Palm is to host CES 2010 on the 7th of January 2010 at the San Palo Ballroom at the Venetian Hotel and is by invitation only and needs to be RSVP’d before the 23rd of December reports an article over on i4u.
Last year’s CES saw Palm announce their Palm Pre with much gusto and expectation, but what can Palm pull out of the hat this time round? As with the iPhone to contend with and now the upcoming Nexus One surely Palm needs to pull out something big and attention grabbing.
For all intents and purposes the Palm Pre and Palm Pixi is old news and any updates to the two smartphones simply won’t be big enough to pull attention away from the likes of the iPhone, Nexus One and Droid handsets.
Simply put, Palm needs to announce a new hotter smartphone to keep them in this ever changing mobile phone game, anything else will probably see Palm slide pack to days of old before the Palm Pre and webOS. So what is your view, does Palm need a hotter smartphone?