
iPhone 3.1: Are you suffering bugs, shut-downs and freeze-up issues?

We would love to know from all of you that have downloaded the latest Apple software install iPhone 3.1.

Are you suffering bugs, shut-downs and freeze-up issues? Most of you iPhone 3.1 users are experiencing problems especially those who have the iPhone 3G, yes you may have suffered complete shutdowns, random freezes. Have you tried restoring the iPhone and still nothing fixes it?

Personally since I have downloaded the new operating system there have been no troubles at all, but then are many of you who are having these issues and that is why we would love to hear from you. Let us know what Apple device you are using being it the 3G or 3GS and what problems you have had since the iPhone 3.1 install.


47 thoughts on “iPhone 3.1: Are you suffering bugs, shut-downs and freeze-up issues?”

  1. Travis says:

    I installed the 3.1 software update, had no issues prior to the update. First day after the update I start getting random freezes. The phone will go to sleep and will not wake up with anything short of a reboot. Generally happens randomly, about 3 times a day. I have an iPhone 3G. Apple software all the way, not jailbroken. I even tried a clean restore last night, still having issues today. Very aggravating. While the phone is frozen in sleep mode I can’t receive calls either. I called it from a land line, and it rang in my ear and eventually went to voice mail, but the phone sat on my desk silent and still as a rock.

  2. Michael says:

    Yes the 3.1 update has made my phone unstable. Sometimes it will not wake and nothing I do works except doing a soft reset of holding both buttons. Please apple address this in a new update as soon as possible I still have faith in you apple and not so much AT&T.

  3. jill steeper says:

    Since I downloaded 3.1 for my iphone, I have not been able to back up. Tried for 9 hours ! Only got 5% done.
    No I do not have a jailbroke (is that the right word) phone, Yes I am using the right USB.

    But at least I could still use the phone until today.
    Today suddenly it went black…
    No calls in, no calls out, can’t open any apps. NONE.
    Might as well be carrying around a piece of cardboard with an apple drawn on it.

    What bothers me most is I have always been an Apple advocate. I own stock and bought it at $12. I am very disappointed that they are ignoring this problem. I feel betrayed.

    Trying for the second time to see if restoring helps.
    (It didn’t a few days ago !)

  4. yes im having a problem with 3.1 im getting random shutting down of the program and the iphone unit itself i thought it’s completely dead but then i hold the HOME+RESET button for like 15 secs then the APPLE LOGO shows i hope they will resolve this problem

  5. Maritza says:

    I have an iphone 3G and since downloading the 3.1 update my phone has frozen up (looks like it’s working fine but I can’t make or receive calls and applications like facebook don’t work) They way I fixed it is by shutting it down and re-starting it. Is this normal?

  6. John says:

    My 3GS (not jailbroken) bricked within a week of updating to 3.1. I began noticing significantly shorter battery life for a few days and then my iPhone just died. It wouldn’t turn on despite attempting a hard reset (home & sleep/wake buttons). The screen would remain dead while connected to my computer. Nothing would work. The Apple Store replaced my iPhone today with barely any questions asked. This replacement 3GS came out of the box with 3.0. Now I can’t fully restore my iPhone unless I update to 3.1. I’m gonna sit her and count my chest hairs until I can make up my mind on whether or not to upgrade to 3.1 again.

  7. Brandon says:


    Yes. My phone completely freezes the minute the phone goes into auto-lock or I use the lock button. The only way to use the phone again is to restart the phone (which takes 2 – 3 minutes at a time!) This is most frustrating and irritating. It’s made the phone completely unusable right now!

    For the record, I run a iPhone 3G, upgraded to 3.1 — attempted to downgrade to 3.0 and 3.0.1. without much success. This device has just become trash – Apple keeping mum about it is making me lose all loyalty towards Apple.

    If ANYONE has any fixes for this, please please please POST IT!

  8. JD says:

    I *was* having these problems but I seemed to have fixed them.

