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Custom BlackBerry Phones: New Turkish Snakeskin, Black Denim

The BlackBerry Bold is not as special as it once was, it was once the first BlackBerry device that you could customize by changing the covers. When they first launched it the covers were faux blue and red. These days there are lots of different battery covers available.

The silver bezel and buttons on the custom devices were swapped for a matte black set. It was easy to take the model apart, it was putting it all back together that was the problem, by problem we mean warranty voiding and disassembling.

The new stylish covers for the BlackBerry are Black denim battery cover, matte black bezel , black scroll ball, blank carrier bottom panel, and black buttons. The snakeskin cover is, Snakeskin battery cover, Turkcell carrier bottom panel, and yellow scroll ball. If you were to take the casing off, your BlackBerry weighs nearly as much as an Oreo……something to think about.

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