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RIM retake territory as HSBC confirm no switch to iPhone

I reported a few days ago on the subject of the HSBC possibly dumping Research In motion’s BlackBerry smartphones in favour of the Apple iPhone 3G (see here), well it appears that this is now not the case.

According to CBS News the HSBC has refuted claims that it is going iPhone.

Donal McCarthy, a spokesman for HSBC said: “There are no current plans to replace the BlackBerry. It is the business standard.”

This news will more than likely be a most welcome by Research In Motion who make the BlackBerry smartphones, as HSBC has a massive contract with them to supply HSBC employees with BlackBerry phones.

Just goes to show how wrong some people can be doesn’t it, and not everything reported on the web is guaranteed as true. Research In Motion grabs back some territory from the ever encroaching Apple iPhone 3G in the iPhone BlackBerry wars.

Source — pocket-lint

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