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Sprint to release HTC Touch Diamond in August?

Over here in the United Kingdom, O2 is preparing to offer the HTC Touch Diamond to the British mobile public; the net whispers are saying that over in the USA, Sprint will re ready to offer the HTC Touch Diamond to the American mobile public.

Well, that is according to an article in The China Post, which states HTC is ready to sell their HTC Touch Diamond via Sprint Nextel in August.

The US has seen the CDMA version of the HTC Touch Diamond baring the Sprint logo, they’ve seen in go to the FCC, and they know it’s only a matter of time before Sprint release it.

So doesn’t this simply add up to the fact that Sprint will be getting the HTC Touch Diamond anyway? Whether it will actually be August we’ll just have to wait and see, but I think Sprint isn’t going to hang off forever.

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