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iPhone 3GS Number 1, Verizon Touch Pro2 Number 2

Actually it’s not a really surprising result to this Consumer Reports survey which surveyed 50,000 readers on which carrier offered the best service and which was the best mobile phone this year as reported over on pocket now.

You just have to glance at numerous blogs about US networks to see that Verizon delivers the best service, and well as for the iPhone 3GS coming in at number one handset, that too was to be expected.

It’s a bit of a smack in the eye for Verizon though as their HTC Touch Pro 2 smartphone only managed to grab second place, which could lead to the assumption that maybe it’s time both these two got married to give the consumer the best service and best smartphone available.

There has been much chatter about the iPhone coming to Verizon, but a new rumour has T-Mobile entering the mix which you can read (here). But if Verizon wants to be the number one network for service and have the number one smartphone maybe it’s time for Verizon to do some Apple ass kissing and stop the iPhone and AT&T snipes.

What do you think, agree, disagree? Drop us a comment with your thoughts.

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