
T-Mobile Announcement: Microsoft giving $100 Gift Card For Sidekick Loss Data

T-Mobile and Microsoft have stated that recovery of some of the lost data may actually be recoverable, in a joint statement.

They claim to have made some significant progress in restoring services to customers and that some of the lost data including contacts, photo’s, notes and saved emails may be recoverable. They also ensure that they will keep us updated with progress as and when it develops.

The two companies T-Mobile and Microsoft are said to be working around the clock in a desperate bid to resolve this issue but they are continuing to assure us that they are very hopeful to be able to restore data for the majority of their customers. Compensation is to be given to those who have been unfortunate in recovering their lost data. Source- informationweek.com


One thought on “T-Mobile Announcement: Microsoft giving $100 Gift Card For Sidekick Loss Data”

  1. Ted D. says:

    This is a slap in the face to sidekick users. I have been with Tmobile for around 10 years, since they were aerial and voicestream. I lost over 250 business contacts, leads, and friends from college. Them giving me a $100 gift card to spend on them, the people who are responsible for the loss of my data to begin with, is laughable. I am attempting to organize a class-action suit to have justice done. If any sidekick users want to get on board, contact the following class-action firms and tell them your story. I am sure they will be jumping at the chance to take on tmobile and microsoft.


    I was banned from the tmobile forums for posting this information. Thanks for caring so much about your customers Tmobile!

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