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RIM and Motorola Sued by Klausner over Visual Voicemail Patents

It would appear that a couple of lawsuits have been filed by Klausner Technologies over infringement of their visual voicemail patents, with an article on businesswire stating Klausner is suing BlackBerry maker Research In Motion.

But it doesn’t stop there because businesswire also has an article stating Klausner is doing the same with Motorola. The lawsuits are apparently over infringement of their visual voicemail patens in the RIM BlackBerry Bold 9700 and the Motorola CLIQ handset.

Although Klausner has not stipulated what type of damages they are looking for, nor do they say just how the BlackBerry Bold 900 and Motorola CLIQ infringe on said patents, although apparently several BlackBerry handset and Motorola handsets are already covered by licenses.

Kalusner Technologies has in the past gone down the same route with Verizon, Google, Apple and LG and if their track record is anything to go by, they will probably settle with Motorola and RIM before things go too far.

Image via eyeoverheard

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