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Where does Apple iPhone 3G components come from? Supplier Breakdown

We all know that the Apple iPhone 3G is coming on July 11th and we all know what the mobile phone is all about now, but what no one does know is where all the components come from. Ok this maybe boring to some of you but here goes anyway.

We will give you the insight to the component supplier breakdown for the iPhone 3G thanks to the source shown below. Commercial Times the Chinese-language tech paper is reporting that the Apple iPhone 3G will be in fact integrated by Foxconn and not Quanta as we all earlier thought, and to top things off and with many of us knowing this already Infineon has apparently been confirmed at the main component supplier for the iPhone’s cellular chipset, power management unit (PMU), digital baseband controller, and of course the radio frequency (RF) module. Broadcom however has been tapped as the GPS hardware supplier. Check out the detailed list below for a better insight.

Sharp are going to be the puppies that will supply the multi-touch panel and Apple are that impressed with Sharp’s new multi-touch panel that they will snuff Balda for a new batch of iPhones. All those dead strips that we are still seeing on the first-generation iPhones will hopefully be a non-issue for the Apple iPhone 3G’s Sharp sourced touch-panel. Game on, now you have a little insight of what the iPhone 3G is about.

Source — DigiTimes

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