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More unlimited calling with Alltel My Circle 5, 20 plans

Popular My Circle, Alltel’s unlimited calling plan now has a couple of additions, the ability to select up to 10 mobile numbers where you can make unlimited calls too is making Alltel expand it’s My Circle plans.

The great success of the My Circle plan which was available on calling plans of $59.99 and upwards, Alltel will add a larger and smaller calling circle so will be available in 5 person circles and 20 person circles.

Alltel My Circle

Customers with $49.99 plans can now have up to 5 different numbers which count against their rate minutes while those with $59.99 or $79.99 can still specify up to 10. Those with $99.99 can now have a MY Circle of 20 numbers to which they are allowed unlimited wireless calling numbers. So if you are considering making the switch to Alltel now is a good time to do it.

Source — Alltel

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