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Google Android Apps: CompanionLink Outlook Syncing Application

A new application recently released by CompanionLink Software will allow you a two-way synchronization for T-Mobile G1 and Microsoft Outlook.

Basically the new CompanionLink Software for Android is great for a two-way syncing to calendar, contacts and tasks.

How does it work? Well the software is pretty simple from the users end, the software will allow you to synchronize your PC Microsoft Outlook data with your Google account, and also wirelessly with your Android handset. The two-way syncing is pretty good really and will ensure that any changes that are made on the handset will be synchronized back to your Google account and desktop software.

This should have come with the handset if you ask me but hey what do I know, CompanionLink is basically the missing Outlook sync software. If you love Outlook and you indeed love the T-Mobile G1 then we know this should be right up your street.

You can buy the CompanionLink for Android for $29.95 — Buy Here. (We only report the news and of course what we hear, you purchase any app at your own risk)

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