Oh hello zzzPhone what are you up to now my little friends, it seems that you can get a T-Mobile G1 look-alike mobile phone for only $119.
Yes the zzzPhone is now available and shipping, this is an open source Android phone, personally when we visited the website we sort of backed up a little and said “Yeah right this is way to shady”, and we do not know if anyone has in fact received one of these mobile phones.
These zzzPhone devices can be made to order and are now shipping with Android, you can have 100,000 candlepower flashlight, TV tuner and even gold and diamond crusted versions. You can order now to have your Google Android enabled cell phone on December 15. Orders will be shipped in the order received.
Phones Review Says: Personally we are not all sure if this is a real deal site as we have not heard from anyone ever receiving one, so please let us know if you have received one all in good working order. We have to be optimistic and cannot tell you too buy if we do not know anything about the company.
Visit – www.zzzphone.com