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UI and iPhone special treatment in tech demo

OnLive has already done some live demonstrations of it’s cloud gaming service as we all know, but it doesn’t hurt to get another in depth look.

This is a really comprehensive video that lasts 48 minutes on that subject. In a recent presentation at Columbia University Chief Executive Officer Steve Perlman goes over the very nitty gritty bits and pieces for you.

It shows how the game streaming works, the OnLive user interface, an inevitable Crysis Wars Demo, Brag Clips and of course not forgetting the iPhone app. Cellphone integration is currently still limited to primarily spectating and social networking functions.

Both Macs and Pc’s get gaming via a 1MB browser plug-in or you can if you wish grab the micro console streaming box for your television set. It has been suggested by Steve that this may be given away free with OnLive subscriptions. Have a watch of the video. Source –

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