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Steve Jobs may reveal support for WiMAX found on the Apple 3G iPhone: New Photo

Steve Jobs may have his work cut out for himself today with the new Apple 3G iPhone, are asking the question “Will Steve Jobs reveal this 3G iPhone with WiMAX today?

The reason they are asking this because they found a photo via a French site called “GMP3” with an image of the supposedly 3G iPhone clearly showing support for WiMAX, is this for real and is this, the real next-gen iPhone? So many questions to be answered and only Steve Jobs can answer them for us, which of course we will answer to them as soon as we find out. We know about the possibilities of GPS, a better camera etc so this latest news kind of excites us.

Hearing recently about Apple advertising for a senior wireless system engineer where the applicant must have WiMAX experience gets us all thinking if this could indeed be true, to us it seems like it, but at the end of the day rumours are rumours and only the truth will reveal all. So with all the above of the new job, the picture above showing support for WiMAX it really makes you wonder. What would be a pain in the backside is the possibility of Apple NOT launching the new 3G iPhone today, now that would hurt. Would you like the Apple 3G iPhone to support WiMAX?

Just so you know it is 7:03am San Francisco time at the moment of this post being published which means less than 3 hours to go people.

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