
Video: Palm Pre webOS 56 minute webcast

For all the Palm Pre lovers out there we have one super video for you today, a video of a huge 56 minute webcast by O’Reilly TV on developing applications for the Palm pre.

WebOSHelp also covered this event and highlighted a few of the more interesting and base info for the Palm WebOS. Furthermore they even created a quick list of what was said during the question and answer session.

Basically the 56 minute webcast delivers unofficial tutorials on the Palm WebOS, and if you hit up the link below you’ll be taken to an abundance of useful information on the Palm Pre webOS
Webcast video is below

Source — weboshelp


One thought on “Video: Palm Pre webOS 56 minute webcast”

  1. Thanks, it was a very simple intro to building a webOS application…they demonstrated the basic structure of a stage with multiple scenes and assistants, and even threw in a UI widget.

    You can find an HD version of the webcast that’s actually readable here:

    If you don’t feel like sitting through an hour’s worth of video, we’ve summarized the tutorial here:

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