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Motorola Droid Hype: Android app restriction

Verizon has worked hard to get the new Android 2.0 packing Motorola Droid smartphone tagged as the new “iPhone killer” and has showered the device with hype which has led to the Motorola Droid shifting some 100,000 handsets in the first weekend of launch.

However, according to iphone help, what all that hype doesn’t say is that this supposed new iPhone killer doesn’t actually take full advantage of the thousands of Android applications available on the Android Market, the reason being application installation is restricted by a measly 256MB of memory.

In the past, many supposed iPhone killer handsets have quickly fallen by the wayside due to the lack of a substantial iTunes App Store competitor, and the Motorola Droid only allowing 256MB of internal applications storage space just doesn’t cut the mustard.

Furthermore, as Android doesn’t have the ability to support application installations on an SD card, Motorola Droid owners are stuck with that pitiful 256MB for apps, compared to the iPhone which packs a nice large 7GB of application space minimum.

The Motorola Droid’s GPU, a PowerVR SGX 530 is similar to that of the iPhone 3GS yet with no proper application storage capability it seems quite a waste and one that will make sure the Motorola Droid isn’t an iPhone Killer.

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