almost immediately a low battery message came up again. WHAT DO I DO?!
i had this phone for less than two days before the first key cracked, now two weeks later all the keys but the * key are cracked. i sent it in a few days ago to get fixed and i’m still waiting for it back..
i paid £120 at car phone where house had to put on £20 credit at the same time they only had the yellow not the green but its a lovely phone
have had my phone for a month its a post wk27 and have had no problems keys all apear fine just hope it stays that way!!!
Hey you know the phone has been made official in white now and there is pictures, has anyone heard when the phone will be made official in purple and if there are any pics. Thanks
has anyone else had the problem that the either the sim card moves, or the battery moves and therefore the sim does. ive only got it today and it won’t stay in place so i can’t even use my new phone
Ice PURPLE is now an OFFICIAL colour!!!!!!!!!
Has any1 got it?

Now i’m really pissed off,
I bought my s500i on 27-07-2007 and i already knew the key cracking problem by reading this forum.
So i said to the sale’s man that i wanted a s500i from the week 27 or newer because of the keys cracking,
I also asked for the warrenty of the s500i in case the keys from this week 27 phone cracked to.
Yesterday my nr 6 of my week 27 s500i cracked.
I just returned from the phone shop were i heard shocking news.
There is NO warrenty for the key cracking problem because Sony Ericson did not announced the problem of the keys cracking.
So now i have to find a way to let SE announce the problem
How do you check which week the phone was made?
I want to buy but I don’t want to get one with defective keypad.
hiyaa i want this phone but my dad wont trust me on contrack so can you get this phone on pay as you go ???
Does this phone have a service provider(plan) or can it only be bought by itself?
play.com have it for £99.99 payg orange network. anyone know if the cracking keys have been resolved? and i have just placed my order for the phone in today on play.com will i have a phone thats after week 27?
My broken key problem has been fixed.
The keypad has been replaced by the repair center.
Ask for a confirmation e-mail where sony ericson says it’s a common problem.
This because some repair centers claim that Sony ericson doesn’t give warrenty. and then they would let you pay for the fix
how much is this phone ?
hi im just wondering if anyones still facing the problem with the lights
is der any cracking probs stil goin on? how do u recognise whether it is w27 or w26.. help me wit it… i’m very eagerly waiting to pick up tat phone.. thanks
hav u used d phone? wdt
s500i is a cell phone which is inspired with nature full of surprizes n memory upto 2gb
hey, does this phone have real tones as a ring tone or is it only polyphonic ring tones?
I have this phone, I love it. The key problem has been an issue, I’m on my second phone due to this, and use it very carefully, yet this one is broken too. It doesn’t affect the phone in anythng other than appearance, so I’m living with it, you can hardly tell.
Even though I’ve had this problem this phone is the best I’ve ever had. The battery life is amazing, the features are fun and it’s very easy to use. I would recommend it to anyone.
i have this phone and it is great i brought it in australia were i live for $250 and its the best phone iv ever had exceot it didnt have much memory so i had to buy a memory card which was $30 pretty cheap and now i can have what ever i want on their its now got so much space it think now it cost $199 iv had it for 3 months and my friend kellys had hers for 4 months and she said her keys have cracked but she must be doin some rough stuff because my keys are fine bibi ashlee
I’m getting this phone for chrismas! Can’t wait!
Just hope the keys don’t crack, although I doubt it’ll be first batch as we had to get the phone ordered through carphone warehouse.
It’s £129.99 on pay as you go, just for those wondering.
Hi does anyone know if the cracking key problem has been sorted yet? Thanks becky
oo yay im getin this for xmass
instead of green or yellow im gettin it in a bright purple its amazing!
I think i got mine for £80 in woolworths with all the gadjets
i hear the phone is £99 on 02 (but only in purple), i got it a while ago, it is great! it has a good camera, and it looks very stylish. still not a scratch on it. a must have
im getting this for Xmas in gree but im scared bout the cracking problem. In Australia where i live im getting it from BIg W and I really dont want it to crack, Im sure it’ll be fine.
I WANT IT IN PURPLE! but i like the green still.
im getting this for my bday in green but im scared bout the cracking problem Im sure it’ll be fine.
