
Samsung Instinct HD September 17 release date launch

Ranking extremely high is the long rumoured Samsung Instinct HD shame its not run on Android.

It however, need mentioning if only to make room for the Samsung InstinctQ, getting it released is a good place to start, and apparently PhoneDog has it on very good authority that we can expect to see it on or around the 27th of this month.

The price is expected to be between $99 and $149 we presume on contract after rebate. It has a 5 megapixel camera and a nice huge touchscreen, but with a wide variety of smartphones available for around the $99 price mark and not forgetting the Hero just lurking round the corner, it will be very interesting to see just how this fares in the Sprint stores.for more information visit engadgetmobile.co.uk


One thought on “Samsung Instinct HD September 17 release date launch”

  1. Smoother interface than orig Instinct. 5MP camera/HD camcorder! Redesign is great. Accelerometer! Wi-Fi connectivity! 4GB microSD card included! Basically most of the features that the iPhone has, but better. AND on a much better network that AT&T.

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