
Palm Pre test slated for April 1 so launch probably June

The rumour on the Palm Pre launching on the 15th of February was obviously wrong, and then we heard reports that the Palm Pre would launch in the “First half of 2009,” which probably means we’re not going to actually see the Palm Pre before June.

An anonymous report is going round that the Palm Pre testing is taking longer than expected because of apparently some security problems, whether this is true is debatable.

However, apparently the Palm Pre still has two rounds of test to go through, the first of which is slated for the 1stt of April, which makes it look even more likely we’ll be seeing the Palm Pre hit somewhere around June.

Source — precentral


2 thoughts on “Palm Pre test slated for April 1 so launch probably June”

  1. oneAwake says:

    That “anonymous” source was a hoax, the sources thread which precentral originally linked to was deleted. Mainly due to many people calling into question, how can you have “testing and shipping done on the same day”? Which that original “anonymous” source posted in their forum thread, the same one precentral referenced.

    My Palm rep tells me, as it stands, if Palm can meet the demand they are looking at mid March. If Palm cannot meet the demand, then May will be the launch date.

  2. Anonymous tipster says:

    On 24 Feb 09, a Sprint rep said the Palm Pre’s release date is slated for 15 Mar 09. They didn’t know the expected price, but guestimated around $500 due to the power packed features of the phone. I told them that if the price of the phone is not at least equivalent to, or lower then the price of the IPhone, then palm could keep that “Golden Goose”. The features and style appear to be great, but if Palm is going to force people to take out a second mortgage just to purchase the phone, then they are making a big mistake in this economic environment, because the banks aren’t lending and the money trees in the back yard aren’t producing.

    Even if Palm offered the phone for $250 – $299, with a 2-year contract, they will still make a good profit within a year and put Apple (IPhone) on notice. I hope they learned from the mistake Sony made with the PS3’s initial cost of $700-$800, which backfired in their face and caused more people to purchase a lower priced XBOX360 instead.

    P.S. – I can not mention the rep’s name. I think the release date is a secret, and I don’t want them to get fired. There’s enough of that going on already.

    Anonymous tipster,

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