
Top 10 3D performing mobile phones

The guys at Pocketgamer have all been working hard to find the top ten mobile phones on the marker 3D performance wise, although it is somewhat slanted as if you give a processor a task which it excels at it’s a definite it’s going to win. Anyway, the test was the OpenGL ES 1.0 processing, an industry graphics standard.

Top 10 3D

Kishonti, a Hungarian company that specialises in measuring performance of mobiles used its GLBenchmark to run graphics tests, specifically in this case a 3D test, so the results do not mean they are the best 3D for gaming or other tasks.

The Nokia NSeries came out tops with its N93 taking first position, there’s also the Motorola Z8 along with a couple of Dell PDA’s…so here’s the results in reverse order.

·         =10. Sony Ericsson P1i (171 frames)

·         =10. Sony Ericsson P990i (171 frames)

·         =10. Sony Ericsson M600i (171 frames)

·         =10. Sony Ericsson W950i (171 frames)

·         9. Nokia E90 (386 frames)

·         8. Motorola RIZR Z8 (389 frames)

·         7. Dell Axim X50v (390 frames)

·         6. Nokia N82 (392 frames)

·         5. Nokia N95 8GB (395 frames)

·         4. Dell Axim X51v (412 frames)

·         3. Nokia N95 (413 frames)

·         2. Nokia N93i (433 frames)

·         1. Nokia N93 (442 frames)

Source – pocketgamer

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