    Try the following:
    * Power off the iPhone as normal
    * Remove the SIM card
    * Power on the iPhone
    * Use the phone (unlock it, faff about for a bit with it saying ‘No SIM’)
    * Power off the iPhone as normal
    * Re-insert the SIM
    * Power on the iPhone
    * See what happens.

    Hope this helps people – it’s working really smoothly for me since I did this.

  9. Well thank god for this forum. I downloaded Iphone update 3.1 the other day and immediately my phone shut down an hour afterwards. I couldn’t even reboot it until I actually had to administer a complete recovery of the OS. Not only that but once it started working again I have issues with native programs like the Google maps feature; it completely freezes, and it super slow in responding to inputs. Wasn’t 3.1 supposed to solve and not create issues? It’s making my iphone act like a piece of junk. What can I do to stop this. what I want to do is go back to 3.0, since I have not encountered any of these issues until downloading 3.1 (what I call the 3.1 Virus update)

  10. Brett Homer says:

    Since upgrading to 3.1 my 8GB 3G has issues waking up from standby. You can either wait 5 minutes for it to recover and wake up or you have to do a reset. Whatever is causing it to freeze up is also draining the battery. This is happening 4+ times a day!

  11. bob says:

    Since updating to 3.1 my iphone 3G battery dies quickly. I have restored the phone twice but no luck. Prior to the update I could leave the phone fully charged at the end of the day and in the morning it would still have a full charge. With 3.1 it drains overnight, even in sleep mode.

  12. JP boutros says:

    Since 3.1 my iPhone has been freezing and rebooting when toggling between 3g and edge. It seizes and can’t find a carrier. My phone has never been jailbroken, either.

    Pretty crappy for an Apple product. Steve Jobs, I’m sure you’ll get this corrected, pronto.

  13. Blubarb says:

    Mail just quits (randomly) back to home screen and any mail deleted is restored back. Very frustrating. All since upgrade. I don’t know what to do…

  14. I was having a serious slowdown problem with my 3Gs after 3.1 so I made an appointment with a Genius. Before I could get there my iPhone completely discharged & went dead. When I recharged it & turned it back on I was not having any problems. So far it is working OK, but I’m still going to talk the a Genius. Best of luck all.

  15. P says:

    I have the black 3G with 8GB. After the update a couple of times a day I find it frozen, screen does not light up when I press any buttons, and it is warm. Yes the iPhone is warm. If you call it the call goes to voicemail and the iPhone does not ring. The only way to bring it back to life is to hold both buttons for 10 seconds, and it restarts. VERY ANNOYING!

  16. Frank Finnegan says:

    My iPhone 3G with the 3.1 update freezes at the swipe screen two or three times a day, and refuses to turn on about twice a day. The only way to fix the problem is to reboot the thing. Reminds me of my M$ Windows days.

    I’m tiring of this very quickly.

  17. Ray Negron says:

    I have an iPhone 3G 16GB (AT&T). Installed 3.1, and am getting intermitent screen freezes, Can be running ANY APP screen jsut freezes. Sometimes after a few moments to starts to work again… but ususally requires me to soft boot …but problem always returns

  18. Joe says:

    3D’s suggestion on September 18 above worked for me. My phone was stuck trying to reboot after installing 3.1 but shutting it down and taking the sim card out, etc. as described by 3D worked. Thanks 3D!

  19. GK says:

    After upgrading 3G hardware to 3.1 from 3.0.1 I am seeing the same problems as others i.e.; random restarts, failure to dial out, strange battery discharge, blank screen.

    Was able to downgrade to 3.0.1 and the phone is usable again and battery life is back to normal.

  20. Ed says:

    I tried to install 3.1 on my 3G from computer #1 and it managed to erase the OS, but not put anything on so that all I could get was the screen telling me to connect the iPhone to iTunes. After 5 or 7 attempts on computer #1 (PC) moved to computer #2 (PC – Laptop). Was able to get the iPhone to connect to computer #2 and let the computer and phone attempt to install 3.1 on the phone. Ran for 7 hours without progress. Tried 5 more times on computer #2. Moved to computer #3 (Mac laptop). Worked fine.

