
Future phones must be environmentally friendly

The mobile phone, virtually everyone has one or two or even more, and what do you do with your old mobile phone once you upgrade or purchase another? Do you sell it on or are you like me keep hold of it as a spare; although just how many spares one person needs is debatable.

When those old phones are thrown away or come to the end of their life the best known way is to recycle them but even then the source materials that make up their build often take hundreds of years to break down.

So the thing is we need to look towards more disposable mobile products that utilise materials from natural sources like this concept known as The Natural Year Phone, which believe it or not is actually made of hay other than the screen and soft keys of course, and come burial time the hard components will be recycled while the hay, well you get the picture.

Although not that attractive.

Source — yanko design

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