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Video: Windows Mobile 6.5 Build 23022

According to Pocketnow the latest build of Windows Mobile 6.5 from XDA adds several different features, which imply that an interim build between 6.5 and 7 will be released that is specifically optimized for use with capacitive displays.

Have a look at the video you will see three different features including I kind of iPhone magnifier if you double tap an area of text, the notification area is larger if you tp the bar at the bottom of the screen and also the OK/close button has been relocated down to the bottom bar.

Finally the design of the soft keys have also been altered, all of the features are not squeaky clean so are not close to being final. So the question is, is this the Windows Mobile 6.5.1 that we’ve all heard about or could there be a 6.7 release in the near future?
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