Samsung G600 pink launched and ready for Valentines Day
Samsung have just launched the Samsung G600 in a new colour, yes you guessed it the G600 in pink. This is a new colour just in time ready for Valentines Day.
The pink version of the 5 megapixel camera phone has already been superseded by the 3G G800 but hey Samsung still have not stopped to push out phones in time for Valentines.
The Samsung G600 Pink will be available in the UK from January 2008 from stores such as T-Mobile, Orange, Carphone Warehouse, Virgin Mobile, Phones 4U and O2.
So will the 5-megapixel camera, 2.2-inch LCD screen with 16 million colours and Bluetooth v.2 connectivity Samsung G600 Pink be the one for you?
83 thoughts on “Samsung G600 pink launched and ready for Valentines Day”
This hasnt got the touch keypad like the last one had has it? Im thinking about getting my girlfriend a new one for her birthday but she hates the touch pad!
A 5.0 megapixel camera phone in pink? Great news fo the girlies !
No it hasn’t got the touch pad, I’ve just had this delivered today and I love it. Great camera and is nice and girlie.
Love this phone !!! I had it delivered two weeks ago and i still havent stopped reffering to it as my ‘posh phone’. It looks nice (esp pink) very user friendly. Finally a tasteful girly phone not like the crude pink of the u600 yuk !!
iv got this phone and its brilliant, i love it, my fiancee has the n95 black 8gb and i can honestly say there is hardly any difference accept the memory size, this phone is perfect for girls that want everything like the n95 but in pink.
I really want this phone soooooooooo much. im getting it someday ma mum said!! i cant wait 2 have it and see it!! i really realy want it SOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have the phone my boyfriend got me it. And i love it. It is so good and has a really good camera xxangelaxx
I have just got this phone.. i love it but it has to go back its faulty !! has anyone had problems connecting to pc to download?
i really want this phone is it any good?
I adore this phone!! I want it now, but I can’t upgrade my phone until 30th May. As this is limited edition, can anyone tell me if it will still be available then?!?
i have never had any problem with connecting to the pc with this phone.
im getting this phone soon is it any good?
is the memory any good on it?
thanks. x
got this phone today, its gorgeous and easy to use. i was dissapointed to find it didnt have a gap/hole thing at the top for me to put my phone charms on though
you would have thought that a girly phone like this would have a hole thing to put a phone charm on, that has dissapointed me abit as well.
I am gettin this phone next wednesday for my birthday i hope that it is good has anyone found anything rong with it? x
hi beth, no problems with it yet. ive had a samsung before for 2 years and never had any problems. its a lush phone youll love it, but yeh the charm thing is annoying but apart from that i cant fault it
I want this phone daddy i love it xxx
Had this phone now for a couple of weeks
I love it!
Its easy to use and feels damned sexy!
The only thing i dont like and i am sure i can change it …but i dont know how …is the Camera feature …its sideways! I want to be able to use it upright …any ideas???
how on earth do u upload pics from ur phone to your comp? i tried installing the cd and plugging the phone into the laptop and not alot happened! anyone else done it yet?
Omg i want this phone so much it is so hot!!!
pink is so my colour : ) x x x x
love you all your fantastic x
omg i luv it
as im lukin rwnd 4 a gd fne at tha mo
i think ive fwnd the ryt one now
hi everyone if u have this phone do u kno if it has good memory and are the graphix good? i and hoping to get this phone soon and i am willing to kno if it is any good
thank you
please awnser the question if u have the phone
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heyy i was wondering how much this phone is in the orange shop
Dila Yes ii have got this phone and it is very good has got good graphix and alot of memory
Rach: iv got this phone in contract fromm the orange shop for £28 a month and ii get 600 mins and unlimeted texts x
are the buttons easy to use? i adore this phone but my brother just gave me his new u600 so i cant get a phone till ages!!!
Yes the buttons are VERY easy tuu use,, its such aa good phonee
does anyone now how much this phone is?
i ment2 say dos anyone now how much it is not on contact cause im a teenager and mi mum said i cant go on contract =[
aye £159.99 wi o2
hellooo !!!
can any1 who has this fone tell me how many text messages the inbox will hold??
The fone luks so hot i mite get it nxt week
I just ordered this phone!! getting it tomorrow!! it looks so good!! i cant wait YAY!! :):) i was originally just going to get the black one i didnt realise they did it in pink!! im so glad i stopped and looked about a bit more!!
had this phone for 2 months . loved it!
emigrated to canada and phone fell out of my pocket. gone….
totally devastated……
Does Anyone Know How Many Messages It Holds??
