Motorola Droid up for presale at Best Buy with instant rebate
If you are eager to grab the new Verizon Motorola Droid you can now slap you name down on one as Best Buy is now taking presale on the new Android OS 2.0 Droid reports pcworld.
Whether the Motorola Droid will cause any harm to the power of the iPhone remains to be seen, but Droid has certainly garnered much interest and Best Buy is looking to cash in on Droid frenzy by allowing potential Droiders to reserve their Droid without any upfront layout.
Furthermore, when you purchase your Motorola Droid from best Buy you avoid the mail in rebate option as Best Buy give an instant $100 saving meaning you only fork out $199.99 on the 6th of November.
2 thoughts on “Motorola Droid up for presale at Best Buy with instant rebate”
I take excetion to your article which says that Best Buy does not require a deposit on a new Droid. I tried to get on the pre-sale list but they required that I buy a $50.00 gift certificate which they would apply to the phone purchase price.
And they will be selling the Droids ‘first come – first served’ regardless of the “pre-sale list”.
Paul deBruyn spoke with Best Buy representative and they said if you purchased a 50$ GCard you would be GUARUNTEED a Motorola DROID.. make sure you check your contacts at Best Buy. I used to work there ..