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iPhone Accelerometer like app for the HTC Touch Diamond?

Ok this is news for all you HTC Touch Diamond owners out there. Scott Seligan has been working away on finding a way to bring an accelerometer iPhone like application to the HTC Touch Diamond.

Seligan has managed to move a circle around the screen by tilting the device, and he even managed to give the source code so that others can use it for new creations.

You may be thinking…big deal…what’s so hot about that? Well, as it happens nothing at present, but it does open for development by other members, which could lead to games which act like the Apple iPhone when the user plays them.

What you need to do is just for a moment imagine the tilt and move effect on the iPhone, and now, replace the iPhone with an HTC Touch Diamond, and bang you get the idea.

This could be great for HTC Touch Diamond owners, and if all goes well they could be enjoying the same games as iPhone owners. Makes you feel proud knowing the great Windows mobile community is striving so hard.

Source — wmexperts

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