So the much anticipated Google Phone is now on the horizon as the Nexus One, and along with word of such a handset comes the inevitable super hype to convince everyone this is a phone made in heaven, the be-all and end-all of Android smartphones and will more than likely be tagged with that familiar “iPhone killer” mark.
However according to an article over on the Atlantic Wire, one shouldn’t simply believe all the associated hype with the Google Nexus One handset, and to support their claim they have come up with four reasons why the Nexus One is overrated.
The first point comes via mashable, who state that the Nexus One isn’t Google Hardware, it’s basically Google’s Android software on someone else’s hardware, pretty much like any other Android based handset then.
Then there is the pricing to consider, because if the Nexus One is the Google Phone then it will more than likely not be subsidised and probably unaffordable by most and command a price tag in the region of between $400 and $600 according to gigaom.
Then there’s the self-destructive syndrome as CNN money says if Google attempts to offer the Nexus One below cost, they could end up facing a 21st Century version of the Microsoft anti-trust trials and begin a slow decline.
The fourth reason put forward is what they call dishonest coverage as a report by technovia actually slams tech bloggers for hyping the Nexus One and letting “facts get in the way of page views.” Technovia also claims that through their enthusiasm and rush to get an exciting post out, they simply haven’t thought about what they were writing.
So there it is the 4 reasons why you shouldn’t believe all the hype over the Nexus One, but then isn’t their always the same sort of hype allotted to other smartphones when they first appear? So what do you believe?