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Apple makes £15m in iPhone 3G app sales in 3 months

The latest mobile service which captures speech and converts shopping items, into to-do lists, and diary entries on a mobile phone is supposed to be the fastest growing sector of the mobile industry.

The service is called Reqall and acts as a memory push for customers that has proved a big hit in the Sates and the service is now in discussion with European operators.

Rao Machiraju, CEO and co-founder of Reqall says: “It gently nags me and reminds me until I fulfil that task. It’s like a second brain. ‘We wanted to spot and process what is being said and convert them into actions. It recognises what you say and put it into the proper bins. If you said I need to buy and adapter. We understand what you said and put it into your shopping list.”

Reqall has capitalised on the apps market fuelled virtually alone by the Apple iPhone 3G.

Apparently in the first week of Apple iPhone 3G launch 10 million apps have been downloaded from “urbanspoon” to the complete works of William Shakespeare.

Apple has stated they have made £15 million in application sales during the first moth of the Apple iPhone 3G being launched.

Source — mobiletoday

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