    Rebooted phone and was unable to make or receive calls from the iPhone, which really does sort-of defeat the purpose of a cell phone. Finally called Apple support and was directed to reset the network settings and that seems to have fixed the problem.

    This is the first time I have had issues in upgrading the phone to a new software update. Seems perhaps it was rushed out the door?

  21. Chris says:

    Have iPhone 3g, since installing 3.1 it locks up several times a day, and I have to completely turn off and restart the phone. I am VERY eager to have a solution. Apple? Are you there?

  22. JEH says:

    Since upgrading my 3G to 3.1 I have had similar problems to others with the phone not unlocking. I can repeat the problem 100% – if I mute the phone in the dark it should vibrate but it doesn’t and then I can’t unlock it and it needs a home+standby button reset. but there are other times when it just refuses to work properly and I wish I could downgrade to 3.01 but iTunes refuses to cooperate. This looks bad for Apple.

  23. John Cobb says:

    I have an iphone 3g that was upgraded to 3.1 the day it was available. Ever since the update I have had random freezes that render my iphone unusable until a hard reset it performed. It only happens when my phone is locked. The next time I go to unlock it the screen will stay black. It doesn’t seem to be shutting down as it does not start up using only the lock button as it would if the phone was just powered off.

    Also, several times it has been plugged in for hours and when unplugged the phone gives a 20% remaining alarm and the battery indicator stays low and red. However, after I power the phone off and back on the battery indicator reads full.

    I am an engineer for a television network and depend on my phone to field support calls and receive email.

    I would expect these issues from any other company, but not Apple. I am only willing to pay the price for Apple products because I am used to the quality and dependability that comes with that high price tag. I was about to upgrade to the iphone 3GS but am now wondering if I would be better off going to a Blackberry.

  24. Will says:

    Within hours of updating to 3.1 my iPhone 3G freezes upon locking. This has happened nearly a dozen times in a 24 hour period. The only thing that revives the phone is a hard reboot. The frustration is mounting.

  25. TonyStark1914 says:

    JD who posted this above – it seems to be working:

    Try the following: * Power off the iPhone as normal * Remove the SIM card * Power on the iPhone * Use the phone (unlock it, faff about for a bit with it saying ‘No SIM’) * Power off the iPhone as normal * Re-insert the SIM * Power on the iPhone * See what happens.

    I did the above as stated and so far i have let me phone go to “sleep” with an app running 3 times and it has not locked up!!

    Thanks JD!

  26. John R says:

    PURE GARBAGE!! What once was a phenomonial device is now a barely usuable piece of CRAP!!! I WAS a former apple fan, no longer. NOW IT RESPONDS LIKE A MOBILE WINDOWS DEVICE! PURE GARBAGE!!!! I’ll happily trade back MMS for a fully functioning iPhone. Give back 3.0.1

  27. Upset Iphone User says:

    I and my wife are having same issues. She has 3GS I 3g. Since downloading upgrade, numerous freeze ups, not being able to call out or receive calls. Letting everyone know here, if I can not call out in an emergency, I will be suing APPLE. Lets start a class action suit!!

  28. Bobby says:

    I have a 16GB 3G iphone and have had continued random freezes since installing 3.1 This version is the worst. My iphone is so unreliable now. I miss so many calls due to it being frozen. Apple must fix this asap or start to see us go to other smartphones.

  29. Q7M6 says:

    After a clean 3.1 install, my iPhone 3G has been problem free for 24 hours (default setting and no personal data), the problem is I need to bring previous data to my phone, should I do a back up?

  30. Tyler says:

    I have same problem as most. brand new phone about a month or 2 old. first 3g bricked. this one was good till the 25th when i updated to 3.1 and got the new carrier settings. now about 2-3 times a day depending on usage my phone randomly freezes goes into a black screen and wont come out for at least 5 minutes or sooner if i reset it. very annoying since sometimes if it happens at the wrong time.

