
Is this the most futuristic phone in the world? Sci Fi Mobile No4

Now this is a phone you will have trouble using if you drunk, but we still love it, and you will too. This Nonobject No4 Tarati is a mobile phone that breaks all technology barriers, the way this unbelievable phone works is by you passing your fingers through the appropriate holes, yes a phone that has NO BUTTONS to press, just see through holes.

Nonobject No4 Tarati

Nonobject No4 Tarati

This is magical bliss and we believe this is as science fiction as it can get, the only physical touching you need to do is to pick the phone up and that’s it; the rest is up to you passing your fingers through the holes to connect to someone. Tarati beckons the user to “touch” someone without physically touching a single key, the design is stunning as so is the functionality.


Source — nonobject No4 Video: Tarati


5 thoughts on “Is this the most futuristic phone in the world? Sci Fi Mobile No4”

  1. K8E says:

    Yeah, but what if someone’s fingers are too fat to fit through the holes? What if they got them stuck? I bet you’d have a bit of a lawsuit then. You might want to consider something else, I see multiple problems with this design, although it is a fabulous concept.

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