OxyCube has been updated by Oxygen Software, the app is designed to be a replacement of standard PC software from phone manufacturers such as Sony Ericsson PC Suite, Nokia PC Suite, Samsung PC Studio, and so on and apparently it’s just got better.
Improving the overall stability and user interface, OxyCube also crams in some brand new features which include improved support for new Nokia cable drivers; fixed problem with Vertu phones connection; fixed problem with OxyAgent upload into Symbian OS smartphones while using cable connection. Fixed problem with a picture which wasn’t displayed for several phone models. XLS reports now have a full Unicode support.
Also: Added ability of data downloading from BlackBerry and Sony Ericsson devices, as well as devices running Windows Mobile. Added Messages section – now it is possible to send text or Unicode messages as well as Flash-messages. You can create and delete folders and move messages between them. Panel is designed in the Microsoft Outlook style and can be customized, collapsed or expanded
All registered customers may download the latest version from their personal pages.
Source — intomobile