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Select beta testers gain Skyfire browser for Symbian: Video

For those that have been waiting ages the awesome Skyfire mobile web browser is now available for S60. Like Opera Mini and Deepfish, Skyfire renders server side along with Flash and also packs support for Quicktime.

According to the likes of symbian-freak, intomobile, and engadget, Skyfire is open only to select private beta testers so isn’t available for public download as yet.

Skyfire is basically a greatly improved Opera Mini browser that along with those mentioned above also supports Windows Media, Silverlight and AJAX so should serve up a fairly PC like experience.

It is quite possible that everything with Skyfire is rendered on the sever then transmitted to your mobile phone, which would solve some of the processor, speed and memory issues.

The word surfing the net waves is Skyfire is set to revolutionise mobile browsing, and if you own a Symbian device you are free to sign up for the beta version. So if anyone is successful drop us a line with you views on Skyfire.

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