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Nokia Sues Apple over iPhone GSM UMTS infringements

Looks like the big boys are getting into the legal ring to battle it out as Nokia sues Apple over ten patents, which Nokia claims the iPhone violates according to an article over on nytimes.

The iconic king of smartphones uses industry standards, GSM and UMTS which Nokia developed along with a consortium of world telecommunications companies, and Nokia claims they have constantly asked Apple to licence said patents, and claims that Apple has refused.

Nokia VP for legal and intellectual property, Ilkka Rahnasto, said, “By refusing to agree appropriate terms for Nokia’s intellectual property, Apple is attempting to get a free ride on the back of Nokia’s innovation.”

An Apple spokesperson has stated that Apple does not comment on pending litigation. So, looks like a big battle is brewing between these two giants of the mobile phone arena, and we’ll be keeping an eye in the progress.

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