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Apple iPhone shows what Earth really looks like: Hot Earthscape Mobile Demo Video

Now if you want Apple iPhone, hot, interactive, coolest thing you have ever seen on the iphone then you really got to check out Earthscape Mobile. Below there is a demo video of all this happening.

The Apple iPhone shows what Earth really looks like and if you watch the video shot by none other than Frank Taylor of the Google Earth Blog you will see something really special, the demo is all about the mobile application called Earthscape Mobile which puts virtual earth software on the much loved iPhone. Yes we have seen Google Earth and all that but this software is different because you can use the tilt action of the phone as well as touch to see Earth how it should be, by tilting the iPhone the earth will rotate and navigate to another part of the globe.


Taylor said that the application was running on the iPhone locally and that it would be perfect if you would want real geo-spatial information downloaded over 3G or WiFi which would indeed take loads of bandwidth and effect performance, this has many thinking if people will take the challenge to create a mobile version of Google Earth for the iPhone or even Android with just such features (Ah ha that got you thinking). When you watch the demo video below you must remember that you are NOT watching Google Earth, yes it does look like it but it is not, Earthscape has its very own virtual earth program that it describes as a social geobrowser.

You can tag places with text, Wikipedia articles, photos and restaurant reviews plus you can see different image overlays of the same spot during different seasons as well oh and not forgetting different times in history. The software is only available in private Beta version at the moment for Windows with Linux and Mac coming soon. Sign up here.

Now please watch the video below and tell us what you think?

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