I’ve had this phone in green for the past three months and i love it. No cracks, scratches, or any other problems. and it’s really pretty
My sisters been looking for this phone for Christmas and she’s been into most of the phone shops still nothing. I can’t believe it’s sold out and most of the websites are a rip off.
I got this fone today after searching for it everywhere i finally found it in a little phone shop in an arcade anyway its 199 and its awesome great sound customisable lights for callers and u can use mp3’s as ringtones AND message tones unlike other fones eg samsung e250 which wont let you. The green colour looks awesome its small and sleek definitely one of the better cheap phones.
i’ve had this phone in black&green for 4 months now and there are no cracks in the keys whatsoever, and i text quite a bit. the only problem is the screen scratches really easily and it’s pretty noticeable. other than that, the everchanging theme is gorgeous (there are surprises on major holidays) and the reception is very good, i’ve managed to get bars in underground parking lots
overall it’s an awesome phone and a pretty good price
is the phone available ANYWHERE in the us? i realllyyyy want the phone. so bad. will they have it for cingular though?
I live in the US and the only place I found it was on eBay. It doesn’t work with cinguar, but it does with Tmobile, which i have right now.
=] My sis found it on a woolworths website and has oredered it. o.O’ It was the only place that wasn’t sold out.
I got this for christmas, and I have to say, it’s a great phone. It only comes with two games, so that could be a downside for those who have alot of time on their hands. I LOVE the MusicDJ feature, made a couple awesome ringtones already out of it.The camer’as pretty good, although a flash function would help dramatically. Some neat effects that you can do to pictures in PhotoDJ, negative, cartoon, sepia, etc. The battery isn’t amazing, because of the sides that are always bright, but it’s okay if you use the USB cable, as that charges it. As stated above, the reception quality is great, and with a decent memory card, you can download anything to it, themes, games, ‘tones, anything.
If you live in the UK, you can just order one through Carphone Warehouse, that’s where I got mine, and I think it’s about £100-£130.
i just got it in purple . I love it!!
This phone is on mail order for me
Cannot wait!
Also avalible in Icey Purple, but i think that looks tacky :(. . So i orderd it in Mysterious Green
I got a free 512 mb memory stick with it..
Well i hope you all get one! x
This phone is well nice (especially in green!) I really want one but my parents won’t let me.
i have recently bought the purple one..and its fit…although im having one problem at the moemnt…when ppl try and ring it says that the call cannot be connected…how can i fix this
and tacky…you obviously aint seen it in real life…so take ur takky comment…and find some other colour to call takky
Does anyone still want this phone? I bought it unlocked but can’t use it with my service so i don’t know what to do with it! I’ll ship anywhere and am selling it for $300 OBO. It’s mysterious green and comes with everything in the box, charger, headset, etc….reply on this site if interested and i’ll post contact info!
I found this phone on e bay and was immediatly taken with it. i need a new phone as my old one is just about to die. i use my phones untill they do literally break and use it very regually. i was wondering if the key cracking problem has been fixed (if any1 knows??) and how reliable this phone is?
thanks, xoxo
I have had this phone since christmas and had no problems at all. Just wondering if anyone knows the name of the theme on the picture above. As it is not the the the phone comes with.?
hi :]
well i just found out about this phone today.
any one know how much it costs
and if it goes with at&t/cingular?
if it doesnt do you have any other suggestions for slider phones that wont break on my like my razr did?
thank you
DO NOT BUY THIS PHONE. Sony Ericsson have greatly disappointed me. I will know from now on not to be fooled by pretty images on the Internet.
1. This phone is so fragile it makes a weird sound when you hold it because it’s all plastic. You feel it will crack open any minute
2. It’s really difficult to open, again because you worry you may break it (and I am gentle!)
3. The card holder is just ridiculous, once you slide a card in you can only get it out with tweezers!
4. As normal (for this stupid phone), the keys split and I’m no heavy texter – BIG DESIGN ERROR!
The features are nice but their importance fades away in the light of the aforementioned issues.
I should have bought that pretty slick metal Nokia.
Get a grip you lot it’s a fookin phone!