200 messages on the phone & my sim card holds 10 on top of that but then again my sim card i’ve had it for about 4 yearssss so newer ones may have better sim card memory? not sure sorry.
i’m so chuffed with it, it’s easy to use, the camera is AMAZINGGG, the music player is good quality and i love love it (:
yeah amazing phone
2 of my mates have the u600 (3.2 megapixels) & the difference in camera quality is amazinnnnnng.
love it would reccomnd it, the phone charm thing is annoying but i’ll find a wayyyyyy :]
Wooo gettin this phone tomoz it lukss gawjuss and soo sexyy
but could anyone tell me if it is much diferent to the Samsung d900i which is my current phone? xx
hi! i have just bought the black of this phone and i was wondering if anyone knows if there is a place for a phone charm?!
if anyone knows then please leave a comment!
No…there is no place for a phone charm, ive looked everywhere on mine!
aww that’s a bit rubbish!
thanks for getting back to me!
also did your phone come with the wires to connect it to the computer and the headset for the radio?!
Hey all!
I didn’t get a headset or a usb cable with my phone
i was really disappointed, yet my cousin has the same phone but in black, and she got a usb cable with it ! :O
But i’ve looked on ebay, and there’s cables for like 3 quid for this phone
Also, when i go on my phone, it won’t let me on the memory card, and t’s 2 gb ! It says ‘not allowed’. It’s such a bummer !
Please write here if you have had the same problem
Thankyou x
yeh the same happened to me. i’ve got a black one though.
i went into the carphone warehouse and they said if you bought the phone on contract or you bought it for 299.95(Sim free) then you got the extra stuff that you need.
however if you bought it on pay as you go with a sim you didn’t get the extras. i bought mine for 149.99 on orange and didn’t get the stuff.
it’s really rubbish but apparently it’s the way samsung sell the phones!
they are not for sale seperatly in the carphone warehouse either but some people sell them on market mobile phone stalls that are reasonably priced.
i’m not sure about your memory card… is it a microSD one? if so then it might be faulty!
hope that helps!
I have this coming tomorrow from e2save on tmobile payg.
Will i not get the usb then? thats a bummer, more money i have to fork out!
Do i get a memory card with it?
Also whas the biggest mem card i can put in it?
Has anyone had any problems with it?
it depends on how much you pay for it!
how much did you pay?!
if it comes with a sim on pay as you go then you won’t get the usb.
you have to pay for the memory card seperatley and i thinkt he biggest is 2GB. i may be wrong on that one though!
i’ve had no problems as of yet!
it is a great phone
hope that helps!
I am getting this phone!!yay
is this fone any good? how much is it in the shops coz i dont want a cheap one u know. Is it better than the samsung soul u know the 1 wi a touch pad? need 2 know dont if i shud buy it!
hey lucy-xo i had same prob with the micro sd saying not allowed it means the micro sd its buggered as i went bk to the shop and asked, i got this fone last week opento all networks for £129.99 with a orange sim and £10 credit on.
its so lush i had the black on contract and i lost it so i paid out contract as cudnt get a new fone, the pink is so girlie buit no place for a fone charm which is a bummer as i love my lil playboy 1
Having this phone today cant wait x
Bought this phone last week from carphone ware house on pay as u go with vodafone sim for 150 plus 20 cred, memorey card/ disk & usb cable included
Really nice phone, easy to use, deals with a lot of scrapes and tumbles. It got thrown down a 20ft cliff and survived without a scratch! (Yes, I treat my phones hard lol)
My only problem is that I brought a 4GB Micro SD for it, but, despite recognizing it, when I put it in it won’t let me save/move anything to it and will come up with a “No Entry!” message when I try. I’ve tried formatting the thing but it doesn’t seem to do anything. Anybody else have this problem or know how to fix it?
there is a way to put a charm on it u onlu have to by a glass cover 4 it that has a place for a charm thats what i did and it great
brought this phone in april i have always had samsumg so no 4 a fact the wires to contect the phone to the pc are always included so i dont no why people didnt get them. i did and i have brought the crystal case so i can protect and hang a charm of my phone. love the phone its amazing
im getting this phone delivered today i currently have an lg viewty and its been driving me bonkers with there being no keypad its all touch screen and doesnt feel like a phone to me knew i should of got a samsung or something! ive managed to get the g600 in pink from littlewoods catalogue for 99 quid in the sale! its 169 on 02 website!
