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Halloween is coming you little horrors: Please email us with all your pictures & stories

As we know Halloween is looming and we all love the scare factor, now your thinking what the heck has Halloween got to do with Phones Review well let us explain. Millions of people love Halloween and they love to dress up in the most scariest costume possible and many of you always take pictures before you go out of what you are wearing, and this is where we want to get involved.

WE WANT you little horrors to send us all your scary and frightening pictures of the costumes you are wearing via our email address provided below, the top 10 pictures will be chosen and you will be featured on Phones Review.

We also WANT to know all your personal stories of what you did to prepare for Halloween and why you chose the costume, so please get all the comments coming in.

If you want to let us all know your Halloween story and your personal views then please use the comments area provided below, if you want to send pictures then please do email us them at

Summary —
1. Halloween Stories — Use comment area below
2. Email your photos —


Please remember — Be Safe and have fun

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