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Less smartphones in 2010 for Nokia

It has been announced by Nokia that they intend to cut back on it’s range of smartphone models next year. They have spotted their lead in the market start to decline and rivals Apple and RIM (Research In Motion) continue to make good ground.

According to Jo Harlow, the new chief of Nokia’s smartphone unit, the companies portfolio of smartphones would be reduced by 50%. The competition has been fierce in the market, she feels though that Nokia can go on the offensive rather than simply defend its position.

Harlow, also claims that they have the ability to drive new services and content to the mass market, their distribution network is in over 100 countries across 250 operators in 70 languages.

Newly appointed to the role in October straight after Nokia reported that their smartphone market had fallen to 35% in the quarter ending in September. Speaking alongside Harlow was Antti Vasara, head of smartphone research and development at Nokia, who said that deceasing number of smartphones would allow Nokia to concentrate on putting more efforts into fewer products. Source –

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