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$4,000 Toshiba Cosmic Shiner: luxury 815T handset studded with diamonds

If you thought that the luxury handset range had signs of slowing down, then I have to tell you that you are wrong. Toshiba are offering the Cosmic Shiner which has been studded with diamonds, and the phone will only cost you $4,000.

The Cosmic Shiner has been based on their Toshiba’s 815T handset, apart from the encrusted diamonds on the case of the phone; all the features remain the same. So yes it still has the low 2 megapixel camera, however you might get a bit of glare on the lens if the light hits those diamonds.

$4,000 Toshiba Cosmic Shiner: luxury 815T handset studded with diamonds

Toshiba are only making 1000 of these Cosmic Shiner mobile phones, so if you have the money and wish to waste it on this bling phone, then you should hurry.

Source — Wireless Watch via Engadget Mobile

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