hiyya girliies iim supposed tuh be gettiin dis fone 4 christmas eny1 kno how good da memory iz cuz ii av a load of songz i need tuh move!…iim tryiin tuh rach tuh get it at 99 squids in argos! BUT NOT WORKIN
eny1 kno how much memory iit has if so pwease message me back!!…x…x…x…x

i love this phone but i just found out it weighs a ton!
it would be nice when slimmed down…
hey lizzie..g.
doubt it’ll go down in price at argos.. i work there. haha. but you could try 02 i got mine from there 2 days ago its £99 but i got an upgrade thing so only got it for £60. bargain! has anyone had a problem with the music player also? i click on it and it restarts my phone. ive been on sony ericcson for a good few years now so moving to samsung was weird. if this phone was on sony theyrd of been no hesitations to buy it. the only thing is when i type a message and i knock the camera button on the side it seems to copy & paste the work i was writing? and the battery lifes not so good. only just manages to last a day. and the games are crap! lol. but other than that not really any problems so far..x
This phone look really nice I want to have it
heyyy every1
x x x
im getting this phone for my christmas, but i cant find it anywhere, on orange :/. see if any1 does, could you let me know?
also, does it save the texts autumatically or do you have 2 manually save them??
^ ^ forgot 2 say, pay as you go too ;)!
x x
hi im getting this phone for christmas i want the same as stacey but i have found it if u type it into google then go to the shopping bit u will find it gd luck x
You can get it on Orange in the Carphone Warehouse I think or in actual Orange shops
Heyy ppl,
i reaally waant dis fone buut maa daad signed mee up 4 an 18 month contraact, so i might geet him 2 sign mee up 4 a newbiee one. If u wannaa connceet it 2 a pc, just geet a memoryy caard readeer. Dats waat ii did. When ppl do nice fones they alwwaays 4geet 1 featuuree! I haave da motorolaa krazr and they made it pink and it lks well kl but the skin (4 like the menu) on the fone only comes in blue! deeer. I hope maa dad is gonnaa be generous
im thinking about getting this phone on pay as you go, o2 , can anyone recommend anything better? xo ty
This fone is amazin! The best fone ive ever had! the camera is brill yooh just need 2 change the settings. i love the image editor n the theme creator there ace! the music player is reeli kwl aswell. the texting isnt slow at all it keeps up with my fast textin anyway lol. its better than waa i expected n i reeeeeli recommend it
I REALLLLLLY want this phonne.
Does it come on Virgin Mobile?
& How much is it?
& Where can I get it?
Pleasssse help me out!
Comment back pleeeease.
i really want this phone, but im not too sure about the pink, does anyone have the black one?
i like that one the most
its really funky!
Ok, so at the mo i have an LG Viewty, dont get me wrong its a good phone just that the touchscreen is starting to annoy me. now, the viewty has a 5mp camera, and i’m really impressed with it, especially as the camera has lots of different features to toggle around with. What i want to know is does the 5MP camera on this pink phone have features like doing the focus and zoom and macro, for close up shots of things? reply please, as i would like to know more about his phone =] x
Getting this phone tonightt!!!
so exited because it looks damn phiit
i loveee cookieesssssssss yay
i loveeee cookies
I want this phone soooo much but where and how can you get it in the U.S. for tmobile????
I got this phone for Xmas and I love it. I got Pay as you go so no USB in the box but I just got one on a market stall. Its weird the main shops dont stock em though.
yeeeeh KaTie i have the lg viewty and i haaate it now!! its soo big and bulky and its more a press screeen than a touch screen!! was gonna get this phone but concerned it looks and has old fashioned features?? because my frend has the U600 and hers is really not gd at all lol so wanted to make sure that the looks are the same but that is it!!?? ooooh and what is the font of the writing like?? i know its a weird thing to ask but i have had samsungs in the past and the font on them has really annoyed me lol!! would really appreciate a reply from someone :D.
ooooh and alsoo, orange doo it £40 cheaper in purplee soo cos of this stupid credit crunnnch would be sooo much easier if i could get it soo was wonfering if anyone has seeen the purplee one and if its nicee??
got thi fone today and it is BOOM
It looks really nice in pink. I enjoy samsung phones as they are a bit more technical than standard nokias.
how much does it cost?
This Samsung G600 is so Cool. But the Problem is this isn't suite for Men or Boys this is Suite for Girls. Because Of it's colour.
By the Way Thanks.
theres a black one too
This phone is cool,camera is fine,colour is beautiful and……price is Ok!!!
I want it !
but….how money does it cost?
the phone i got for my birthday 4 years ago….MYGOD this is one good pphone <3