ShoZu lets you upload photos for the price of a single MMS: Social networking heaven
ShoZu is an amazing thing and please do imprint this name in your skull, they already support file uploads to popular social networking services such as the awesome and much loved Facebook but hey stuff that it is not enough.
They want to take it one step further and boy this is great news, you can now upload photos via MMS on your mobile phone at a cost of a single MMS and this means this new service will instantly upload your photos to all major social media networks.
It is all so simple to use this new service and you can do so by simply setting up your preferred websites, blogs and email addresses at ShoZu’s website and after that and photo you have taken or even video clip sent to, when this is done it will be sent directly to ShoZu’s servers and then will be forwarded to anywhere you have specified.
Not only that, anything you have sent will appear on ShoZu’s new mobile widget Slideshow, this mobile widget Slideshow can then be installed on your profile, website or blog.
Will you use this new service?
Read — The Full Press Release
One thought on “ShoZu lets you upload photos for the price of a single MMS: Social networking heaven”
Heya Mark,
Thanks for your review of ShoZu
“Imprint this name in your skull” haha I love it! Well we are delighted to hear that you like our new MMS/email upload feature — brining our upload gateway to the masses! That’s what it’s all about!
Happy snapping.
Jambo (ShoZu)