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In 2006 429 billion text messages were sent from Chinese mobile phone users

Oh my days, “Are you text mad? Well on a personal note some of my friends are just text addicts, but they do not come close to the Chinese. Numbers are always good but when it goes into numbers like 429 billion it is another story.

The mobile phone industry is really growing and to prove it the Chinese mobile phone users have sent over 429 billion text messages, let me break it down for you.

To break it down that means around 967 SMS messages were sent per user (Addicts or they do not like talking on the phone),

India has the fastest growing rate in the mobile industry so it pretty impressive how the Chinese are growing in the world of mobile technology.

During 2006 mobile operators in the world’s largest democracy in fact doubled subscriptions reaching a total of 150 million users, which in comparison to the whole of Britain is around 70 million mobile phone users.

Are you text mad? And how many texts do you send a month?


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