
Palm Pre Virtual QWERTY keyboard not much help

The Palm Pre smartphone is liked due to its slide our full QWERTY keyboard as most touch screen handsets don’t offer this feature, but there are still some diehard touch screen fans that prefer to use an onscreen keyboard.

Thus a third party developer, WebOS Internals, has now created a full virtual QWERTY for the Palm Pre smartphone reports an article over on pdastreet.

However the addition of this virtual keyboard only allows the user to enter characters and symbols not found on the physical slide QWERTY keyboard, and thus isn’t that good for emailing, texting or Twittering and the like, and they intend to release an early “pre-alpha” version soon.


One thought on “Palm Pre Virtual QWERTY keyboard not much help”

  1. Chris in Seattle says:

    “However the addition of this virtual keyboard only allows the user to enter characters and symbols not found on the physical slide QWERTY keyboard”

    What kind of crack are you smoking? The symbol functionality is already built-in (push the Sym button on the physical keyboard). I can even see in the screenshot that a full virtual QWERTY keyboard is available. Pay attention please before you post something.

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