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verykool i300 and i410 mobile phones coming to America

If what you are after is a VeryKool in your Helio shop, then we’re sorry to disappoint you as there is some really bad news, although we will not break this to you at the moment.

Okay so you wont actually see these models the new i300 and i410 in any US shops as far as we know. However, distributor InfoSonics is looking to rock Central and South America with these. They offer astonishing flip form factors, MicroSD slots and music players.

The i410 includes very stylish and attractive sort after features including a camera that doubles as a webcam when you connect it to your PC, and considering that these are both only 2G units, you can bet your bottom dollar you’ll soon be able to find them for next to nothing in countries that are able to obtain enough stock. Apparently they are shipping now, so keep your eyes open and you should find them somewhere soon.

Source – Engadget

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