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Bluetrek SENSE touch-sensitive Bluetooth headset release 2008 for £49.99

I want a new Bluetooth headset but I am looking for something different? Are you asking this question because you are bored of the norm, you want something different? Then look no further than the pretty impressive Bluetrek SENSE Bluetooth headset that is touch-sensitive.

This Bluetooth headset will work wonders when paired to your mobile device, this headset is in a piano-black finish and has cool lines, the thing that stands out the most is that this headset has no buttons, yes button free my friends because it has touch-sensitivity technology.

This is bringing this headset into the 21st century and will be a fashion statement to say the least, the Bluetrek SENSE Bluetooth headset is only 5 cm long and only weighs a mere 8 grams, but even it being so small still packs a punch with all the specs to talk about.

The Bluetooth headset features dual-color LED display, 4 hour talk-time and 5 day stand-by time, voice-guided operation, touch-sensitive main-button (it is not a button because you just touch it baby).

Main features & Specs —
– Up to 4 hours talk time plus up to 5 days standby time
– 50 mm (L) x 15mm (W)
– Up to 10 metres range
– Voice Alert: A pre-recorded voice alerts users to low battery levels and missed calls and also confirms your choice of function such as connecting or disconnecting your headset, redialing your last number, rejecting a call or contacting favourite numbers
– Bluetooth V1.2

You can wear the headset with or without the ear hook; this all new Bluetrek SENSE touch-sensitive Bluetooth headset will hit the market early 2008 for £49.99.

Source — pocket-lint

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