Yeah this phone is definitely a piece of crap. All my keys broke in half within a month of owning it. Also I have these black lines across my screen just from sliding it up and down from normal use which prevents me from reading half my screen. That is after 3 months of owning it. The memory slot is also crap, which once putting the card in there, it’s very hard to get it out. I paid 200 for this phone and it was definitely a waste of money.
oh shut up you lot who diss this phone. its absolutley amazing. i just ordered mine for contract. and the key problem has been fixed apparently. mine will be here in a some couple of days. i’ll let you all know how i feel about it !
sony ericsson S500i is excellent phone. i like this phone. but this phonw is looks like girly. so i am going to bye this phone for my luv on her birth day
The Keys Only Crack Because When You Charge The Phone It Be’s Slid Down Which Causes The Keys To Heat Up &+ When They Dry It Turns Out Brittle.
I Suggest Leaving The Phone Slid Up When Charging.
=) x
Does the Tigerdirect.com versions have the TIM logo on them? Also, what are the sites that have phones WITH the logo on them. I’m Italian and I would like one with the logo on it, preferably the green/black one.
this phone has its ups and downs..i have had it for a few weeks now and find that it constantly drops calls for no reason at all…which is incredibly annoying when I conduct a lot of business via phone…texting is a bit difficult…In order to enter a number when texting you have to go spell my words to be able to enter them…also I am used to a touch phone so that completely lacks from this phone…it does seem like it could and will break easily if dropped…i had an erisson before this one that lasted me over 4 years and still works…thinking I might just go back to it…
its pretty but truthfully thats about it…
Im gettin this phone for my chrimbo so does anyone defineteley reccomend it to me ??????
It looks fab & i really want it !!!
My friend said that it was good but the keys split sometimes ? can anyone comfirm if this is true ???
Hi : ) da fone looks brill and u should neva judge a book by da cover but this time u can becuase this is great!
evryone luvs it includen me so buy it if ur wanting it ok :P:D:)
hi, i have had a recent look at the price of this phone and i am very pleased to say it is only 89.99 in most shops!!! (UK) However you can buy it brand new on eBay for about £70.00
this sucks and i have it! never buy it! it didn’t works!!
Hiya (& in response to Katy)
Yes the keys have been known to crack on the first few batches especially. I got one on contract the end of last year, one key cracked I thought it was me but then another 2 went. I have the yellow one btw.
Took it back to CW and they swapped it straight over. I asked if this was from the new batch, they said if it doesn’t break then yes (helpful) but they would swap it again. They just took longer to crack and then they wouldn’t swap it over again, just saying they’d have to send it away (leaving me phoneless for weeks unless I put down money for a deposit on a temp replacement).
So I walked away with my broken phone, went traveling and now I am in Ireland several months later but without any documents to attempt to get it swapped over here.
On the plus SE when I contacted them directly were helpful – said it has a 2 year warranty and to take it back in store where I bought it, so soon as I’m back in the UK I’m camping outside a CW store (great that’s on Xmas eve haha).
Salma you have answered what has been bugging me for a while… so if it’s an issue via charging then I can go in with that ammo and link it to manufacturing and design fault not them fobbing me off with wear and tear :oD Thank you!
BTW this is a fab little phone and the best I have come across since my 8310 many years ago. I had an LG Choc which I loved, but had a tricky touch screen and a dodgy connection when sliding up the screen, which buggered it up and made it unusable.
everybody here is stupid!!you say so stupid things….!!:))
i def like my little Sony Ericsson S500i. i got it from gsmallover.com a while ago.. i got the phone soo fast, it was really nice. but it has been really reliable. i’m lookin to get an iphone though, now!! can’t wait. i’ll prob be sellin my s500i if anyone’s interested, so i can get a new one from gsmallover again. woo!!
please do not bye this phone, ever sony ericsson my family has ever had, ithas broken, and my sony ericsson s500i is being really wierd, it makes this vibrating sound onthe back that i do not what the hell it is, bti cant stop it andi wish i never broughtthis stupid phone!!!!!! urghghghghg
I have a slight predicament . I want to buy a new cell and I’m having trouble to make up my mind on which one to select. First of all, i am considering the Samsung i900 Omnia, which my buddy has. It looks pretty tough, and all seemed good, but then i began researching other phones. Now my biggest problem is deciding between the Nokia E71 and the Samsung B3310. All advice is welcome.
It,s the worst phone I hve ever seen