  31. Ray B says:

    I thought it was due to some of the apps I have (all Apple) so have removed them from my phone. So I dont have access to goods that I have purchased in faith and a phone that is completely useless. GET IT SORTED APPLE. Am having to use an old LG which still works PERFECTLY.

  32. Q7M6 says:

    I had to restore the iPhone again, after installing some applications and also with the bluetooth on. I have left the bluetooth off and no applications and no problems for 24 hours, will post again in 24 hours. Later on this week will restart adding my applications and see.

  33. Derek says:

    I have a 32gb iPhone 3GS and have been experiencing the random power offs since updating to 3.1.

    During the day it powers off randomly and at night I use it in a dock as a bedside clock with one of the alarm apps which ends up being useless as the phone powers down randomly and the alarms don’t go off, had to resort to the built in alarm which is not good!

  34. Q7M6 says:

    I did not have a problem, until last PM when I turned the WiFi on and iPhone started acting up again, bluetooth was on for 24 h (wifi off) and no problem. I have turned wifi off and will see.
    Is anybody aware of wifi/bluetooth problems?.

  35. Q7M6 says:

    If you are having problems may try to turn the wifi off, for the last 24 hours I have not had the problem since I turned the wifi off, not sure if it is the wifi itself or wifi/bluetooth conflict, I prefer the bluetooth for car handsfree and have not tried the iPhone with wifi on and bluetooth off.
    Feedback would be appreciated
    Good luck

  36. Marco says:

    My iPhone 3gs 16gb has had problems since I recieved it. It just randomly freezes for about a short while and I’d have to press the lock button and then slide to unlock. Sometimes I’d have to press the lock button multiple times to slide to unlock. Also, its just my screen not reacting to touch, because pressing the home, lock and volume buttons just works. Does anyone know about a solution or have any advise for (iphone froze here, while typing, twice) me? I’d really appreciate it.

  37. Carol Adams says:

    I updated tonight and what a big mistake that was.
    None of my apps work, they immediately close down.
    I am ready to throw the thing out the window, and go back to verizon.

  38. Jim Gordon says:

    i got a 3gs 16 gig last month and have had multiple problems. freezes, screen wigging out, kicking me out of apps and offline… i was told by apple to do a hard boot, which didn’t work, then restore from back-up, which didn’t work, and restore as new, after which my phone won’t even turn on. i sent it in and they said there was debris in the connection ports and sent it back still broken. tomorrow i drive 70 miles to trade it in for a refurb, as the apple operator told me to do. wish me luck…

  39. pamela Torres says:

    Oh my Gosh…sound like i should done much more research with my choice. I’m experiencing the issues with my new purchase. I hope Walmart will replace this Iphone without added frustration. Think I’m going back to a Blackberry….

  40. tom says:

    i’ve had my iphone 3gs (32gb) since july 2009, and it’s on firmware 3.1.3, with few, if any, serious issues. the ones thta i have identified include:

    1) the screen gets dirty (i have a screen protector on it, plus a rubber case), and the digitizer goes flakey. cleaning the screen works miracles.

    2) things can get really slow (typing takes several seconds to have any effect). i find that powering down and restarting the phone makes the problem go away, but takes longer than just waiting a few seconds. the problem occurs infrequently, and i haven’t been able to pin down what’s causing it.

    3) the phone drops calls and is unable to find the data network. this happens most frequently in the same location (a certain hospital room), so i’m certain it’s a flakey (or overloaded) cell, or interference, rather than my phone. when it works i get a good signal (80-100%), but then it just disappears. restarting the phone, in the same location, usually restores a good (80-100%) signal, and 3g data.

    “your actual mileage may vary”

  41. Kkk says:

    Good day,
    I have iphone 4 & I am sick of it, There is a problem in my device. I always have a repeated freeze on my device maybe 3 times a day. I tried all methods to fix this problem but could not solve the problem. I tried resetting my iphone,setting it as a new iphone but all did not work. I am stuck.
    Could anybody help me pleeeease?

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