News Canada: HTC Dream and HTC Magic Android Phones with Rogers
Oh hello Rogers you lovely people in Canada, seems like you have got it all in the bag with the HTC Dream and HTC Magic Android phones. Yes that’s right Rogers have made available these two cell phones on their website from $549.99 off-contract.
You can get the HTC Dream in either black or white and the HTC Magic in black only, IntoMobile was configuring an HTC Magic to check out the plans and pricing when they came across a slight problem “Unfortunately, the phone you are looking for is not available for purchase on”, well IntoMobile have now updated and said “Must have caught Rogers in the middle of a site update. Off-contract price is now $599.99 as expected”.
Anyway get yourself over to for more information, and please do post you comments if you have anything to say about the HTC Dream or HTC Magic
One thought on “News Canada: HTC Dream and HTC Magic Android Phones with Rogers”
Picked my Magic yesterday and I am very impressed. The OS is very slick and runs smoothy. No paid apps on Android Market yet but tons of great free apps. The Google maps feature is my favorite, its simply phenomenal! Lastly, the web browsing is top notch, in fact, I am posting this comment from my phone